My Super Estate

Question 2209

Chapter 2121 Two Armies

Time is passing, and Wang Yang's heart is also in anxiety.

The 100,000 Demon Lords of the Black Moon Star Territory, and the 100,000 Demon Lords of the Star Wars of the Hundred Battles and the Old Devil of the Hundred Battles.

Two hundred thousand large-scale chemical fruits, one main-level chemical fruit of the lower domain.

In fact, there are Devil Races from the two major territories. After their death, they can still be absorbed by the Demon God Fruit, and they can still be turned into artificial fruits. However, for Wang Yang, such a level of Devil Soul, The level is too low. For the God of Fortune God who is already at the upper star level, the level is too low, and the help it can play is really too small.

Therefore, in the Sifang original god fruit, Wang Yang directly opened up a party of Shenshui Manor, where a lot of artificial god trees were planted.

The level may not be too high, but for the most common demons, it is enough.

Even under the watering of a lot of magic souls, several of them have reached the level of innate god trees.

It is in this seemingly endless resource upgrade that the entire Sifang Star Field has rapidly improved its strength.

The Great Thousand God Realm, which was once only three thousand, has already broken ten thousand.

However, with such strength, in the Sifang City, he was still defeated and returned. Every time he launched a war, he would be massacred.

Even the entire Sifang City has been destroyed several times in a row.

"What should we do now?"

Once again, the Sifang City was broken by the Demon Race, Wang Yang and Dragon Lord and others returned to reality again, and everything in the Vientiane Tower was returned to the file.

It's just that, once again being killed, there is always a feeling of pain in my heart.

In particular, all people know that this illusion is most likely from the battlefield of man and demon.

That is to say, to enter the battlefield of that man with his own strength is very likely to be killed.

Who can be reconciled?

"We are now facing two major problems.

Top strength.

According to the illusion, our Sifang City is very likely to face four magic cities.

In other words, we are going to face four main domain masters.

There are a number of subordinate domain masters under each master.

In contrast, we do not have any advantages.

The Quartet Star City has a strong origin and is the level of the upper star field. However, the background is too shallow to simply rise into the fifth heaven.

In other words, Wang Yang itself is just a subordinate domain master.

We cannot rule out whether those four demons belong to that kind of genius."

Genius characters mean that they have cultivated into magical avatars.

Beneath the magical powers, they belong to the level of the Lord of the universe.

The terrible existence of such a level, as long as there is one, then it is disastrous.

"Another is their huge army of demons.

Great magicians, because of their different ways of cultivation, are extremely difficult to form an army.

However, good relations with each other can also be combined by various means, and the strength burst is even more terrible."

This time, the Dragon Lord has a deep understanding, because he has a Phoenix Nine Life Sword, which can integrate all the powers of the magical avatars of the four people.

In addition, it cannot be ruled out that they will still have the terrible existence that comprehends a level of military soul.

Once you have such a terrible existence, it is even more crushing under the huge base conditions.

Right now, there are only five people including Wang Yang and Dragon Lord.

"Therefore, if we want to be based on the Sifang City, then we must face these two problems.

Wang Yang, what can you do to solve these two problems?"

Wang Yang laughed: "There are always ways.

How are the two armies of our Quartet Stars now formed?"

"You want to put all your hopes on these two armies?"

"Not bad.

The so-called quantitative change will drive qualitative change.

Should we give full play to our role

As long as we take full advantage of our strengths, we will always have a strength.

In contrast, our strength has been greatly restricted, but those relatively weak soldiers, it is not too difficult to improve their strength."

Wang Yang always believed that, under the accumulation of extremely huge resources, even a pig, it would become that pig's bajie.

A stone will also become Sun Wukong.

The so-called unsuccessful is mostly because of the accumulation of resources, not yet in place.

At this time, Lord Blackwood felt very unhappy.

As the master of the upper star field, he even cultivated into a magical avatar, even on the battlefield of man and demon, it was a terrifying existence that roared the world and everyone retreated.

It can be said that as long as the Lord of the Universe exists at one level and does not take action against himself, then he will not be afraid of anyone.

If someone else has no such confidence, but he has such confidence.

However, this is the case. He sat in the Black Jupiter domain, and the three remaining domain masters were killed under his own eyes.

This is simply a shame.

"His Majesty!!"

As the master of the upper star field, he is the emperor of the star field, and truly commands the terrible existence of the world.

The Black Jupiter has six lower-order star territories, three of them stay in the Black Jupiter, and three of them are stationed in the battlefield of man and demon-Black Wood Demon City.

It can be said that this is the largest capital in the world of Black Jupiter.

"Your Majesty, who are the three of them?"

Heishuer shouted loudly.

Of course, he is not disrespectful to the master of Heimu domain. Those who know him know that he is the most loyal guard under the master of Heimu domain.

It's just that the three lower domain masters, even in the Black Jupiter domain, were beheaded and killed, which is a ridiculous joke.

If you can't figure it out, Heishuer is unwilling in her heart.

"Yes, this hatred, we must not forget it.

Damn it, how prestigious is our Blackwood Demon City, and when will it be so easily bullied?"

Well, as a Demon Race, it has always been feared by the Human Race, and the existence of fear is now being bullied by people. Such an enemy, no matter what, must remember.

"Good, Your Majesty, but we know who is coming, we must avenge."

Mozu does not value feelings, but they value their faces.

Well, or that they don’t even pay attention to their faces, but they can’t stand being beaten without revenge.

Because as long as they are feared, they will be more happy.

In other words, you can make your own conduct more advanced.

Even, you can let yourself do whatever you want.

However, even now people will be bullied to come to the door, then, this hatred, but big.

"Okay, that's what you want.

Rest assured, they can't escape.

Although they escaped, but this seat has remembered their mark.

We can naturally open the door to the stars."

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