My Super Estate

Question 2183

Chapter 205 is in great trouble


The repeated vomiting of blood, even in chaos, is alarming.

What kind of place is chaos?

No one knows, only knows that chaos contains everything, and after the Supreme Heaven Realm is opened, people only know that the so-called Supreme Heaven Realm is even nine levels of chaos.

Chaos is generally the same, however, deep into the chaos, you can clearly feel that in chaos, the energy levels are different and divided into different levels. The same and different levels can be included in different levels.

The so-called heaven and earth, here, already have a new interpretation.

"No, this is the terrible existence of the Fifth Heaven!!!"

The Dragon Lord shouted in horror.

At this moment, no one is not panic. Originally, the God of Fortune (also known as the Tree of Demon God) was promoted. Strength, quickly improved.

No one thought that there would be such a change.

"What should we do now?"

At this time, even the Dragon Master was a little out of trial.

The others were already seriously injured.

Wang Yang smiled bitterly and said: "I haven't thought of such a change!

The creation of the God Tree inherently contains the way of creation, but it also has the ability to demonize.

When he was just promoted, unconsciously, its roots were plunged into the Fifth Heaven Realm and plunged into a terrible demon star field.

At this time, they are in a contest with each other."


The dragon master was dazed for a while.

The star field of the fifth heaven?

You should know that one side of the star field can determine the level according to the big thousand worlds it contains.One hundred thousand is the limit.

In the past, the Black Moon Star Zone was the top star zone. The purpose of the invasion of the Devil Star City was to promote the level of the upper star zone by destroying the entire Devil Star Zone.

In other words, the dark moon star field can only enter the fifth heaven by one step.

"How to do?"

At this time, it is meaningless to investigate, how to solve the problem is the most important thing.

"Everyone, help me.

This time, perhaps, there will be a big danger. Similarly, there may be a huge opportunity.

Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime, and I want to meet it again next time. I don't know when."

It has been a long time since I have spoken, and that terrifying Demon Race has not broken through the endless space, and it has been explained that it is not without a chance to make the God Tree.

Or at ordinary times, in the face of the upper domain master, without a strong master, there can be no resistance at all.But at this time, it was the time when the God of Creation was promoted. Perhaps, under the burst of the rule of origin, the God of Creation briefly crossed several levels.

This is not only an opportunity for everyone, but also this is Wang Yang’s own opportunity, which is usually absolutely absent.

Even, his own five-party God Realm, across a level, successfully transformed into a star field, all opportunities are here.

"What are we going to do?"

Wang Yang wants to seize the opportunity. Similarly, Dragon Master and others want to seize this opportunity.

To be a strong man, other conditions may be nothing, but courage and courage will definitely not be lacking.

Seize all opportunities to finance yourself.

This is the best way.

On the road, it will be the most realistic portrayal of all success.

Even at this time, each one is seriously injured, but as long as there is a slight chance, then they will choose to fight hard.

"There is a big formation here.

Originally, it can help the promotion of the god tree, but at this time, it was attacked by external forces. Therefore, the large formation needs the blessing of power and the suppression of the heart of the battle. In this way, the god tree can be promoted safely.

In the same way, when the god tree is promoted, that kind of creation will be fully opened.

It all depends on how much you can get in it."

"What else to say, hurry up!"

The magic sound is constant, and it is all supported by everyone.

It can be said that this is a huge trouble, even if it is the Dragon Lord and others, it is so difficult to support at this time. You are still here and there, it is simply a piece of nonsense.


The light god is full of light, with angel light and shadow behind him.

However, in the same way, the body is also sweaty.Everyone can tell that he is already struggling.

"it is good!"

Wang Yang did not dare to verbose again, and waved his hand, directly taking out a hundred drops of pale gold with purple blood.

Under the operation of Wang Yang's thoughts, 108 drops of divine blood quickly formed a large formation.

Even if it is in chaos, when the Ziyang formation is formed, it still opens up a world.

A round of purple sun, if there is nothing, it seems to be through countless voids, remotely breaking through layers of space, through layers of inconceivable obstruction, emitting a faint purple light.,


The faint sound of magic roar, as if through the space, turned into a force of terror, directly striking towards this large array.

"Everyone, get in quickly.

Otherwise, the big formation will be broken at any time!!"

Wang Yang was in a hurry, and quickly jumped into the big formation, sitting on the previous drop of purple blood.


The Dragon Master hurriedly greeted and set off towards the large formation.

"You each find a suitable location."

Lord God of Light also hurriedly greeted him, and was sitting towards his chosen location.

As more and more powerful players entered the battlefield, the entire battlefield quickly stabilized.

Even, Wang Yang can feel that the entire formation space is stable.

Even Wang Yang can feel that the God Tree of Creation is faint, with a hint of joy.

Obviously, the Ziyang formation is very helpful to the creation of the God Tree.

"Unfortunately, my cultivation performance is too bad. If it is my Ziyang Divine Skill, there will be another transformation, perhaps, I don't need someone to assist me at all!"

Wang Yang felt it clearly.

The Ziyang Divine Skill at this time is of great help to the God Tree, but this kind of help is definitely not as absolute as before.

Otherwise, you will not need help from other people.

Fortunately, here, gathered all the human powerhouses of the entire Black Moon Star Territory.

Even the Purple Thunder King, who had been lost, appeared here.


Wang Yang's mind blended into the big formation and felt the shock of the terrible magic sound. Wang Yang shouted again and again.

The terrible power, with the help of the formation, converged into an extremely terrible power, and it was directly impacted towards that power.

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