My Super Estate

Question 2190

Chapter 2102 Square City

Every subordinate star field developed will open a city on the battlefield of man and demon.

This is the gathering of luck, the luck struggle between the human race and the demon race.

No one knows where the source comes from, but for every star domain master, this is the most important way to improve their own strength.

When Wang Yang agreed with everyone's opinion and merged into the Quartet Star Territory, the Dragon Master told all he knew.

"No one knows where the battle between man and demon is.

However, everyone knows the space formed by the intertwined luck of the two demons.

In other words, this is a place where positive energy confronts negative energy.

The so-called, the road is one foot tall, the magic is one foot tall.

This is definitely not just a statement, but reality.

When you enter the battlefield of man and demon, then you will know what kind of scene we will face."

The cultivation practice of the Dragon Master is already the Domain Master, and his strength is even the most outstanding existence among the Domain Masters.

But even so, at this moment, the dignity in his eyes never disappeared.

It is really hard to believe, what kind of problem is it that can make the Dragon Master so powerful and can be difficult.

"Wang Yang, do you think we are merged into the Quartet Star Zone, then, what is your Sifang Star Zone?"


This is a very wonderful vocabulary.

This is an orientation, but, again, it is a very thought-provoking term.

Because, this term, which is the location, can also be a place name. Similarly, this can also be status, the height of a person’s standing, the size of a person’s power, and how is a person’s status in society??

In short, this is a very magical vocabulary.

"What kind of position is this?

you mean?"

Sifang Starland, or Sifang City?

The Sifang star field has been determined because the hardware conditions have not yet reached the standard. Even if the Sifang origin god star background is extremely terrible, it can only be the fourth heaven.

"Could you say? The Quartet, will be placed in the position that belongs to the Fifth Heaven Realm?"

Wang Yang woke up and said so.

Where is the Fifth Heaven Realm?

There is the position of the master of the upper domain.

Where is your own Sifang City?


Wang Yang stared at the Dragon Lord, eager to see a trace of impossible information from his eyes.

However, regardless of Wang Yang's efforts, there is no possibility of any denial on the Dragon Lord.

Only, how is this possible?

"So, is there a period of protection for Sifang City?"

Wang Yang seemed to admit his fate, so asked.

If there is a period of protection, then, by your own means, perhaps, you can also enhance your strength a little.



Wang Yang was pleasantly surprised.

In the face of the possible existence of the Fifth Heaven Realm, Wang Yang was somewhat unprepared.

"As long as you don't enter the battlefield of man and demon, there will naturally be a period of protection.

Otherwise, it is impossible.

In fact, when the original Divine Star is formed, then, the battlefield between man and demon, and the corresponding city, has been opened up.

However, if the owner does not enter the venue, he will always fall into the seal.

However, the same, if you do not enter the venue, it will definitely attract a large number of Mozu strong.

Moreover, they are in the battlefield of man and demon, then, it means that their strength is terrible enough, and they will even continue to improve.

We are in chaos and there is no possibility of improvement.

Especially you, you are the master of the Quartet star field, the upper star field, only the chaos of the fifth celestial realm can provide enough energy to ensure the transformation of the entire Quartet star field."

Wang Yang wanted to scold people.

Because, he has indeed felt that he is now the upper domain master, but his cultivation behavior is only a level of the lower domain master.

This is simply disastrous news.

Without entering the battlefield, it is impossible for people to improve quickly.

Once you enter the battlefield of man and demon, you will definitely face the resistance of the devil's absolute power.

There is no such fun.

"Is it, this is the rule of the man-devil battlefield?"

Wang Yang gritted his teeth and asked Shen Sheng.

Wang Yang must figure out one thing. Is this the way he is, and what about other people?

In other words, this matter must find a balance.

It doesn’t make sense, it’s just like this, it’s not like that for others!

Well, the dragon master can already know all this clearly, then, it seems to be enough to explain that all this has already set a precedent.Otherwise, how could the Dragon Lord know?

Wang Yang seemed to have a feeling that he asked a very idiot question.

"I know what you are thinking.

However, I must tell you that I can only answer yes to this question, and I must also answer no."

Yes, is there another?

What the hell is this?

Wang Yang was baffled, and even confused.

Or, did you not hear clearly?

"Yes, because, we human races are like this.

However, I want to answer you one is not, because the Demon Race is not like this."

Wang Yang stared at his eyes.

Just staring like this, he felt that he couldn't say anything.

What can I say?

What can I say with such an obvious difference?

Regardless of whether Wang Yang is willing to admit it, he must affirm the fact that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one tall.

Before, I thought it was just a statement.

However, now it seems that I am too naive, for this world is full of too much too much good, thus ignoring the full maliciousness of this world.

The world has always been full of malice.

"So, what should we do?"

This is already the case. What should I do? I have to find a solution!

Is it really necessary to go to death?

What's wrong, I don't want to!

"We only have two options now.

The first one is to never enter the battlefield of the demon.

As a result, it is impossible for us all to improve our strength.

Especially for us domain owners, the strength can never be improved.

In fact, before, our human race also had such a strong man, he chose this way.

He accumulated in millions of years, little by little, accumulated the inside, waiting for the emergence of peerless power, and for a long time, let the star field directly enrich a little, and then, into one hundred thousand in one fell swoop Mark, promote the fifth heaven.

The second is that we immediately entered the battlefield.

With invincible strength, it is directly to kill the Quartet, and with invincible power to support all this."

This choice, no matter which one, is a big problem.

Wang Yang stood in the starry sky, and his heart turned quickly.Weighing the pros and cons of these two options.

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