My Super Estate

2201 Training

Chapter 2113 Training

The entire battle, under the meaningful control, only happened near the domain gate. No matter where the demon fleeed, without command, all people were conscious, that is, controlled near the domain gate.

Such a war may be a long-lasting war.

Even, in the end, from the direction of the domain gate, walk out of a steady stream of soldiers.

Even directly, it occupied the Daqian Demon Realm near several domain gates and used it as a base to spread towards the Quartet.

And near the Yumen Gate, a huge military camp was even established directly.


Under the orders of Wang Yang, the six most prominent pillars of Shenshui Manor have gathered together.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Their magical avatars are still besieging the magical avatars of the old devil, and the war situation is tense, so they cannot be ignored.

"I'm thinking.

Ordinary great supernaturalists, they need to accumulate merits, need to sharpen on the battlefield, need to let them grow up quickly.

However, what is more important is that we must have a peerless god.

We need a peerless god who can lead the soldiers and sweep the world."

Wang Yang stated his purpose.

In this war, military training is the mainstay, otherwise, no matter whether it is yourself, or the four main domain masters such as the dragon master, in the face of the battle demon, they can form the most direct crush.

Rolling directly from the highest level, this war is enough to resolve quickly.

"You know, our opponent is not the lower star field of the fourth heaven, but the upper star field from the fifth heaven.

Even, most likely, it is the Quartet upper star field.

If we want to enter the battlefield of that human race, if we want to enter the Sifang City, then we must have the strength to fight the Sifang Magic City."

"Okay, pass me the order. From then on, all the soldiers, consciously, formed a legion to fight.

We must cultivate a peerless general, and we must allow our soldiers to possess and contend with the strength of absolute quantity."

At the order of Wang Yang, the entire Quartet Star Zone, all the strongmen, all form their own team.

Take the emperor as a soldier and the god king as a soldier.Even, the Dragon Lord personally ended.

Under the conscious control, the whole battle situation has undergone some subtle changes.

"What should we do now?"

Jiuying Demon Lord, sitting on the first seat.

Jiuying Demon Lord, Nine Ghost Demon Lord, Nine-Head Demon Lord, this is the battlefield star domain, the most top three nine demon masters, each of them, the ten great magical powers are cultivated into martial spirit level.

It can be said that the integration of the ten great supernatural powers is to compete with ordinary genius characters.

In fact, the Star Wars battlefield, in addition to the battle monsters, counted them as the most powerful.Even the Hundred Battles Star Zone can have such a terrible power today, and their credit is also very huge.

"What can I do now?

The Battle of the Cities has been abandoned by us. Even if we want to ask for help, where can we go for help?"

The Lord of Nine Spectres angrily patted the table and roared loudly.

"Damn, what's the other person's existence? Why are there so many geniuses?"

What can be called a “genius character” is basically a possible existence that is cultivated into a magical avatar.

They are so famous in the Star Wars domain, because their domain master, the old demon in the battle, is a demon genius who has been cultivated into a battle avatar.

But what the hell is this now?More than a dozen geniuses, maybe even more?

God, who can tell me, what kind of existence is there on the opposite side?

The Nine-Headed Demon Lord is more roaring and stopped. In the previous battle, he was hit with a head, and the injury is still not good.

"No, the human race is here again!!"

The Three Nine Demon Lord has not yet negotiated a result. Suddenly, another Demon Lord broke in and shouted loudly.

The injuries on his body were extremely serious, except that he still broke through firmly.


Grandma is a bear egg and can't stand it. Today, I have to let them know that we are amazing!"

The Three Nine Devil Lord has always been synonymous with horror and terror. When will it be so embarrassing?

The Nine-headed Demon Lord flew away quickly.

Sure enough, in the starry sky, the two sides have already fought together.

"Human races are arrogant, and Grandpa Nine Heads are here."

The formation of the human race is extremely weird. It even took the Lord of the Thousands as the general and led the 10,000 clan emperors. How dare they come to my Nine Talent Realm?

"Careful, everyone, this is the Nine-Headed Demon Lord. It's so magical.

Among the supernatural powers, they are famous for supernatural powers. They are not cultivated into military souls.

I saw ten visions, and in the faint, you can feel a kind of soul move, merge together, a hydra, out of the sky.

This is the magical power of the Nine-headed Demon Lord.

Ten kinds of supernatural powers can be combined to create a supernatural power. The nine-headed deity does not persuade him. I saw the supernatural power and turned into a god of up to 100,000 feet in the sky.

Mo Jun led a team of tens of thousands of guards. In front of such a huge monster, it seemed like a group of ants, and it was unremarkable.

However, it is such a group of humble goods, faced with such a terrible Hydra beast, but it is in danger.

"All people, all in one spirit, one goal, attack!!"

Mo Jun was temporarily replaced because he commanded the Shenshuizhuang Guards all the year round. For the huge number of guards at Shenshui Manor, it has been running for countless years.

This time, it is through such an opportunity to polish them into a most elite army.

Even more, Wang Yang hopes that they can gain endless merit under the leadership of Mo Jun, so as to become the earth-shattering existence.

The guard team of Shenshui Manor is Wang Yang's most fundamental team, and is an army that Wang Yang spent extremely huge resources, regardless of cost.

Even the Sirius team.

They were all one by one, all of them were replaced, and all joined the guards.

It can be said that this is an extremely strong team, and every Hydra can be broken at will.

But, whether it is Mo Jun, or Sirius Squad, they always remember a goal-training.


The shouting shook the starry sky.

In the starry sky, there is no law of sound. At this moment, it seems to have lost its meaning.

No magical avatar, faced with such a terrible Hydra, one by one, my heart was shocked.However, at this moment, no one was afraid. Under the order of Mo Jun, all the people were all in order and the magical power was consistent.

At this moment, all the soldiers, as if they had thoughts, beliefs, goals, etc. in their hearts, all resonated.

A special power, the natural derivation, merges all the powers of all people into one and enters the most wonderful transformation.

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