My Super Estate

Question 2267

Chapter 2169

On the battlefield of man and demon, it is said that they are the two races of man and demon. In fact, they can only be regarded as the two camps of man and demon.

In fact, whether it is a human race or a demon race, they are basically divided into countless races.

It's just that, no matter what race, the achievement of peerless power is basically the formation of the human body.

Therefore, although there are countless races in the entire man-devil battlefield, in general, they basically maintain the human body.

Tianyuan City is above the battlefield of man and demon, a very large demon city, within 100,000 miles around this demon city, basically, there is no god city of human race.

This is the real bully.

It can be described as a moment of beauty.

"How is it? Do they have news?"

Within 100,000 miles, there is no trace of human race. If Tianyuan Demon City wants to embark on the road of expansion, then it must go out of this 100,000 miles area.

Sky Snake Magic City, and the eight nearby Magic City, are basically within the sight of Tian Yuan Magic City.

"not yet."

In the Tianyuan Hall, the most elite backbone of the entire Tianyuan Magic City has been sitting at this time.

It is really powerful.

In addition to the Tianyuan City Lord, there are ten chairs.

At this time, on the ten large chairs, there were already six demon exuberant exuberant demons.

Even if you just sit there, you can see that there is a vision formed by the endless momentum behind him.

This vision has endless power, even if it is not deliberate, but an ordinary emperor, even if he just stares at it for a while, it is estimated that it can be directly enchanted, and it is simply unstoppable.

Yes, this is the master of the upper star domain.

Even, it can be seen that these guys are the ten terrifying masters of the upper star domain, one by one, all with supernatural powers and deep magic.

"Everyone, within a radius of 100 million miles, there is a new god city rising from the human race. This is our enemy.

If our Tianyuan Demon City wants to become the kingdom of the universe, within a 100 million mile radius, no human race can appear."

The poisonous mother devil, as the original backbone member of Tianyuan Demon City, knows the road of Tianyuan Demon City best.

"Since this is the case, let's press the army!"

In any case, it is absolutely impossible for people to keep themselves on their way.

"Yes, let's press the army!"

Within a radius of 100 million, there is absolutely no power to resist our Tianyuan Demon City, no matter who it is, they must die."

Worthy of being a demon, acting directly.

Between Tianyuan Magic City and Sifang City, there are more than a million miles apart, and there are more than a dozen large cities in the middle.

How arrogant and arrogant is this?

It can be said that these demons directly do not take all human races into consideration.

"Okay, then, we are under pressure."

In the end, the main decision of Tianyuan City was finalized.

At this time, outside the Golden Sword City, there was a war, which directly broke out.

Mo Jun took 100,000 troops, and when he arrived, the demon army in the Golden Snake City had launched an attack towards the Golden Sword City.

In terms of numbers, or generals, the Golden Snake City is far from comparable to the Golden Sword City.

However, the leader of the Golden Snake Demon City, a Wanhua Demon King, is a real powerhouse. The Golden Sword City Master has two magical avatars, which is directly beaten to doubt his life.

"Haha, Lord of the Golden Swords, yes, your strength is good, you can catch my three moves without dying, and now, even dare to take people out to face the battle, it is very good."

With three consecutive moves, he couldn't kill the Golden Sword City Master. Wanhua Demon King laughed and seemed extremely happy.

"Damn demon, you dare to come to my Golden Sword City and wantonly, today even if you fight my life, you will be beheaded."

Lord Jinjian is also a bloody man, even if he is not an opponent, at this time, he is also fighting hard.Even if you fight this life, you must kill the opponent.

"Haha, desperately? Okay, desperately good!!"

This Wanhua Demon King is simply a monster. He was still very happy when he heard other people saying he was desperate. He couldn't believe it. This turned out to be the brain of a normal person.

Okay, this is a Demon Race. It’s very weird and understandable.

"Wanjian Guizong!!"

Wanjian Guizong is a realm on kendo, not a name for kendo supernatural powers.Obviously, the master of the Golden Sword City is in the kendo, and he has a very good attainment. I saw the sky and the sky, and the sound of the sword was constant.

In the end, all the swordsmen turned into a phantom, combined into a sword, and slashed towards the Wanhua Demon King.

I saw heaven and earth, and in the endless void, a piece of white, as if it were, the whole was covered by an endless sword gas.


Look at my supernatural powers!!"

Faced with such a terrifying world, the weeping ghost god's Kendo magical power, Wanhua Demon King just laughed, and shot directly towards the white kendo void.

I just couldn't believe it, but the earth-shattering Kendo Void was just shot with just one palm.

However, the fact is that after such a palm shoot, the entire void is shrouded in endless shadows, and just now a piece of kendo void is white, and in a blink of an eye, it becomes a magic field.

The entire Demon Realm is directly pressed toward the Lord of the Golden Sword City.


The Golden Swordsman, who was still awe-inspiring in the past, was severely injured by a palm shot and smashed to the ground.

What is even more unbelievable is that the earth-shattering Kendo magical power of the Lord of the Golden Swords has directly transformed into a clean one, leaving no trace at all.

If not all of this is true, I am afraid that no one will believe that all this is actually true.


The severely wounded King of the Golden Sword, pointing at the Wanhua Demon King, couldn't believe it, that was how he was defeated.

"Haha. Do you think you can stop it?"

Wanhua Demon King is very confident, just like, defeating this Golden Sword City Lord is not worthy of pride at all.

"Not only you, but your Golden Sword City, will start today and become a piece of history."


Hearing this, the main spirit of the Golden Sword City was anxiously attacking, blood swelled up, and a large mouth of blood spit out.

"City Lord!"

The entire Golden Sword City, all important members, quickly moved forward in one moment, protecting the Golden Sword City Master behind him.

"City Lord, you quickly enter the city and close the Golden Sword City, we block it for you."

In the Golden Sword City, there are six masters of the lower-level star domain.This is much stronger than other ordinary god cities.

But what can this power do?

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