My Super Estate

Chapter 2171 Siege of the Black Moon Demon Star (2)

Chapter 803 Siege of the Black Moon Demon Star (2)

Beyond the Dark Moon Demon Star, it has been wrapped in a thick atmosphere.

This thick atmosphere is the best protective layer of the Black Moon Devil Star. It is more practical and effective than any large array.

This is a protective layer that can be formed only by the strength of the entire Black Moon Star Field.

At this time, the most elite army of the four human races was blocked by such an atmosphere, and it was difficult to move forward.

The Dragon Lord stood quietly in the starry sky, beside him stood quietly, and there were three human races with extremely extraordinary weather.

Lord of Light, Lord of Wolf, Lord of Heaven.

"You have seen it for so long, and you see what is famous?"

Finally, the Lord of Light couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "I said, those four guys are not a good stubble. In case, let them come to recognize the Lord Black Moon Devil Star, I'm afraid, all our efforts, we have to White waste."

"Hey, aren't we all blocked by this atmosphere?"

The Lord Dragon didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "One monk took water to drink, two monks carried water to drink, and three monks didn't drink.

Moreover, this is still four!

Do you think the four of them are so dedicated to the people?

Or, do you think you can give up such benefits and concentrate on others?"


Don’t blame you for not reminding you, the dog is still jumping in the wall!Will the four of them divide the work and cooperation, but it's hard to say.

Once we got in, there was nothing.

However, if, before we entered, we inherited the entire Black Moon Devil Star, I am afraid that they will really be the masters and make a Jedi comeback."

Lord Bright, a face of a Westerner, has some diametrically opposed meanings to Dragon Lord.

Looking at the two quarreling guys, the wolf master sneered and said, "I said the two, the top priority now is to break this atmosphere, not to watch you quarreling endlessly.

What a surprise, I'm afraid, we just regret it, it's too late.

The former domain owner is not absolute, no one knows, they will jump out of another one."

The emergence of Pruss has made them alert. At this time, if another one jumps out, I am afraid that no one can stand it.

"All right.

Do you think that I really eat too much and hold on!

Just now, I was observing this atmosphere, and I found that there are more than 99,000 forces in it.

However, 98,000 of these forces are already tangible and godless.

Only that nearly a thousand forces can truly be guarded."

Lord Dragon said what he had just observed, so he said.

"You mean, this atmosphere, because of the power of 98,000 demon clan, all on the battlefield of man and demon, was killed, although there is a blessing of power, but there is no strong guard?"

The wolf master stunned, then opened his eyes and said, "So, what is the original power of this black moon demon star? Does it have a defender?"

If there is no strong guard, then this is the biggest flaw, it is directly to break.

"This is what I just saw.

Nine thousand and ninety-thousand strengths, and finally, all strengths are all under the coordination of one strength to form this atmosphere together.

Moreover, this force itself has no strong guard."

This is a rare opportunity.


This atmosphere is blessed by the power of the entire Black Moon Star Field, and its terrible power is even more terrible than a single Black Moon Domain Master.

If you want to break, even if all four are top genius characters, there is no absolute certainty at this time.

However, if there are such flaws, then the problem will be simple.

Squeak... The high-pitched phoenix sounded continuously.

I saw that a generous big knife suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and the big knife hung upside down. On the knife body, there was a terrible phoenix phantom surfaced continuously. Change.

"Everyone, this is the Phoenix Nine Life Sword. It is a treasure that the deity travels to chaos in a chaotic Jedi at a great cost.

As long as we bless all of our great magical powers on this Phoenix Nine-Life Sword, this sword can perfectly integrate the great magical powers of the four of us and the most terrifying attacks."


At this time, even Wu Tiandi could not sit still.

This is really amazing!

What is the difference between genius and mediocrity?

The biggest difference is not because they are different from each other, but only because geniuses can perfectly integrate all their supernatural powers into one, and the various supernatural powers of mediocrity are great supernatural powers. The so-called fusion is already a dream. thing.

Obviously, this Phoenix Nine Life Sword is exercising the power of genius.


"Okay, today, let's try it, and look at its supernatural power!"

Behind Lord Wu Tian, ​​all kinds of terrible visions emerged.

Most of these kinds of visions have all kinds of agility and a sense of God.

Even more frightening is that among the five kinds of visions, a terrible god is stepped out.


Worthy of being a true genius of the human race, it is easy to succeed with five great supernaturalists.

"Wu Tian, ​​your strength, but nothing has grown!"

Bright God Lord smiled softly and said so.

Behind them are also unfolding all kinds of visions, also with all kinds of agility, and even with five supreme deities, stepping out of that vision.

"Huh, isn't your strength no movement?"

Looking at the six winged angels stepped out by the five statues, Emperor Wu Tian snorted, saying so.

"Hey, since you all have already shot, then the deity will not hide it."


The terrible wolf howling sounded constantly.

Ten groups of visions unfolded, and five supreme wolf gods stepped out of that vision.


Looking at Lord Wolf, Lord Bright, Lord Wu Tian one by one, they all sneered, but they didn't say much.

"it is good!"

The Dragon Lord also does not say much, just directly develops his various supernatural visions. Among the visions, there are also five magic dragons of different colors flying out.

The four geniuses are truly extraordinary.Each one has at least five magical avatars.

Such strength is indeed more powerful and terrifying than the average domain owner.

I saw that twenty magical avatars, and finally, turned into various patterns, all blessed on the Phoenix Nine Life Sword.

Suddenly, I saw that above the starry sky, the fire of the phoenix was burning wildly, rendering half of the starry sky.


The Dragon Lord held the Divine Sword and slashed out towards the Dark Moon Devil Star.


That can be called the most reliable atmosphere, under this knife, it is directly broken.

Chapter 803 Siege of the Black Moon Demon Star (2)

Beyond the Dark Moon Demon Star, it has been wrapped in a thick atmosphere.

This thick atmosphere is the best protective layer of the Black Moon Devil Star. It is more practical and effective than any large array.

This is a protective layer that can be formed only by the strength of the entire Black Moon Star Field.

At this time, the most elite army of the four human races was blocked by such an atmosphere, and it was difficult to move forward.

The Dragon Lord stood quietly in the starry sky, beside him stood quietly, and there were three human races with extremely extraordinary weather.

Lord of Light, Lord of Wolf, Lord of Heaven.

"You have seen it for so long, and you see what is famous?"

Finally, the Lord of Light couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "I said, those four guys are not a good stubble. In case, let them come to recognize the Lord Black Moon Devil Star, I'm afraid, all our efforts, we have to White waste."

"Hey, aren't we all blocked by this atmosphere?"

The Lord Dragon didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "One monk took water to drink, two monks carried water to drink, and three monks didn't drink.

Moreover, this is still four!

Do you think the four of them are so dedicated to the people?

Or, do you think you can give up such benefits and concentrate on others?"


Don’t blame you for not reminding you, the dog is still jumping in the wall!Will the four of them divide the work and cooperation, but it's hard to say.

Once we got in, there was nothing.

However, if, before we entered, we inherited the entire Black Moon Devil Star, I am afraid that they will really be the masters and make a Jedi comeback."

Lord Bright, a face of a Westerner, has some diametrically opposed meanings to Dragon Lord.

Looking at the two quarreling guys, the wolf master sneered and said, "I said the two, the top priority now is to break this atmosphere, not to watch you quarreling endlessly.

What a surprise, I'm afraid, we just regret it, it's too late.

The former domain owner is not absolute, no one knows, they will jump out of another one."

The emergence of Pruss has made them alert. At this time, if another one jumps out, I am afraid that no one can stand it.

"All right.

Do you think that I really eat too much and hold on!

Just now, I was observing this atmosphere, and I found that there are more than 99,000 forces in it.

However, 98,000 of these forces are already tangible and godless.

Only that nearly a thousand forces can truly be guarded."

Lord Dragon said what he had just observed, so he said.

"You mean, this atmosphere, because of the power of 98,000 demon clan, all on the battlefield of man and demon, was killed, although there is a blessing of power, but there is no strong guard?"

The wolf master stunned, then opened his eyes and said, "So, what is the original power of this black moon demon star? Does it have a defender?"

If there is no strong guard, then this is the biggest flaw, it is directly to break.

"This is what I just saw.

Nine thousand and ninety-thousand strengths, and finally, all strengths are all under the coordination of one strength to form this atmosphere together.

Moreover, this force itself has no strong guard."

This is a rare opportunity.


This atmosphere is blessed by the power of the entire Black Moon Star Field, and its terrible power is even more terrible than a single Black Moon Domain Master.

If you want to break, even if all four are top genius characters, there is no absolute certainty at this time.

However, if there are such flaws, then the problem will be simple.

Squeak... The high-pitched phoenix sounded continuously.

I saw that a generous big knife suddenly appeared in the starry sky, and the big knife hung upside down. On the knife body, there was a terrible phoenix phantom surfaced continuously. Change.

"Everyone, this is the Phoenix Nine Life Sword. It is a treasure that the deity travels to chaos in a chaotic Jedi at a great cost.

As long as we bless all of our great magical powers on this Phoenix Nine-Life Sword, this sword can perfectly integrate the great magical powers of the four of us and the most terrifying attacks."


At this time, even Wu Tiandi could not sit still.

This is really amazing!

What is the difference between genius and mediocrity?

The biggest difference is not because they are different from each other, but only because geniuses can perfectly integrate all their supernatural powers into one, and the various supernatural powers of mediocrity are great supernatural powers. The so-called fusion is already a dream. thing.

Obviously, this Phoenix Nine Life Sword is exercising the power of genius.


"Okay, today, let's try it, and look at its supernatural power!"

Behind Lord Wu Tian, ​​all kinds of terrible visions emerged.

Most of these kinds of visions have all kinds of agility and a sense of God.

Even more frightening is that among the five kinds of visions, a terrible god is stepped out.


Worthy of being a true genius of the human race, it is easy to succeed with five great supernaturalists.

"Wu Tian, ​​your strength, but nothing has grown!"

Bright God Lord smiled softly and said so.

Behind them are also unfolding all kinds of visions, also with all kinds of agility, and even with five supreme deities, stepping out of that vision.

"Huh, isn't your strength no movement?"

Looking at the six winged angels stepped out by the five statues, Emperor Wu Tian snorted, saying so.

"Hey, since you all have already shot, then the deity will not hide it."


The terrible wolf howling sounded constantly.

Ten groups of visions unfolded, and five supreme wolf gods stepped out of that vision.


Looking at Lord Wolf, Lord Bright, Lord Wu Tian one by one, they all sneered, but they didn't say much.

"it is good!"

The Dragon Lord also does not say much, just directly develops his various supernatural visions. Among the visions, there are also five magic dragons of different colors flying out.

The four geniuses are truly extraordinary.Each one has at least five magical avatars.

Such strength is indeed more powerful and terrifying than the average domain owner.

I saw that twenty magical avatars, and finally, turned into various patterns, all blessed on the Phoenix Nine Life Sword.

Suddenly, I saw that above the starry sky, the fire of the phoenix was burning wildly, rendering half of the starry sky.


The Dragon Lord held the Divine Sword and slashed out towards the Dark Moon Devil Star.


That can be called the most reliable atmosphere, under this knife, it is directly broken.

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