My Super Estate

Chapter 224

Chapter 232 The Battle of His Holiness

Wang Yang smiled bitterly.

The gap with Hunyuan Venerable is too great.

Even if it is only the strength of the Grand Master, it is consumed five thousand drops of faith spirit liquid.

In total, he did not have tens of thousands of spirits of faith, and he could not bear a few palms at all.

Just when he planned to summon his last strength and take up Yu Zun again, suddenly, a loud cry came from a distance.

"Yun Zun, you are dead!"

The coming person was too fast, and his voice was still echoing in his ears. His palms were golden fingers, penetrating the space of heaven and earth, and pointing towards Yuzun's forehead.

"Vajra fingers?"

Yu Zun's complexion changed, and he could no longer care for Wang Yang. He quickly retreated, and Vajra's finger strength was so strong that he was too threatening for a man like him who practiced soft water.

"Li Tangxing, you old thing, don't pay for God's blessings, what are you doing here?"

The face is sharp and masculine, and he is masculine and masculine. If it is not Wang Yang who personally feels his perverted nature, Wang Yang will praise "True Man".

Knowing the person knowing the face and not knowing it, looking at Yu Zun who had completely changed the breath in front of him, Wang Yang deeply experienced the perversion.

"Wang Yang, are you okay!"

In the violent wind, two figures wrapped in golden purple light flashed quickly and came to Wang Yang.

It was Li Tangxing, the chief instructor, and a middle-aged man with a Samsung badge.

"It's okay."

In the tornado, speaking is already a kind of torture, and you must shout loudly.

Wang Yang didn't have a qi-protecting body, his mouth was just widened, and a gust of wind poured into his mouth.

"Yu Zun, how dare you take action against me, you are brave!"

The chief instructor's eyes were as bright as electricity, and his whole body was wrapped in a golden gang.

He didn't listen to Yu Zun's nonsense at all, and raised his head, but he shot it fiercely, and went straight to Yu Zun's chest.

"Li Tangxing's old man, until he is the deity, afraid you will not succeed?"

After being attacked by the Chief Instructor, Yu Zun was already angry in his heart. Now the Chief Instructor once again shot, and his anger can be imagined.

For a time, the two fight.

Yu Zun's fame as a master is a rain hand. A set of martial arts with palm, fingers and fist is a master, and for a time, he shines in his hands.

The chief instructor is a Shaolin master, and the golden gang qi is like a golden bell cover. No matter how Yu Zun attacks, in front of the golden bell, it is like a scorpion shaking a tree, which can not bring any injury. On the contrary, the chief instructor’s vigorous vajra refers to Vajra palm, vigorous Vajra fist, like crazy, move to Yu Zun around the body.

"This, the instructor is similar to the empty monk."

At the beginning, in the battle with the empty monk, the monk was not a bad body, and he simply ignored many people's attacks. Finally, he still relied on strong mental power to directly attack the flaws of his no-bad body to win the victory in the end.


Wang Yang's whole body was wrapped in a layer of flames of faith. In this violent wind, he was very passive.

"I am the Chief of Staff of the Dragon Group, Liu Wen."

The voice of the General Staff was very plain, not like Wang Yang shouting at all.

Nano sound in ear?

Moving in Wang Yang's heart, he thought of a mysterious technique in the legend.

"Please help me protect the Fa."

The belief in the body is that the flames are burning, no longer guiding, it will never be suppressed.

The Chief of Staff, with his strength and earth-shaking capabilities, is in a tornado, unshakable and steady like Mount Tai.

Of course, Wang Yang noticed the situation.

Even, he also noticed that Wang Yang will soon be melted by Shenyang.

"Okay, I'll protect you."

With a strong sense of faith, the General Staff, as Hunyuan Venerable, cannot be unaware of it.

He also did not expect that this kid is not strong, and he has such a secret technique of refining his body with faith in the god flame.

He really wanted to see how this kid used this domineering flame.

Therefore, in this tornado storm after world, two battles endlessly, Wang Yang sits still and is practicing hard.

"Li Tangxing old man, what are you going to do?

On earth, we can only exert the strength of Grand Master at most. You can't win me."

Being punched hard by Wang Yang on his right eye, he suddenly became a one-eyed panda.

"Huh, you are too presumptuous. On the earth, you dare to set off such a storm, and dare to shoot at my people. I will not beat you, and the fire of anger in my heart will not be eliminated."

The chief instructor shot, without leaving his hand, and took a volley in the air, taking a photo of Yu Zun's head.

"Ah, I fight with you."

After being attacked one after another by the instructor, he was beaten up and down. His long-loved long hair was even beaten by his palm. Yu Zun was angry, and his masculine face was completely twisted.

For a time, the two went to heaven and earth, and the battle was endless.

It is terrible for a Hundred Yuan Venerable to go crazy. Yu Zun's strength is not weak even though he is among the Venerables. This time there is a breakthrough. For a time, the Rainer's three potentials unite to form a terrible Supernatural powers.

Even though it was only the Grand Master, the terrifying magical power still brought wind and rain.

The instructor's power is terrifying, and he has a golden bell, and there is nothing to break.

Yu Zun attacked terror, and he couldn't carelessly work on the golden bell.

For a time, I saw Yu Zun punched in the air, a condensed punch, and the air broke like a meteor.

The general instructor exuded golden light all over his body, and a golden bell covered his body.


Yu Zun's fist strength, gathering the three strengths of the rain hand, the strength of the fist, the sharp edge of the finger, and the palm of the hand, can be described as the pinnacle of Yu Zun's attack means, even if it is Feng Zun, one of the six demon in the same door, seeing this One punch is also feeling that there is nowhere to avoid, nowhere to hide, and there is danger of death.

However, in the face of such a punch, the chief instructor dared to take a hard body connection.

For a time, not only the General Staff, but Feng Zun also gave him a sweat.

It was shocking outside, but Wang Yang had reached a critical moment.

The bronze war body has been completed, and the Ziyang boxing method can no longer work. The bronze god fist must have 10,000 drops of spiritual fluid of faith, otherwise the magic sound will enter the brain, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

For a time, Wang Yang was in a dilemma.

"No matter, it's too late to take faith spiritual fluid now. If so, then temper the whole body meridians."

Finally, Wang Yang thought about it, he could only think of this one.

Belief in spirit fluid has only two functions, to enhance spiritual strength and to perceive the world; to refine the flesh and transform the dust.

To enhance spiritual strength, it is necessary to be a Grand Master or above, even for Hunyuan Venerable.

Only when practicing the war body, can you realize the world and enhance your spiritual power.

If the first way fails, then there is only the second way, which refines the flesh and transforms the dust.

According to legend, to achieve gods and demons, one must forge the flesh with the fire of faith, and remove all impurities from the flesh.

This time, Wang Yang is going to follow this path.

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