My Super Estate

Question 2195

Chapter 2107 Mass Entry

In a flash, a year has passed.

On that day, there were only more than one hundred masters, and now there are as many as three thousand.

The Lord of Thousands of Thousands of Thousands of Thousands of Thousands of Thousands of Peerless Powers Exists.

For a time, Wang Yang could clearly feel that the Quartet Origin Star is deeper and more terrible, but it is more powerful. The most obvious thing is that the Quartet Origin Star is above the Sifang Origin Star, and a thick atmosphere is hidden in the air. It is clearly felt that there are more than three thousand kinds of power, intertwined with each other, weaving a terrible large net, covering the entire Quartet's original star firmly.

On weekdays, no problems can be seen, and there are no obstacles to enter and leave at will, but once there is an invasion of foreign enemies, then this is the most powerful force.

This is the origin of Fuxing, a protective force of self.

It didn't take long for the recently promoted three thousand lords to gather quickly.

"grown ups!"

Wang Yang is now the master of the domain, with different status and status. Even if he behaves like a brother, on the surface, some rules are unbreakable.

This is not just because of Wang Yang’s different status, but more of an incentive.

Again, this is a respect for the strong.

In private, Wang Yang does not advocate this, and there is a point of embarrassment, but, in the convenience of publicity, he must also obey such rules.

"Hello everyone!"

Looking at such a team in front of him, Wang Yang has infinite pride in his heart.

In less than two decades, today, he is not even fifty years old.He had such a scene.

Under your command, even the world-famous peerless power already has such a quantity.

"Everyone, you know, what do I do to call you over?"

"do not know!"

"Remember, I once said, do we have an enemy?"

"Invincible with me!!"

Others haven't spoken much yet. Guan Yue took the lead, but Shijie shouted an exit sign.


Okay, I like to hear this.

Regardless of victory or defeat, at least, we are in this momentum, but we can not weaken the prestige.

Today, I will lead you to try these demons, what kind of three-headed and six-arms are there, and whether they can scare our upright human race."


Well, the scene at this time is a bit embarrassing, where Wang Yang is passionate, and underneath, only Shijie responds.

Of course, a series of people and horses originally belonged to the Shenshui Manor. At this time, all of them are high-intentioned and have no fear.

However, after all, a series of people and horses in Shenshui Manor are only a few, and they seem to be a bit of a shadow.

"Adult, we, are we going to enter that man-devil battlefield now?"

Dragon Emperor admitted that his relationship with Wang Yang was okay, and he knew each other well, but the old land was unbearable and asked.

"Haha, this is a good question.

If, I remember correctly, you are the heir to the dragon master, right?"


"So, you know, where is the current Dragon Lord?"

Is it?

Dragon Emperor was shocked.

He was cultivated by the dragon master in one hand, and beside him, the dragon master is also a master and a master. Heard that the dragon master is fighting with the devil, and now he can't care about anything.

"Sir, I slang into the battlefield of man and demon."

At this moment, Long Di did not hesitate and shouted loudly.

"it is good!"

The choice of Longdi made Wang Yang very happy.

Knowing that the Mozu is powerful and terrible, they dare to move forward so bravely, so spiritually and respectably.

Man Fang is to have such a spirit, in order not to be overwhelmed by demons, to survive all the difficulties.


Turn around and point your finger at the tower behind him.

It was a seven-story pagoda. On the door of the tower, there was a big book-"Vientiane".

"Here is our Sifang Star Territory, the treasure that defeats the Demon Race. Here, there is a real illusion. In this real illusion, we can fight the Devil Race endlessly. Even, in the battle, we can sharpen ourselves. The ultimate magical power.

Ladies and gentlemen, we don't have much time.

We are going to face the four marijuana wood cities, every magic city will have the strength of the upper domain master."

Even, with a million demons, forming a demon army,

In terms of quantity, we do not occupy any advantage, so we must overwhelm everything in quality."

Yes, this is Wang Yang's plan.

In the real illusion, the speed of time is already day by day. In contrast, in the life of the limited power of a large number of people, I do not know how many opportunities have been added.

In the past, in order to increase the number of people and increase the lifespan, I did not know how much life was consumed.

It is absolutely impossible to sharpen the peerless supernatural powers and become the strongest man of the same rank.

However, if you have such a real illusion, then, in time, a lot of power will be sufficient.

Moreover, the long-term life-and-death battle with the demons is not afraid of death.

Even, on the road to death, to feel where the flaws are, this is the only holy place to enhance strength and cultivate supernatural powers.

Wang Yang believes that under such circumstances, as long as it is not a pig, then there will always be gains.

In fact, the Dragon Lord discovered this benefit. In the illusion of the Vientiane, the Dragon Lord has given up his life and forgot to die.

Even, after being torn apart by the Mozu newspaper again and again, he turned and came again.

In the whole real illusion, there is already a war.

Not only the Dragon Lord, even the Lord of Light, the Lord of the Wolf, and Lord Wu Tian, ​​each one of them, no one is willing to fall behind, one by one, all are blood boiling.

And when the three thousand peerless powers entered it, it was such a scene.


Even if it is peerless, but one by one, they are all pale and scared.

In fact, there are too many demons in front of you.

It is beyond imagination.

Million Demon Lord??

God, we are only three thousand, three thousand, impacting this million army?

"Why, are you afraid?"

Seeing the timidity in everyone's heart, Guan Yue suddenly turned around, a pair of eyes as if they could talk, nakedly writing with contempt.

Such a real illusion, she is too clear.

Of course, she is in the world of Shenzhou, fighting the world, not knowing how many years, not knowing how many people to fight with.

She can have the current strength, all depends on the world of China.

"Well, if you are timid, just hug your mother and drink milk!

This is the battlefield, the place of life and death, and death will be the norm. If you are afraid, leave early."

Guan Yue's mouth is very poisonous. Although his tone is soft, it is like a steel knife that pierces everyone's heart.


Not a glaring stare.

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