My Super Estate

Question 2269

Chapter 2171 The Black Robe Returns

Unconsciously, three of the five Great City have already been merged into the Sifang City.

In the same way, the powerful heritage of the Sifang City really scared the three major city owners.

Shenmentian, a total of ten masters of the next star domain, are the legendary ten masters, all of them are genius characters, one by one, are at least cultivated into a magical avatar, even, and even more perverted, they are ten People can actually form a battle front.In battle, you can even kill the master of the upper star field.

Such strength, even the Lord of the Gates of the Gates, was startled.

Magnolia City, the ten master disciples of the Dragon Master, one by one, are all extraordinary. They all have the talent of genius, and they have become a magical avatar. It seems that they are already standard.

No one knows what the fighting power is, but it is really very tough.

The Golden Sword City, led by Sky Swordsmen, and the Blood-Emperor, Zixiao God King, and Gold Sword God King, one by one, although they can not form a powerful battle array, but each one has at least two magical avatars.

Such strength is truly earth-shattering.

"Master Wang Yang, Yuan Mo City that day will really attack us?"

At this time, the Golden Sword City has become the front line, even Wang Yang has come over in person.

Even all the strongmen of Shenmen City have come, and Magnolia City is similar.

"Black robe protector has just heard that Tianyuan Magic City has gone out."

There are two other great cities, but they are far away from this battlefield. For the time being, Wang Yang has been unable to take care of that much.

He Tianyuan Mocheng, this time really shot with all his strength, all the ten masters of the Demon City, except the three beasts that have been beheaded, have all come over.

The Lord of Tianyuan Magic City is also here.

Along with it, there are three million demons.

In the high-level magic city, all the large armies are the masters of the big thousand, and the three million magic army means the big three million.

The Lord of Three Million Thousands represents the world of Three Million Thousands, and it is scary enough to think about it.

To say that there is no pressure is simply impossible.

"What is the strength of Tianyuan City Lord? But know?"

At this time, it was the pre-war meeting of the Sifang City. All the information was provided by the black robe protector who had just returned.

In the end, at present, only Wang Yang knows. Therefore, what kind of information is given by Wang Yang must be asked clearly.

"According to the black robe protection law, once, there was a god who had been cultivated into four magical powers and was killed by this Tianyuan city master."


Such news is really shocking.

The Lord of the Divine City of the Four Divine Avatars, that is to say, is this a master of the upper star domain that has at least been cultivated into the Four Divine Avatars?

Who can be the enemy?

"Me, are we opponents?"

The battle between peerless power, that is true king to king, will be against the generals.

Once Wang fails, it will not be enough. It is true that the number is really large, and it has no meaning.

It turned out to be a powerful character with at least four magical avatars.

Can such a existence really be dealt with?

This question is not only the Lord of the Golden Sword, but even the Lord of the Magnolia and the Lord of the God Gate.

However, after seeing everyone's calm eyes, everyone calmed down again.

The black robe demon is back.

This news is very important for Tianyuan Magic City.The first time, he was summoned by the Tianyuan Demon King.

"Before you, there has been no news."

The strength of the black robe demon king, even the Tianyuan demon city, is also the top.For such a strong man, Tianyuan Demon King gave the greatest respect.

However, at this moment, the entire hall was still covered with majesty.

A pair of evil eyes of the Tianyuan Demon King, with an oppressive power, stared at the black robe Demon King.

Such a pair of magic eyes is really too oppressive. Under such oppressive eyes, even the master of the upper star field is difficult to calm down.

The black robe demon is covered with a big black robe. Looking at it, it is a big villain. There is an extremely powerful magic on the whole body.

This magic is so pure, so there are no flaws.

"Before, I had a big battle with the Dragon Master of the Quartet City. In the end, I was seriously injured.

This time, it was healing the injury that brought him back."

Dragon Lord?

"What are the strong players in the Quartet? Who is the Dragon Lord?"

These demons are really very sturdy. What kind of strong people are there in the Sifang City, and what kind of powerful strength they have, they don’t know anything, but they dare to lead all the power, just to give Hit the door.

In the world, such a war is simply impossible.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other is the only way to fight.

This is the most basic requirement for a general.

The so-called march combat, intelligence first.

However, all this is not necessary for peerless power.

King to king, will be against generals, this is a peerless and powerful war.

As long as you are confident that you have invincible strength and can push all enemies horizontally, then no matter what kind of strength you have, it is just a decoration, and I will sweep you directly.

This is how Tianyuan Mojun dared to fight the army in such a way that he was killed a million miles away.

"Dragon Lord is the strongest person in the Sifang City. Although he is only a master of the subordinate star domain, he has eight magical avatars.

Even, this is still his strength."


Eight magical avatars?

Even if it is the sovereign of the universe, it is impossible for everyone to have such strength.

A little subordinate star domain master, has such a strong strength?

"With such a powerful strength, he has not yet left the Sifang City?

The strength of the Quartet City is even stronger?"

Tianyuan Mojun was also frightened.

Even, in the whole hall, all the demons are all frightened.

If the Sifang City Lord has such terrible strength, then a fart!

One by one, the heads are usually lawless. At this time, all one by one, the thoughts in the heart are beating one after another.

This time, I really encountered a great strong enemy.

"No, I heard that the Dragon Master is the strongest in the Sifang City.

It seems that the Sifang City Lord has great grace for the Dragon Lord. The Dragon Lord has not been detached, and he has been working hard to help."

The strongest?

In this case, it is much easier.

A master of the lower star domain, even if it is a master of the lower star domain with peerless resources, in the field, there are many people who can defeat.

In this case, the problem is not very big.

But, is such information really accurate?

A demon tribe, all in the devil's eyes, flashing with fine light.

"Just a lord of the lower star domain can lead the Quartet to the road of expansion?"

No matter who it is, they won't believe it.

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