My Super Estate

Question 2242

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifteen

Do you think you can kill us?

What does this sentence mean?

Wang Yang stared at Master Wanyan and looked at their confident look. They felt that if they couldn't give them a deep lesson, they would not remember that Ma Wangye actually has three eyes.

Jianghe's general sword spirit swept directly toward the Lord of the Eight Devil Cities.

Just now, it was such a sword spirit that directly beheaded them.Even the same kind of sword spirit directly took him from a distant place directly.

But, what do you mean?Look down on my sword spirit?In other words, do you think that if you are resurrected once, you are awesome?


No one is more powerful than the Lord of the Eight Great Devil Cities. However, in front of them, there is a big demon head standing on top of the sky.

Where is this big guy?

"You don't have a fairy?"

The sound was loud, and the buzzing sounded like a steel bell ringing between heaven and earth.


Even though Yang Lin had the support of Mo Jun, facing the magic sound directly, the blood in his mouth was sprayed directly.

It seemed that it was just a sound that injured him.


Wang Yang shook his head as if he wanted to shake off the buzzing sound of the steel bells in his mind.

"You take them back."

Until now, he doesn't know where, the troll in front of him is the card of the Lord of the Eight Demons.

It is also the reason why the black pupil is thirteen and dares to go deeper than three hundred miles from the Sifang City to occupy this heavenly mountain.

I am ascending and preparing, these Demon Races are also not idle.

At Wang Yang’s command, Mo Jun and Yang Lin and others left quickly.

These Demon Races, as expected, have already prepared everything. Mo Jun They just left Shenshan, they met the masters of the five lower-level star domains directly, and led a large number of demon interceptions.

-"Who are you?"

In front of such battles, are these Demon Races really going to play?

However, Mo Jun was not afraid, staring at the three lower-level star domain masters, looking at them, it was all like the eyes of the devil. It is likely that they were the existence of the master of Wan Wanyu domain.

"Huh, tell him what to do so much? The city master issued an order to kill them all!"

The three pupils of the black pupil, this is the Wanye star field, the original three masters of the lower star field, and also the strongest three statues under the master of Wan eye field.

They are not demon geniuses, but they also have their own means. In a long time, they have directly transformed the ten supernatural powers into martial arts souls.

The fusion of the ten martial spirits is no worse than a magical avatar.

Even, because they communicate with each other in spirit, the great supernatural powers between them can still communicate with each other. Even if the three supernatural powers are at hand, it is extremely difficult to defeat them.

Sure enough, their shot was Shi Shitian, a powerful hard drive, and even disturbed the void of the man-devil battlefield. A purple thunder continually exploded in the void. There was a great suction in the faint, letting This piece of void has been completely disordered, and even, you can see that there is a vast world in the void, which is constantly manifesting.

It is as if there is a vast world in the void, squeezed in continuously.

This is Thunder Realm.

The great magical power of Black Hitomi Sanzi is really amazing. He just shot and will break the void.

"Humph, you are so bold!"

Mo Jun’s biggest impression is his ability to dominate the army. At present, each of the two armies of the Sifang City has formed its own army soul. Under his commander, they can still merge with each other and form a perfect one. .

It is only a few hundred thousand. In the face of the eight magic cities and more than two million demons, it's worthwhile.

However, none of this can be concealed. Mo Jun itself is a fact of the human genius.

The six pillars of the former Shenshui Manor never lost people in their lifetime.

With such convictions, absolutely nothing has changed as their strength has grown stronger, and the world they have contacted with has become more and more glorious. Instead, with the support of the almost endless resources, they have more and more insisted.

For example, at this time, in the face of the joint attack of the three pupils of Black Hitomi, he was not afraid, raising his hand was a palm.

Under the palm of his hand, it seemed that there was a cry of 100,000 troops, and the endless killing gas filled the void.

At this moment, Mo Jun is only a person, but he is still the invincible commander, even if he is only a person, but, behind him, it seems that he is always followed by hundreds of thousands of troops.

This is Mo Jun's great supernatural power, and he is also looking for a way for himself.

This time, the Demon Race was obviously very well prepared, or that they thought they knew everything about the Sifang City.

For example, Mo Jun is the supreme commander of the Sifang City, who can command the 100,000 troops of the Sifang City.

However, such a commander, if, he does not have any army formation?Does he still have that great power that sweeps everything?

Obviously, the three pupils of Black Hitomi did not believe it, because, at this time, they were completely shocked.

"You, how can you have such a supernatural power?"

They can certainly see that the human race in front of them does not really carry a 100,000 army with him, but he has turned all the two armies in his hands into his great magic powers.

Among the supernatural powers, the endless phantom is the endless formation, and the supernatural powers are the soul of the formation.

At this time, I saw that with his shot, it was directly a party formation, covering himself with his own strength, and was quickly suppressed. Although there is no such invincible power of the formation, it is also extraordinary. Mighty.

The formation of the phalanx cannot unconditionally suppress the strength of others such as yourself, but it also has the terrible power of a magical avatar.


Obviously, for the first time, the kind of easy crushing in the heart of Kuro Hitomi didn't really appear. Instead, they themselves were shocked by two or three steps.

Looking at it, it was only two or three steps, but the three pupils of Black Hitomi clearly understood that for the first time, they had fallen into a disadvantage.

"It turns out that this is your preparation?"

Of course, Wang Yang will not feel the match under the mountain.

Looking around, the Lord of the Eight Devil City seems to have found a backer and dare to surround himself.

His eyes stared at the troll in front of him again, but instead he smiled slightly and said, "Are you here to find a fairy?"

Well, you are disappointed.

A treasure like a fairy, do you think that we, the high-ranking stars, who have just been promoted, will have it?"

The trolls in front of them are definitely not that simple. The most important thing is that the greatest man-devil battlefield standing behind them exists.

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