My Super Estate

Question 2257

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Shenmen City is far away from Magnolia City and Golden Sword City. In Shenmen City, there is no such chat artifact. Dragon Master and others, of course, don’t know. Open the door here to welcome guests, Magnolia City and Golden Sword City over there , But it was almost not wiped out by the whole army.

But the god gate city master is very stable.

His gaze sometimes looked at the ten masters sitting beside him, as well as the Dragon Master and Mo Jun, and he felt proud of his decision.All the squares in the lower ten stars are occupied by the Quartet?

Bullshit, in this sinister battlefield of man-and-devil, who can't wait forever, as long as they can improve their strength and some side details, who cares?

What's more, it has been hundreds of thousands of miles to open the Shenmen City, and I don't know how many so-called genius characters during the period. What happens?In the end, there were only five honorable ones, and they truly became the masters of the lower-level star domain.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and I don’t know how many times I fought with the Wuxiang Magic City. As a result, if I was careless, I was directly beaten by the Demon Clan and caught a bald head.

"Haha, with everyone's help, my God Gate City is stable.

To say one thing that is not afraid of your jokes, before, the Lord of the Five Subordinate Star Territories of My God Gate City was killed, I was desperate!

My God Gate City opened for hundreds of thousands of years, and all kinds of geniuses have appeared.

However, the more genius, the more difficult the disaster, and finally, the only thing that really grows is the five.

It can be said that these five inferior star domains are the root of my God Gate City!

As a result, all the killing was done, the heartache, I almost didn't let me down!"

Hearing this, whether it is the Dragon Master, Mo Jun, or Shijie, all are silent.

Those who can open up the earth alone are the heroes of the moment.

However, how much can it evolve into a star field after the world is opened?

Think about it, the dragon master has already been cultivated into eight magical powers, which can be described as real magical powers, but how can it be?

In order to open up the lower star field, he must also choose to join the newly promoted Sifang star field.

Not for anything else, just for one more hope.

"Even if our talent is good, it only represents ourselves, and we can't cultivate more latecomers. Everything about us is indifferent."

The Dragon Lord said so with full touch.

With his current strength, it is definitely not difficult to break away from the Quartet Star Fields and want to open up a subordinate Star Field alone in that vast chaos.

Even, it is such a certainty to open up a high-end star field, but +-Yes, how about opening up oneself?If we cannot cultivate more excellent talents, then the city of God will always be the city of God, and it is simply impossible to become the kingdom of the universe.


Everyone is still sighing for their strength and becoming more and more difficult. There are already spies there to report.

"whats the matter?"

"From the east, a large number of demons have killed. It is roughly estimated that it is at least 200,000."


Hearing this news, Shenmen City exclaimed: "Is the news accurate?"

Coming from the east?

Where is this powerful demons?

In the battlefield of man and demon, every star field has a big city. As the master of the star field, it is the city host.

Constantly between each other.

However, if there is no strength, it will never be out of the scope of the city between each other.

Between man and demon, wars may break out at any time.

Once the force is too far away to return to defense immediately, then, in the end, it will certainly cause huge losses.

Such a loss cannot be sustained by any city owner.

Now that the 200,000 troops are killed, it seems that it has already been explained that in the east, there might be a human race god city that has been slaughtered.

"What should we do now?"

Such a big event, Liu Mencheng's ability.

After all, the last time this happened was the killing of 100,000 troops from the north, which directly slaughtered the five most powerful subordinate masters under his own hands.

Now that I see a little improvement, and there are demons coming from far away, why wouldn't Shenmen City be worried?

"The comers are not good."

Although such a situation has been understood for a long time, it is still a bit surprising in the real encounter.

"I'm afraid, they will have the leadership of the upper star domain!

Even, it is very likely that there will be two masters of the upper star field."

The Dragon Lord spoke his guess.

"Yes, in general, a magic city will definitely not easily send its own forces out, which is too risky.

This time, it was 200,000 directly, and it could never be the power of a magic city."

A magic city is generally no more than three or four hundred thousand troops.Even poorly mixed, but only 200,000.

That's the kind of power. You want to send 200,000 troops. Can't you be guilty?

It is led by the master of the upper star domain, because the strength of the expatriate is too risky, and no city master can rest assured.

Therefore, the strength of the expatriates is mostly led by the city master himself.

The Demon Race came very quickly, and the news had just been obtained over there, and it had already arrived under the Shenmen City.

"Damn, there is no such thing as the elephant demon king. He hasn't brought any loss to this gate city?"

When I came to the city of Shenmen, I looked up. Where is this type of frame with very serious losses?

It is clearly a holy city intact.

Even, it can be seen that it is still a very heavy city, and it is not what the Wuxiang Demon said in the chat message. The background is exhausted and the work is about to be destroyed.

Damn things, isn't this pitting us?

Sure enough, I had just arrived here, and the gate of the gate was already wide open, and a large number of human forces were rushed out.


Looking at the huge piece of black and white, it is simply an innumerable quantity.

This, how many human races is this?

"500,000, this is an army of 500,000.

Damn, this is the half-waste and half-remnant Shenmen City that Wuxiang Mojun said?

I fucked his ancestor, is this half disabled?When he was heyday, did he have a million troops??"

Sky Snake Demon simply can't believe what kind of situation is a god city with a million troops?

It really has the level of impacting the kingdom of the universe. Can such a magic city be able to deal with such a existence?

The dog mongrel Wuxiang Mojun even said that he had a difficult battle with Shenmen City, and even beat them to a half.

Celestial Devil's scalp is numb, it just can't believe it, all of this is actually true.

"Haha, the two Lords of the Magic City, this is really a big fish!

Since you are here, don't leave, just leave it all!"

Guan Yue took the lead of the ten masters, regardless of the Shenmen city master, and rushed towards the two city masters.

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