My Super Estate

Question 2186

Chapter 2008

The original source star, which is the core of a star field, seems to be a star in a galaxy. With the ruled source as the gravitation, it absorbs thousands of worlds and revolves around the source star.

Therefore, how large a star field is, depends on how high the level of the original star is.

In fact, the place where the light of the original Divine Star is shrouded is where one of the God Territories is located. Within the God Territory, the Lord of the God Territory has unlimited strength.

That is why, in the star domain, the domain master's strength can be infinitely improved.

The cohesion of the original source star is the cohesion of the original rules.This step is also the most critical issue for the Lord of the Thousand and the promotion of the Lord of the Stars.

This step is also a challenge to stop 90% of the lords. Even if they are genius characters such as dragon lords, without the help of the original rules, they will not have a 90% grasp and can directly succeed.

There is only one chance to condense the original god star. Once it fails, all the details of the world will surely be turned into nothingness, and all efforts will be made again.

"The people of the Quartet God Realm, I need the strength to wait."

In the Quartet God Realm, hundreds of millions of creatures suddenly heard the horrible sound of God.


Is this the voice of His Majesty the King??"

In the Sifang God Realm, they certainly know that their life is closely related to the God Realm, and the God King is their biggest sky.

In the realm of God, there is never a lack of competition. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This sentence is definitely not to talk about.

In fact, God Realm is thousands of times more than ordinary dust, and various competitions have never been broken.

However, for the genius characters of God Realm, it has obtained the greatest protection of God Realm.

Even many bad massacres never happen, because such evils must be punished by the King of God.

That is why all people know that they can survive peacefully, and they are all blessed by the King of God.

Therefore, the prestige of the Divine King is always the highest in God Realm.

When the voice of the Divine King sounded, all people would put down their hands at this moment, follow the Divine King's orders, and concentrate on the same.

Looking around, you can see that the entire Sifang God Realm, hundreds of millions of creatures, are all sitting cross-legged on the ground.

At this moment, no one cares what kind of environment it is, whether it is a beach, or water, or a desert like a flame, or a wind like a knife.


At this moment, no one ever cared. They just sat down cross-legged in the moment, and then they could see that there was an endless light on them, blooming vigorously, rising from the sky, and blending into the sky, Faintly, you can see the thunder rolling.

It turned out that the Thunder Celestial Realm was open, covering the entire Sifang God Realm. In the faint, you can see the endless lines, which turned into a rune with mysterious Dao rhythm, connected to each other, forming a terrible net, which blocked the whole world. , Connect everything.

All business ideas are integrated into the snare net, and this snare net contains destructive power.

This is a world of law, which has tested the world of thousands.

Heaven and earth are integrated into the world. Similarly, the world blends with heaven and earth.

The world is not the same as heaven and earth.

The heavens and the earth are the laws that envelope the world.

It can be said that when the promotion begins, the entire world will be tested by heaven and earth. The background is insufficient, and the origin is difficult to be born. All the background will definitely be burned at this moment.


Within the Sifang God Realm, a terrible thunder roar suddenly sounded.

I saw that the Sifang God Realm in the once round place, under the power of the laws and regulations of the world, slowly transformed towards the original god star.

In this process of transformation, it is the process of burning the foundation of the world.

The source star, and the source rules, are in a simultaneous transformation. This process is uninterruptible and irreversible.

Once the foundation is insufficient, the Daqian world will return to its original state, and all the foundation will be burned, and all the souls will die at this moment.

It can be said that this is a real test of life and death.

At this moment, in the entire Quartet God Realm, only Wang Yang's spirit avatar is standing still in the void.

As the avatar of the Lord of the Thousand Worlds, at this moment, he was just a bystander.

"Hope, don't get there!"

Looking at his wife, his son, and even his companions who had been by his side and fought against the heavens and the world, Wang Yang felt nervous in his heart.

In fact, this process is related to the details of the world itself, and it is also related to the master of the world, and the degree of understanding of this process.

This is also the reason why the Dragon Master and others need the original rules.The deeper the understanding, the more refined and powerful the control of this process will be, and the less the consumption of heritage will be.

"Relax, I won't let you have an accident!"

As a avatar of the gods, at this moment, there is no need to fully control this process like the deity, nor do you need to burn your heritage, you can only wait.

It's just that being a divine avatar itself is a kind of heritage. Of course, at a critical time, of course, you can't just look at it.

However, as a god avatar, once the background is burned, it will also be an irreversible process, less than a last resort, and it will never be used easily.

In the chaos, a vast tree of gods, towering over the earth, terrible roots, like a green green soldier, broke through the chaos, rooted in the vast unknown land, separated from an unknown terrible existence Air confrontation.

All around, there are 108 human powers, each occupying a different position, arranged into a peerless array, of which five peerless powers, there is a hidden world unfolding around you, you can see that the invisible fire is in the world , Burning constantly.

"Here, this is the origin of the big thousand world promotion star?"

Looking at the invisible Dao fire, an immense amount of chaotic energy surged and turned into endless energy, which was absorbed by the world of five parties.

If there is nothing, from the immense tree of God, there is the immortal sound of immortality, which is continuously integrated into the large formation, so that the entire large formation is transformed into a whole, helping the promotion of the Five Kingdoms God Realm.

From the unknown and unpredictable place, faintly, you can see a round of purple sun outline, from which a terrible purple divine light was shot, and shot towards one of them.

At this moment, it seems to become eternal.

The entire Dark Moon Star Territory, more than a hundred human races of the human race, seems to be protected by some kind of power, even if it is in chaos, there are no problems. The same, endless human race, up to The emperor, down to the heavenly king, are all in chaos.

It can be said that in this endless human race, at this moment, it has become eternal.

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