My Super Estate

Chapter 2285 A picture, a world, a sun, a manor

Chapter 2188, a picture, a world, a sun, a manor

Demon King is very glad that he was not killed.

However, the suffering in his heart is incompetent.He wanted to leave and flee, but a supreme will directly suppressed his whole body. The most terrifying thing is that there is an indescribable horrible existence in the spiritual world, just like the Dinghai God Needle, even if no one is guarding, He was also immobile.

"This, what is this!!"

The demon shivered, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

"No, this is the supreme power of the human race, the projection of the avenue.

This is the supreme opportunity of the human race, and the deadly nemesis of the demon race."

The demon quickly reacted and suddenly awakened.

I don't envy him in my heart. The human race has such a great power, and the devil will not be too weak.However, you are not even a cosmic sovereign, do you want to be like this!

At this point, the devil can only sigh secretly: "Unlucky."

Open your eyes and stare intently at Wang Yang, who is so close.At this time, Wang Yang didn't move. Instead, he was absolutely cold. He just stabbed him with a cold knife.

However, at this time, he only saw his eyes openly and looked at him indifferently.

"Sure enough, great talent!!"

I saw that behind Wang Yang, there are ten visions, that is, ten ambiguous mirages, surrounded by endless white mist, and in the mist, there is a kind of dynamic picture.

There is a supreme ant that hits the heavens, and strikes towards that heaven, even if it is the net of the laws of the day, it will be knocked out of a big hole.

Suddenly, the demon king feels that he has transformed into the sky with supreme majesty, and below it is the ant that strikes the gods against the sky. Tianwei is supreme, no matter what kind of existence, it will be in this prestige. Next, kill all.

Suddenly, a roar of inexplicable power sounded, and the roar of cold metal clang, a huge ant, suddenly jumped from the ground, jumped directly, and flew directly into the supreme god heaven. Coming against the sky.


The demon awakened abruptly, and found out that it was only a moment that he was introduced into the vision. Involuntarily, he was substituted into the sky in the vision, and finally, he was greatly impressed. Hitting the ants directly hits a huge hole.

"If the sky is ruthless, why use it?"

Faintly, in the mind of the devil, there is a supreme sound of God.That was the most unreasonable and the most overbearing declaration.

This is the sound of hitting the ant.


The devil was almost not scared to death.

What kind of domineering supernatural power is this?Dare to be so brazen?

If the sky is ruthless, why use it?

This, this is really under the sky, the will of all beings can be achieved?

Despite the endless fear in his heart, the devil still couldn't help himself, but cast his eyes on that other vision.

It was a flame that exudes supreme superb power. The flame is fueled by chaos. It is just a little ignition star flying. An endless universe is directly ignited by a flame and turned into a burning indestructible fire, whether it is The human race, or the magic, or all other strange races that are unwilling to merge into the two major races, are all burned.

No matter what kind of power, no matter what kind of means, under the power of this inexhaustible fire, all will be turned into a fuel, and finally, reduced to supreme chaos.

This is a real chaotic fire.


The demon yelled in horror.

Although it was only just that moment, he really experienced the terrible power of a world-extinguishing fire, and he himself became the supreme cosmic sovereign and opened up a supreme cosmic kingdom.Suddenly, I didn't know where a tiny Mars flew from, and smashed into the universe's starry sky.

Time passed slowly, Mars grew a little bit, and finally attracted the eyes of endless creatures. In the end, even the high-ranking cosmic sovereign, he was attracted.

However, no matter what kind of means, no matter what kind of existence you are, in that terrible flame, all have lost their function, all have been swallowed a little bit, and finally, even the Nuotian Universe , All swallowed by flames.

Even the supreme cosmic sovereign, when he wanted to escape, was too late.


The devil as a whole seemed to be immersed in the lake water, and his body was soaked.

Even though he was very brave, but his eyes looked at the remaining eight frames, he still had his pupils contracted and swallowed by the flames.

It seems that there is some immortal implication left in his own soul.

Even though he made rapid progress and had unlimited opportunities, he achieved the supreme high position of the master of the upper star field. At this time, he was also scared.

Finally, not knowing how much time had passed, he finally overcome his fear and opened his eyes again.

"Let's see what kind of power your peerless supernatural power has!"

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the other is the only way to keep up.

The devil takes a supreme mission, he wants to explore the mystery of Wang Yang’s supernatural power.

However, when he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found that the ten visions had disappeared, and there was only a huge picture in the void.

This picture scroll is so huge, even if the stars are endless, it seems that it has been completely controlled.

In the picture scroll, one side of the world is slowly opened up. A round of sun that brings endless hopes rises slowly. A peasant in a very simple dress walks on the earth and opens up a side of the wasteland little by little.

"Hey, what do you mean?"

The devil said that he didn't understand.

Could this be because, why I study too little?

The devil was amazed: the ancients never bullied me.

When the book is used, there is less hatred. The devil finally understands what it means today.

However, this is too hateful, but you are a demon, killing and setting fire, that is your instinct, eating human flesh, drinking human blood, that is your most fundamental thing.

Now, you are so embarrassing to me.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and stared at the field, the Eight Grade Black Lotus.

If you remember correctly, in the top ten visions just now, there is such a huge black lotus.

I saw that at this time, this black lotus was growing slowly again.

"Hey, what do you mean? Magical avatar can still grow?"

The most important thing is that your magical avatars are grown from the ground.

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