My Super Estate

Question 2247

Chapter 2149 How to Quickly Improve Strength

For the Sifang City, the eight magic cities are not too much trouble.

Quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes.

This is a well-recognized fact. It is the best proof that the human lineup has evolved into a military soul.

However, this kind of situation will definitely not appear on the Demon Race. The Devil Race is too selfish and mutually devouring each other. It is a common thing. If they want to unite their minds and communicate with each other, they will not. may.

Finally, under the crush of human power, the Eight Demons could no longer hold on.

Even, because the masters of the eight major magic cities were all killed, it was impossible to seal the eight star regions in chaos.

Therefore, in the end, all the imprints of the upper-level star domains of the Eighth Congress were controlled by the Quartet.

At this point, it seems that the battle in the Sifang City seems to have come to an end.

However, in the same way, Sifang City is also in big trouble.

"Everyone, this time, getting everyone here is a big thing about the future development of the Sifang City.

The people sitting are all the most elite backbone of our Sifang City. I think what kind of situation I have encountered in the Sifang City, I think, everyone already knows something.

Yes, this time, the eight magic cities have been destroyed by us.

Similarly, the harvest of our Sifang City is even more amazing.For the follow-up attack of the eight magic cities, we have also initially come up with a suitable plan.

Afterwards, this aspect will be unifiedly arranged by the captain of the Mo Jun team.

It's just that our Sifang City is just a superordinate star field. The foundation of our Sifang City can be said to have covered all the superstar fields in the chaos.

That's why, our Quartet City encountered troubles that other upper-level star domains did not encounter.

There are too many genius characters."

There are too many genius characters. Such a problem cannot exist for other high-level star domains.

Even if it is an incredible superstar, there are at most two or three genius characters. All other creatures must rely on a very long time, a little bit in the battlefield of man and demon, and fight with the enemy. Raise your life level a little bit.

However, for the Sifang City, all this is not a problem.

Because, for now, with the support of extremely huge resources, the genius characters of the Sifang City have far exceeded people's imagination.

At this moment, the Quartet has exceeded one hundred.

What's more, the battle between the outside and the eight magic cities has not been completely ended, and there are still a sufficient number of geniuses who are constantly stationed.

In such a situation, it is that there are too many geniuses and too few ponds in the Sifang City, and it is almost impossible to accommodate so many real dragons.

"Brother, aren't we good now? Is it necessary to think more?"

Luo Jian spoke first.

"Yes, Master, we are very good now, and we can also practice all the magical powers of the door into magical avatars. By then, who are we afraid of?"

This time, one-on-eight, but let everyone really see the sturdy of the Sifang City.

In other territories, for example, in the past, the two magic cities of the Black Moon and the Blood Moon faced the magic city, even though they had four genius characters like the Dragon Lord, but in the face of the two magic cities, they were most Bao, if you want to be like the Sifang City, you can directly kill the two big magic cities, don't even think about it.

Therefore, for all the people in the Sifang City, they will never give up their chances to practice their magical powers.

On the path of geniuses, they must go further and further.

"Fart it!

The strength of our Quartet City, this battle, has revealed too much.

A high-level star field can hold up to ten low-level star fields, a million gods.

Do you think that in our Quartet star field, how long will it take to reach this limit?"

Wang Luo shouted at Luo Jian's claims.

Of course, Wang Yang did not want to scold Luo Jian, but there were some problems that he had to find a solution in advance.

Avatar avatars are terrifying to enhance their strength, but only by increasing their level of life can they get a longer life.

An emperor is no more than 100,000 years old.

Moreover, it must be those who live longer.

How much life can a Lord of Thousands have?Ten times, or a hundred times?

So, what about the master of the lower star field?

The younger you are, the easier your promotion is. When they exceed the peak of their lives, and then want to let them improve, it is undoubtedly just a fool.

Not to mention, these are all human geniuses, not to mention, whether their strength is piled up with endless resources, just because they let go, at least they are all capable of sitting on the side of the town.

This is a huge fortune of the human race.

That is, they live and die with themselves, can they watch them die?

Moreover, if you want to improve, you must have a lot of merit.

Only by immeasurable merits can one continuously improve one's own strength.

Therefore, in any case, the development path of the Sifang City must be prepared in advance.

"What needs to be done?"

At present, the Dragon Lord is already the strongest in the Quartet City except Wang Yang. He has a deep understanding of the problems facing the upper city.

The strength of Sifang City is really too abnormal.

Various genius figures are emerging one after another.

However, the most hierarchical position is limited.

Who wants to die?

Before the life-and-death mark, the more genius the person, the more difficult it is to control.

By then, not only the loss of the Sifang City, but also the loss of the human race.

With enough strength, you can only watch yourself waiting to die. Who can bear this kind of suffering?

"What would you do if you were promoted to the universe?"

In this chaos, all the roads to promotion are unclear.

Otherwise, it will not appear, making people chaotic and chaotic events.

In the boundless chaos, there are countless resources, but who can obtain endless resources in a limited life?

Therefore, for other high-end star domains, they have to wait slowly when they have endless time, and slowly understand it in endless time.

However, for the Sifang City, such a road is simply inappropriate.

Wang Yang will not be silent in the origin of the star field. He needs to let all the followers also gain powerful strength and endless life.

What is more, I want my relatives to follow me all the time.

Therefore, how to promote the universe, this is the next step of the Sifang City.

However, such a road, in the end how to go, but never know.

Therefore, this meeting is such a purpose.

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