My Super Estate

2167 Victory, huge merit reward

Chapter 279 Victory, huge merit award

The tide transformed by the Black Moon Territory was directly a rolling overturn. Then, the Black Dragon King was directly in a semi-coma state, and he was seriously injured, causing him to fall to the ground. Although he still has consciousness, his body is constantly The ground is aggravated, and even the most basic ability to get up is not available.

Just in the ears, there were continuous screams.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

This scream, he was very sure, this is the voice of the demon.

This is a psychological feeling. The voice of the Devil is always more than a terrible gloomy atmosphere. As long as people listen to it, there is always a feeling in their hearts, that is, they are always above their hearts. A shadow.

In fact, this feeling is also among mortals. For example, the eunuchs in the court, when they talked, there was a feeling of goose bumps.

Even, or the kind of people who haven't seen the sun all the year round, when they saw it, there was always a feeling of hell.

As for martial arts, as the cultivation base becomes stronger, the spiritual world is also stronger. The instinct from the mind is of course stronger.

Although he is already in a state of serious injury, the powerful perception of the Black Dragon King still clearly knows that the situation on the battlefield has now undergone a fundamental change.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Slashing all the strong men in the magic city, all killed in the blood moon magic city, this point, the black dragon god king is very certain.

So, who shot this?

"Can it be him?"

The Black Dragon King thought of someone.


One of the most screaming screams, this sound seems to be the Lord of the Black Moon.

"How is it possible?" The Black Dragon God King was frightened: "The one in the Medicine God Pavilion, the strength cannot be so terrible, absolutely impossible!!"

Although there is already an answer in my mind, only the one who is in the medicine demon pavilion has such strength in the entire Devil City, but the Black Dragon Divine King vetoed decisively and firmly could not believe that although the strength is good, but, It is simply impossible to defeat the Lord of the Black Moon.

Of course, Wang Yang did not know that outside the Demon City, there was still a consciousness at this time, relying on his own ear power, he was desperately restoring the status quo of the entire battlefield.

At this time, for Wang Yang, there are only two important things.

The Bone Snake Tree in front of us, absorbing a lot of magic blood, is already on the verge of transformation. Whether it can win the challenge depends on whether the transformation is successful this time.

Then, there is, it is this shot, beheading the endless demons, and even, it is very possible, to wipe out all the strong men of the entire Black Moon Demon City.

Although the most important credit is the cold man in front of him, it is indisputable that he used the power of the white-snake snake tree to kill all the more than 97,000 demon peers and the master of the world. fact.

Such a huge gain, then, how much merit will you get?

Before killing a demon lord, he gained a hundred merits.

This time, even if it was a half discount, that would be the merit of nearly 5 million!


I don’t know, I’m really shocked.

With a grin, a smirk hung from the corner of Wang Yang's mouth.

"Why are you happy now?"

"That is, this time the gain was too great. The entire Dark Moon Demon City, all the elites, I'm afraid, all are damaged here.

I've seen it before, I'm afraid, I have killed a total of 98,000 peerless demons.

This is nearly ten million merits.

Even if it is a loss, there are five million!

Can I not laugh at such a big harvest?"

"Haha, your harvest this time is indeed very big.

However, only if your strength is promoted again, you will find that the so-called merits will also be divided into different levels.

This most common acquired merit is 10 million, that is, it is useless to the level of the universe master."

This cold man actually smiled?

Wang Yang was almost shocked.

"Acquired merit?

Could it be that there are innate merits?"

There was a move in Wang Yang's heart, could it be that the Ziyang Divine Skill he practiced, and wanted to be promoted again, really needed that kind of innate merit?

Wang Yang clearly remembered that he hadn't had any movement for a long time since his physical battle was promoted.

Before, it was also a kind of divine art imprinted on the flesh, which was successively activated by oneself.

However, every time I want to break through, it seems that there is a strong resistance.

Could it be that this is why I cannot break through?

In the fourth celestial realm, Prussian is constantly searching for those human geniuses.

It's just that since the two Kings of God Realm were met before, other human geniuses haven't even found a shadow.

"Strange, where did they go?"

He remembered that there were six human geniuses.

The real counter-current chaos, entering the fourth heaven, such talent, as long as they are promoted again, then they will become the most powerful in the domain master.

"Isn't it, that kind of palace picture, such a powerful transmission ability?"

He still remembers that in the face of his own resistance, even if the six human race geniuses joined forces, they didn't have a bit of counterattack power, and finally relied on that kind of palace picture before escaping from his own hands.


Still pursuing the human genius, Pruss suddenly raised his head, holding the starry sky.

"how is this possible?"

Prouse cried in surprise.

The entire Black Moon Star Territory tremor, the Lord of the Black Moon Territory has actually fallen, and even the Black Moon Star Territory has more than 98,000 devil worlds. Here, all the masters have been lost, almost at the same moment, stepping into the end.

"What happened on the battlefield?

Why is this happening?"

Pruss was stunned.

Walking here by yourself, as a result, you will fall apart, or even the entire star field, directly into the destruction?

"No, you must not destroy the Black Moon Star Territory. Otherwise, my Devil's luck will be shocked, and may even fall."

Of course, Pruss didn't care about anything, and just ran quickly towards the dark moon star.

He was once defeated in the battlefield of man and demon. In the end, even his own star field was directly burned.

Otherwise, he is the devil domain master, where will there be so much time to find the trouble of a few human geniuses?

In fact, this existence, the fourth heaven, is very much.

On the battlefield of man and demon, the two races of man and demon have been fighting for many years. I don’t know how many masters of the world and masters of the star field are burning all the foundations in the war.

Finally, I had to wander in the fourth heaven to find some possible tasks, improve some of my own sources, and restore my strength.

Or, look for some opportunities, occupy one side, and start from scratch.

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