My Super Estate

Question 2163

Chapter 275 Attack

Blood Moon City.

This is the city closest to the Demon Clan.

It is a horn with the Black Moon Magic City, and it fights against the Demon God City, and there are wars.

Suddenly, there was a terrible scream in the Blood Moon City.


It sounds like ghosts and gods. Although it is just a voice, it contains an irresistible divine power. For a time, the entire Blood Moon City was in chaos.


Suddenly, from the city's main palace, a command of alert came, and the entire Blood Moon Demon City was in operation.

"Blood Dragon, how is the City Lord?"

One by one, all the powers of the Demon Race are surging, and the Blood Dragon Demon Lord has the strongest strength and is the first to arrive.

"Before, the City Lord sneaked into the Devil City and wanted to wait for the opportunity, but no one could think of it. In the City of Devil City, an extremely powerful person who didn't know where to appear was just a blow, which directly hurt the City Lord. "


As a demon, it is too sensitive to the sense of crisis.

The blood moon demon city had just had a big battle with that devil city, and suffered a big loss. The existence of the devil like a devil, directly damaged five or six statues.

Among them, there are three others who were killed by the same person.

"That's the case. What should we do if the Demon City strikes?"

It had already damaged the four or five powers. Now, even the blood moon domain master is seriously injured. Once the devil city is attacked, what will the blood moon city use to resist?

"Can't control that much, we must send a distress signal towards the Dark Moon Demon City.

Otherwise, our blood dragon demon city will be broken!"

Once the blood dragon demon city is broken, then they are lonely spirits and ghosts, even if they enter other cities, the effect of cultivation is greatly discounted, and even a very large fee will be charged, otherwise, it is even a housing , It is impossible to have.

In other words, this blood moon demon city is the foundation of everyone. Once the blood moon demon city is broken, all of them will be confused in the future.

"I'm afraid, the Dark Moon Magic City will not come to aid!"

The same is the Devil, and they will not attack each other easily.

Such a thing is not only without a little benefit, but also suppressed by the demons' luck.

However, the rescue work will not happen easily, because everyone knows that the shot means that there is a loss.

Every magic city has its own enemies. Who dares to lose their strength easily?

"Don't be afraid, our blood moon demon city is attacked, then, inside the devil city, it will be empty.

People in the Dark Moon Magic City will not have fools, they know how to do it."

"Okay, then, I'm going to ask for help now!"

As long as the Black Moon Magic City takes action, then it represents a force, and it is a pressure to cut the Magic City.

The Dark Moon Magic City, since 100,000 years ago, destroyed more than 100 demon masters in World War I, and even directly entered by the human race while occupying more than 100 worlds, the whole magic city was silent.

Today, the Dark Moon Magic City is lively.

"Everyone, the Blood Moon Demon City has just come to ask for help, saying that it is to cut the Magic City out of the nest and exterminate the whole Blood Moon Demon City.

What do you think?"

Lord Black Moon, high up, looking down under his own.

The Black Moon Magic City, a total of 98,000 worlds, represents 98,000 devil masters.

However, in the Black Moon Hall today, there are only 97,000 demon lords, and the remaining one thousand devil lords are all in the black moon star field.

Because, there are one hundred large and thousands of worlds in the Black Moon Star Field. His mother, wholly occupied by the human race, must leave a lot of power to stay in the Black Moon Star Field. Otherwise, once they are moved, then the entire Black The Moon Star Territory is very likely to have a riot immediately.

"Kill the Magic City?

Are they again?Kill them!!"

As a Demon Race, it was suppressed by the Human Race. The whole Dark Moon Devil City had already been lit by a fire in his heart.

"Yes, the strength of Blood Moon City is not weaker than us.

He did not come back to the four great kings of the magic city. Where did the confidence come from, even dare to destroy the blood moon magic city?

As long as they dare to move, then, we will kill the Demon City and destroy the entire Demon City."

"it is good!

So, let's prepare!"

This is the Mozu, acting neatly.

The blood moon demon city should be prepared, all are ready, but, under the absolute power, the whole blood moon demon city has no ability to resist.

Under the attack of the Demon Slayer, there is only one Blood Dragon Demon Lord in the entire Blood Moon Demon City.Even the Lord of Blood Moon Domain ignored the body of his own devastation. Blood waves rolled all over his body, and blood holes flowed out endlessly, and it was impossible to stop it.

Under such circumstances, in the face of the Demon Slayer, there can be no resistance at all.

"Ah, Lord of the Devil Domain, if you don't go back, you will be destroyed by the Black Moon Devil City!"

On the front face, the Lord of the Demon Sovereign Demon Slashed, the Lord of the Blood Moon Really felt the breath of death and screamed loudly.


It’s not too late to kill you!"

The Lord of the Demon Slayer laughed and stared at the Blood Moon Demon City and the Blood Dragon Demon Master, and they were not allowed to leave.

Although, as long as he is only staring at one, then he can kill any one more quickly.

However, the strength of the two of them is too strong, and they can't be beaten by anyone except Wang Yang.

If they break away from their war zone, then they are a big killer, and they will definitely lose a lot in the whole city.

"Unfortunately, Brother Wang Yang did not come."

However, without Wang Yang, other people can also support it, as long as these two are beheaded, then this battle is a perfect stop.

What's more, his team is much stronger than the Blood Moon Demon City, and it already has an absolute advantage.

In fact, the powerful man who cuts the magic city is indeed much stronger than the blood moon magic city.

Before, everyone fought a battle. At that time, Wang Yang was born and showed great power, directly killing the three demon masters.

Even two or three demon lords explode, directly leaving six devil lords free.

What's more, at that time, as many as thirty or so demon masters, all of which burned their roots, even if it has been so long, they have not recovered.

They are different, they have Wang Yang shot, most of them have recovered, and their strength is much stronger.

Therefore, without the help of the Demon City, the strong man in the Devil City still has an absolute advantage, and this advantage, when the strong men in the Devil City are not afraid of consumption and burn their roots, then this advantage Is even more obvious.

Therefore, less than half an hour after the battle, the devil was successively directly killed.

Over time, this advantage will inevitably become more significant.

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