My Super Estate

Question 2216

Chapter 2128 All Cards Out

"Military Soul?"

Suddenly, he was dragged into the Thunder Realm, and even he was about to be knocked into chaos. Heishuer was almost not scared to death.

You are the master of a side star field, but you, a little master of a thousand, are so powerful?

However, in a blink of an eye, it was real panic.

It turned out to be a military soul?

This is the most special means of the human race. The demon race has always been selfish and self-interested. It is simply impossible to ask them to have the same beliefs.

In other words, it is simply impossible to ask them to form a military formation.

But now what does this mean?You are such a good luck, you have encountered such a powerful role?

"Your strength?"

Very frightened.

Because, in front of this human race, his strength turned out to be as strong as himself.

Obviously, it is just a master of a thousand, and in a blink of an eye, he has raised his strength to a higher level.


Quickly turned his head and looked at his opponent.

This time, but really scared.

Obviously, this family of 1,000 people only made breakthroughs, and even made use of all kinds of huge resources to successfully make breakthroughs. Even, they have not been completely consolidated.

It can be said that with this kind of existence, they have such a state. However, the transformation of mana has not yet begun, and the magic power has not yet been cultivated. It is simply a parallel.

Such a thing, the devil under his own, at random, can sweep a large area.

But now what does this mean?

One by one, at least are the most pinnacle of the Lord of the Thousands?

"Overall strength?"

The scalp felt numb for a while.

Such a perverted military soul?

The human soul of the human race has always been extremely terrifying, and its various characteristics and diversity are unpredictable.

In the battlefield of man and demon, the strength of the demon race is far stronger than that of the human race. Between the world and the world, there are too many powerful people who can't control their desires.

Even the human race itself has fallen into countless ways.

Many exist, they are already in the Devil's Path, and they have lost their minds, and they are directly dying, but more, they are alive.

Unable to control one's desires, one cannot control one's own heart, that is, magic, magic, does not represent the demons, but when the magic breeds, it is very easy to attract demonic energy.

Once you receive the magic energy implant, then, it is the demon race.

Even if you are born human, you are also a demon.

One can imagine the power of the Mozu.

On the battlefield of man and demon, the human race can remain undefeated, and the soul of the army plays a role that is too large.

But how could it be met by yourself?

"Demon, your end is here!"

Under the leadership of the Sirius five-person team, the entire guard army was divided into five brigades, criss-crossed, and the 30,000 demon clan that circled them were all divided.

What's more, there are Sirius five-person fighting squads, ordinary demons, there is no resistance at all.

"Magic Doppelganger?"

Heishuer was shocked and shouted.

What did he see?

In such a human race army, there are still five human race geniuses?

What a joke?

Such characters, can you also form a combat team?

What's more, not only one but two of them came in this time, and two of them are not weaker than their own.

Such existence, can these human races be assured?

Furthermore, if you remember correctly, there are four life levels no less than yourself in the starry sky near the portal of that star field, but you still have the terrible existence of Eight Divine Avatar.

It is precisely because of their existence that they can resist the invasion of the Lord of the City.

Attack yourself with all your strength?Let the two guys, Black Iron and Black Cloud, ignore it?

Is this possible?

At this moment, Heishuer couldn't sit still.

Because he felt that if he were himself, he would definitely not have such a choice.

Because, he believes that with the blessing of the military soul, the leading genius figure is already enough to contend with himself, and there is no need to join five genius figures to lead this army.

These five figures, as long as they are released, although they can not be sure to block the two guys of Black Cloud and Black Iron, it is definitely better than letting go.

In other words, either the human race is too stupid to see the situation clearly, or the human race is too confident.

Is it too stupid or too confident?

Heishuer feels that he has his own details.


I feel that I really kicked the iron plate this time. At the moment, the black technique is in a hurry, and I can't take care of anything. I just use my strongest and the most powerful skills at the bottom of the box.

I saw that behind Heishu'er, I didn't know anything about the continuous sea of ​​blood.In the sea of ​​blood, the waves are endless, the monsters are overgrown, the magic whistles are constant, and even, you can see the giant trolls flying back and forth in that world, between the waves, the world and the world will be torn into two pieces, one foot stomped out The waves in the sea of ​​blood directly rolled up huge waves.

Even in the faint, you can see that the endless demon is born out of him with a loud drink, exterminating all the spirits of one side of the world.

"Everyone be careful!!"

Even in this situation, even Mo Jun was a bit vigilant.

In the final analysis, he is only a master of the Thousand Thousand. He has a concept of the power of the Master of the Star Realm, but he cannot fully understand it.

The magical avatar can enhance one level of strength. However, the only thing that truly occupies the world with a magical avatar is only those who are still between the heavens and the earth. If you truly have a peerless power, who doesn’t have a few hands to survive?


Faintly, Mo Jun heard a shout.

Secretly vigilant in his heart, he did not dare to blindly and confidently launch an attack without authorization.

To learn to beat someone, you must first learn to be beaten.

Mo Jun has always believed that this is a well-known saying.

The so-called first move is strong, it is just that the strength is equivalent, or that they generally understand each other, or secretly attack, otherwise, starting first, may not be the strong, and may suffer.

Sure enough, I heard a big shout, and the 30,000 demons trapped in the army formation exploded for no reason. A sea of ​​blood surged away.


Nowadays, who can not know that this is some kind of magical power of this old demon?

Gathering endless magic blood, and magic soul, perhaps, can not eternally enhance strength, but, short-term, but how likely.

For a time, including Mo Jun, all, all shot.

They had to interrupt before this magical power was not completed.

The so-called vigilance, not waiting.

It is better not to start first, but it does not mean that the supernatural powers are allowed to succeed.

Mo Jun wanted to seize this opportunity to interrupt his great magical power, fight for the opportunity, and kill the old devil.

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