My Super Estate

Chapter 216 The situation is grim

Chapter 224 Severe Situation

The car drove straight in and drove directly to a heavily guarded building.

Two left and right, four lined up guards.

Cars must pass strict inspection before they can enter.

It can be seen that this is a very important opportunity.

"Boy, I'm really sorry. This is the Dragon Group Shendu base, which has too many secrets and has to be investigated."

Afraid of Wang Yang’s discomfort and emotions, Wu Xiaobing quickly explained.

Wang Yang shook his head and said: "It's okay. In a similar situation, I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but there is also a lot of Wei Wen."

Wang Yang said nothing.

Seeing this, Wu Xiaobing was relieved.

This is a huge work park, with office buildings, like rows of guards, guarding the gods closely.

Finally, the car drove to a building.

In front of the building, there is a small pool with fountains, rockery, and green lotus flowers. The car must pass by half a circle to pass.

The car hasn't stopped yet. From the front of the building, a group of people quickly ushered in. The headed person is an elderly man in Tang suit.

Upon seeing this, Wu Xiaobing did not dare to neglect and quickly got out of the car and came to the old man in Tang suit to stand upright and salute.

"Report to Comrade General Instructor, General Wu Xiaobing will return to order."

It turned out that the old man in Tang suit was the chief instructor of the Dragon group, Li Tangxing.

Li Tangxing glanced at Wu Xiaobing with satisfaction, nodded, and smiled with appreciation: "Okay, you have done a very good job this time."

When Wang Yang got off the bus, he saw the scene before him.

Looking up at the old man in Tang suit.

A white hair, a bright face, a Tang suit, a robe on the floor.

If you don't look at that white hair, no one believes that this person is an old man.

In fact, he is an old man, a man of great skill, retired, Wang Yang also saw this scene in the old Wu family.

"You are Wang Yang, King Cucumber?"

Affirming Wu Xiaobing, Li Tangxing turned around and looked at the figure he had seen in the photo.

"Report to Comrade General Instructor, Wang Yang came to report."

Wang Yang salutes as standard.

"Okay, okay!"

Li Tangxing laughed.

"Go, when you come, I will feel at ease. If you come, I will feel at ease!"

Important words, say it twice.

It can be seen how high Wang Yang is in Li Tangxing's mind.

"By the way, we all know your previous behavior in the two places, and I want to thank you on behalf of our dragon team.

Thank you!~"

With that said, earnestly salute Wang Yang and sincerely thank you.

"Well, how does this make it?"

In Wang Yang's mouth, in this way, in action, there was no first time to stop it.

The Long group is responsible for monitoring the world. Last time, the Guangdong and Guangxi provinces made such a big mistake that caused tens of thousands of people to be poisoned and killed. As the chief instructor, Li Tangxing had to do it.

"The Chief Instructor's gift, I represent the people of Guangdong and Guangxi, and I have accepted it. Please hurry up."

"it is good."

Li Tangxing also understood what Wang Yang meant.

He was even more happy in his heart.

This is the headquarters of the Dragon Group Shendu, which gathers the top talents in the country.

By this time, Wang Yang had been taken to a hall by them.

I saw that there were two rows of staff in the hall. They were busy all the time. Li Tangxing came in and no one looked up.

They are all top talents in meteorology.

On the front of the hall, there is a wall-mounted screen. Obviously, it is a celestial satellite map in the northwest direction.

"Look, according to our meteorological satellites, in the northwestern part of the country, there is an abnormal stream of air converging.

You see, this is the weather in Northwest China. In previous years, it should be hot and dry.

However, I don't know the reason. Here, a lot of water vapor accumulates. Once it loses control, it is very likely that a stronger tornado will form."

Pulling Wang Yang, Li Tangxing began to introduce.

"This is a large area of ​​Gobi, which is a division of grassland and desert.

Once a super strong tornado has formed here, it is very likely that a super strong sandstorm will form, completely covering this piece of land thousands of miles away with desert."

It is said that Wang Yang is also tight in his heart.

He knew that once the land was covered by desert, it would be difficult to restore it again.

"What does the instructor need me to do?"

Natural disasters such as tornadoes are useless even if they are willing to take action.

"We need you to build a protective forest here."

Li Tangxing stared at Wang Yang and said, "We have done a lot of research on your Wannian Pine before. We found that if you want to build an effective protective forest here, only your Wannian Pine will be So magical."

After hearing this, Wang Yang nodded.

Wannian pine inherited the gene of grass, and its huge vitality can make it become a forest in three to five days.



"Yes, this one is really difficult.

Earlier, I told Major General Wu Xiaobing that the genes of Wannian Song were from grass, and it was very easy to transplant.

However, in order to activate the grass gene in the pine tree, it must have a large amount of active energy."

In this regard, Wang Yang absolutely did not tell the truth.

The former Ziyang Spirit Liquid, now the earth bronze god blood, basically have this kind of magic effect.

However, whether it is Ziyang Spirit Liquid or Bronze God Blood, it needs a lot of faith Spirit Liquid as the basis.

"Just the spiritual fluid of faith you need?"

"Yes, in Yu Qi Yu, I got an ancient heritage.

In this ancient heritage, when practicing, a magical spirit fluid will naturally be born in the body.

However, this kind of magical spirit fluid must have a large amount of faith spirit fluid in order to practice successfully."

After obtaining a lot of spiritual fluids of faith, Wang Yang will definitely practice the first time, at this time, he needs to make it clear.

After hearing this, Li Tangxing looked at Wang Yang strangely.

"This question, you don't have to say it.

You should know that this magical inheritance is such a magical inheritance that it is easy to arouse the devil in everyone's heart."

Wang Yang nodded and said, "I know.

Only, I feel that I need to say it.

Besides, this inheritance, I still feel very strange, so I hope someone will solve the mystery of happiness."

He will never forget what he saw in his dream when he was inherited.

The huge purple sun suddenly exploded, exploding the whole fairyland into ruins.

If he doesn't want to be that ruin, he must ask for answers by himself.

Obviously, he naturally does not have this ability.

"Besides, this heritage is focused on building foundations. Without foundations, even if they are obtained, they are useless."

In fact, Wang Yang is also obscurely reminding that the magical inheritance, for now, only he can practice alone.

"Okay, since you made everything public, let me know the next question.

How much faith spirit you need, I will give you tomorrow."

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