My Super Estate

Question 2288

Chapter 2191 Changing the Land

"Hey, what is this?"

This is merit, as everyone knows.

However, merits are generally golden yellow, where is this purple gold?

In this way, it looks like there is a very noble temperament, even a bold person, in the face of such a merit, must converge and converge.

It's as if a thief met an official.This is born.

"Here, is this innate merit?"

The light god is a little surprised, can such a treasure be obtained?

"Innate merit?"

Luo Jian was frightened.

What is innate?

Isn't that the existence beyond the limits of heaven and earth??Why, after opening up the earth, it naturally shifts from innate to acquired.

So, innate, it is such a short moment.

In fact, congenital, basically, has already surpassed the world.The so-called detachment, the so-called fairy, basically belongs to such a level.

This is also the case. The innate level of gods is the most sought after by all peerless powers.

It's just that there are different levels of tasks. Inherent merits are basically only the supreme power of the world that can be transformed from its own path.

"Is this a great shot?"

The black robe had a smile on his face, and he was crying. He didn't know whether he should feel lucky or crying.

"This is this innate merit!!"

This question, the devil is also surprised in his heart.

He never thought that there would be such a thing as to destroy the fifteen upper-healing star fields, and the human race Heavenly Path descended into a tremendous merit, and was turned into a congenital by his supreme avenue. Merit, all injected into the star portal that exudes magnificent magic energy.

It can be seen that, under such injection of innate merit, that star portal will first manifest a huge native magic star.

As the master of the upper star field, he will not know where, this is the most fundamental source magic star of the upper star field.

With the dominance of the original magic star, it is impossible to change.

However, the hegemony of the congenital purple gold merit is directly intrusive, and it enters the hegemony of the original magic star.

Under such a domineering power, a huge rule of magic road suddenly appeared in this original magic star, and various laws of magic road directly turned into a huge net to protect the original magic star.

This is the biggest difficulty, and the development of any star field will be protected by the law.

The human race and the devil race are positive and negative.

The so-called non-positive is negative, non-negative is positive.

After the black robe opened the black robe star field as the demon race, it has already drawn the devil sky path to come, and many magic road rules have been integrated into the original star field, and it spreads over the entire black robe star field.

Whether you can transform from a demon to an adult depends on whether you can break this layer of the magic law network.

"Can it succeed?"

This question not only represents whether the black robe can truly transform into an adult, but the most important thing is whether the Sifang City really has a supreme power behind it.

Under the big tree, it’s a real well-known saying. Looking at the heavens and the world, who dares not accept?

"Where are the Xiaoxiao people, dare to come to my Demon Starland for free?"

Unexpectedly, this magic law network, as if it had the will, directly turned into a supreme demon, suddenly raised his head, followed the star portal and cast his eyes towards Wang Yang.


What is even more surprising is that there is a will suddenly on the magic law network here, and Wang Yang over there also has a supreme will to awaken.

Feeling the peep of Moxian, he was furious and screamed. He only spoke, but he had supreme dignity.


At this moment, the entire black robe star field is like a piece of paper. Under such domineering power, it is directly and continuously broken.

However, nowadays, no one can control that much.

For the black robe, even if the black robe star domain is completely dead, there is no problem. I am afraid that the original magic star is not broken. Basically, everything is affordable.

When did all this seem to have failed as the black robe wished, I saw that terrible coercion directly came from the star city portal,

I saw that a terrible axe light seemed to have broken through the vast void, directly from the chaos in the bounds, towards the black robe star field.


The black robe almost didn't scare to death.

He clearly saw clearly that this axe was just an axe that did not know how many years ago, a supreme existence existed in chaos.

This kind of axe light that does not know how many years remains, has a strong atmosphere of years on it.

"Just a loud shout, from the chaos of the vastness, attracted the axe that I don't know how many years ago????"

Who has seen such a supernatural power?

Don’t say you’ve seen it, even if you hear it, you’ll be scared pale and trembling.

This is simply impossible.

However, only the impossible is real.


Sure enough, this kind of axe through the endless years, the power does not diminish that year, it is directly that the gods block the gods, and the ghosts block the ghosts.Breaking through all the obstacles is directly fiercely hacking on the magic law network.

The strength of the strongest to the most is to break through all the obstacles, and slash it fiercely in the magic law network, and severely split the seemingly indestructible magic law network into a sparse.


I saw thunder constantly.

However, at this time, no one pays attention to all this.

I saw that the innate purple gold merit, like a flood, washed towards the original magic star in black robe.

Immediately, it can be seen that the black robe's original magic star removes the magic energy a little bit, even because the magic law network is directly split by an axe, and finally, it is driven away from the original magic star a little bit.


This is a real success!!!"

The happiest is the black robe.

You know, he is a human race, but he has become the master of a high-level star domain of a demons.

One careless, most likely, is that it will fall into the magic again.

Born to be a man, how can he become a demon again?

As long as such an idea can't be reversed, then, once he becomes enchanted again, he will directly fail.

The so-called Jiangshan is easy to change, and its nature is difficult to move.

Who really can be a man, and who will really be a demon again?

In other words, he is really carrying a time bomb at any time.

Now, the city lord is really using his supreme supernatural power to change the world for his own black robe.

The law of magic is driven away bit by bit, and the law of humanity descends bit by bit.

This is a real change.

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