My Super Estate

Question 2230

Chapter two hundred and forty-two hundred thousand is approaching

Sifang City???

I don’t know when, in the Demon Hall, the Sifang City has become one of the most striking signs.

"You said?

The Quartet is only a subordinate star, how can it have such a strong strength?"

"But I heard that in the battlefield of man and demon, there is a square city. Since its establishment, it has been more than 100 years and there has been no movement.

However, not long ago, the Great Mountain Magic City around the Sifang City sent a distress signal.

Say, this Sifang City is the establishment of Sifang Starfield!!"

"You said, will that legend be true? In the legend, the Quartet Starfield may have a fairy artifact that only the legend has.

Now, many people have already rushed towards the Sifang City."

The Black Jupiter domain has been occupied, so no one will easily enter.

However, the Quartet City has become a striking target in everyone's eyes.

For a time, I didn't know how many demons were rushing to the ground, but they were converging toward the Star City.


Sifang City, it turned out, but four magic cities, now, do not know when to start, there are four more magic cities.

Before adding, there are already eight magic cities.

Dashan Magic City, Day Sun Magic City, Skyfire City, Xuanyin City.

These are the four magic cities that were the closest to the Sifang City. The furthest distance is only 30,000 miles. Recently, they are even less than 10,000 miles.

However, nowadays, the nearest to Sifang City is far from 10,000 miles, but only a little over 1,000 miles.

It can be said that with peerless power, you can see each other's actions with your eyes open.

Ten thousand eyes magic city, magic heart magic city, heaven heart magic city, ancient front magic city.

This is because a request for help from the Lord of the Great Mountain Region was directly and costly, and it was deliberately moved from an extremely remote preservative.

"Several, those four magic cities, but the future is very big. I'm waiting, I'm afraid, I can only watch.

The Master of the Mountain Region has brought the Master of the Sun Region, the Master of the Sky Fire Region, and the Master of the Xuanyin Region to his own magic city. From a distance, it can be seen. In the midair, the hazy Sifang City.

In a flash, more than 100 years have passed.

There are no movements among his eight magic cities.

For more than 100 years, the banquet of the Lord of the Mountain has no signs of stopping, and the four big magic cities in the distance also show no signs of relaxation.

In the Quartet Star Zone, Wang Yang once again called all the backbone members.

Basically, at a glance, there are more than a hundred people.

Lord Dragon, Lord Bright, Lord Wolf, Lord Wu Tian, ​​Invincible Divine Gun, Mo Jun, Wu Xiaohong, Lord Jinjian, Lord Ape, King Invincible Gun.

The ten lower domain masters are arranged on both sides. Their magnanimity, basically Luo Jian and others, are all in place.

"Everyone, the number of one hundred thousand, you see, you have to achieve it.

In other words, we are not far from being promoted to the upper star field.

Once we pass, what we are about to face is the encirclement and suppression from the Eight Magic City.

Are you afraid, everyone?"

The Vientiane Pagoda is very magical. It can not only help everyone to practice martial arts, but also find a hint of inspiration in the battle of life and death.

Even more, the situation around the Sifang City can be manifested naturally.

Outside the Sifang City, there were originally four magic cities. Four hundred more years ago.

All this is undoubtedly a very important message for Wang Yang.

"Not afraid!"

The presence is basically the backbone of the Quartet.One by one, the power is tremendous, the earth and the earth are shaking, and every move can have endless power.

The so-called means of flying into the earth, arranging mountains and rivers, chasing stars and getting moons, etc., are just waiting.

In the eyes of ordinary creatures, they are invincible gods and are the targets of faith.

However, at this moment, all of them are like ordinary students, responding to the teacher's call.

"Well, since that's the case, then, let's go and refine that Black Jupiter completely, and we will let our Quartet Star Zone be directly promoted."


With a big wave of hand, Wang Yang led everyone into the portal of the star field.

Behind all of them, all followed.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of the eight magic cities, no one in the field had any worries.

They believe that with the strength of the Quartet Star Zone, they can definitely break their siege and kill all their enemies.

The Black Jupiter domain has been fragmented. Six hundred thousand squares and thousands of demons, representing 600,000 thousand demons, are summoned and all killed.

Even the 600,000-square-meter Demon Realm, which has been continuously fought for hundreds of years, is all detonated.

The endless demons are all killed.

"Devil races are all evil."

Walking in the starry sky of the Black Jupiter, Wang Yang's tone was extremely firm.

"If we don't want to be killed by the Demon Race, we can only start by being strong.

This time, if it is not our strength, it is indeed strong and terrifying enough. Perhaps, what we will be paired with is the scene in front of us."

Pointing at the broken Thousand Demon Realms, Wang Yang said so.

No one opposed Wang Yang’s words, and no one felt hypocrisy or disdain.

On the contrary, all people listen carefully.

"Wang Yang is right.

War is dirty and cruel.We want to improve our strength if we want our homes not to be hit by this picture.

It is necessary to kill all the enemies.

We raised the butcher knife, all for the purpose of guarding, and you must firmly believe in this."

Human races are not demons.

Demon clan enjoys killing, killing, without any psychological pressure, and even regard it as a great fun.

However, the human race cannot, such a large-scale killing, endless creatures, endless blood, and finally, it is extremely easy to form a layer of magic, and finally, into a magic, attract people.


Many strong people in the Sifang Starland are young faces. They are young and experience few things. They have not experienced the pain of the destruction of their homes, and they have not experienced the sadness of the separation of their loved ones.

The continuous killing is extremely easy, and it will cause them to fall into a daze.

Therefore, no matter whether it is Wang Yang, or Dragon Lord, etc., we must always guide, but also to strengthen our own desires.

All demons are evil and must be slaughtered. Our human race must be just and raise the butcher's knife only for protection.

Finally, everyone came to the Black Jupiter domain.

This is a huge world.At least a million times as large as the world.

It's just that, now, there is no soul here.

Wang Yang directly shot, the endless chaotic fire, wrapped the entire black wood devil, all burning, burning.

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