My Super Estate

Chapter 2304 Blood Sacrifice

Chapter 2207 Blood Sacrifice

"Haha, Lord Tiangang, you will not succeed, you will never succeed!!"

Knowing where he was defeated, the ancient Soul Universe Lord laughed wildly, and then, he wanted to explode.

Even if it is self-explosive, it will definitely not make the Lord Tiangang successful.

'Huh, in front of me, I still want to explode, is it too worthy of you?"

Want to explode

Joke, without you, this time I didn't do anything in vain?


"In legend, in the universe, every cosmic sovereign will have a secret realm.

This is a secret realm that belongs exclusively to the cosmic kingdom.

In this mysterious environment, you can get an opportunity to perceive the laws of the universe on average every year.

This kind of opportunity is of no use to the cosmic sovereign, but it can be of great use to any powerful person below the cosmic sovereign."

"That doesn't mean that the master of the universe is desperately struggling to live, and in the end, there will be no gain?

Those who really dominate the world and are the only sovereigns of the universe, are they really so tall?The quality is so amazing?

I'm just afraid, not yet!

No matter how great the benefit is, it can't directly fall on itself, but you need to work hard with the Devil, and you may lose your life at any time.

Is such a noble character owned by the cosmic sovereign?

Some cosmic sovereigns will definitely have it, but if all people have it, it is a real joke.

In other words, there are still some mysteries in the origin of this law, and these mysteries are even valued by the Lord of the universe.

"Isn't it possible to overdraw the entire law at one time by taking over the ancient soul universe?"

"Huh, how do you know?"


Anyway, it's the enemy, a one-time overdraft, and really play a one-time out-of-home transaction.

"Boss. We are back!!!"

"Boss, the entire ancient soul universe, all the strong men, all beheaded by us."

"Boss, where did you find such a perverted military formation?"

For a time, I didn't know how many people came together quickly.

These people are all terrible.

One by one, they are the masters of the upper star field, and are the real pillars of the Tiangang universe.Without their support, even if the lord of Tiangang is powerful enough, in the face of the ancient soul universe lord, there must be no parrying power, and it is directly won.

"Send, our war is over, then the war of the sovereign is almost over."

As the master of the upper star field, they can also borrow the power of all the creatures under their command.The difference from the cosmic sovereign is only in quantity and level of life.

Now, all the powerful people in the ancient Soul Universe are all beheaded, then the battle between the cosmic kingdoms will be over.


Sure enough, but for a moment, the starry sky was suddenly broken by an extremely overbearing force.

The existence of an endless great shore directly stepped out of chaos.

This is a very ordinary man, because he has the height of an ordinary man and the face of an ordinary man.

However, he always exudes an extraordinary breath.

He just stood there, naturally being the loyalty of the successful universe. All the planets seemed to be suddenly disappearing with gravitation.Whether it is ordinary, or the original Devil Realm, all are disposed around the Tiangang Universe.

This is the sovereign of the universe, a truly terrifying and terrifying character.


No matter who it was, he couldn't help but leaned down and bowed, even Wang Yang. At this time, his proud strength was useless.

Because he was so involuntary, he bowed to salute.

"Very good, your strength has not disappointed the host."

No. 2 Disha is no longer visible. Of course, Lord Tiangang did not see it, but what can he do?

This is a war, a war between cosmic nations, a real life-and-death battle.

At the beginning of the war, the sovereign of Tiangang had already made plans to change his life, and this time he would also win the ancient soul universe.

His own strength is mainly stronger than that of the ancient soul universe. As long as there is no blessing of the power of the universe, then the final victory belongs to you.

Don’t blame the tyrannical god of the country for being ruthless. The so-called mercy does not control the soldiers.

There is no righteousness in war, and there is no perfection, only blood and life and death.

Killing the enemy by one thousand and self-destructing by 800 is the most normal result of the war. There is no crushing power. If you want to win the war, you have to pay the necessary amount of money and there is no escape.

"who are you?"

The worst result did not appear, this is already the biggest gain.

With his own strength, of course, it is impossible to have such a beautiful record, then this strange figure in front of him is the biggest key.

"Qi Tian Tian Gang, I am the Lord of the Quartet.

They are all people in my Quartet."

"Sifang Starfield? In that legend, there is a legendary starfield with a fairy?"

"Qi tian tian gang lord, the words of immortals, purely devil's slandering, nothing at all."

The fairy temptation is too big, no one knows, and it really shows up, what kind of mentality is this Tiangang Lord?

This is not a battlefield between humans and demons. There is no ban between human races.

Under the eyes, it is absolutely not impossible to kill all and cruelly kill the fairy.


Rest assured, even if you have a fairy, this seat won't want you, you don't need to be nervous."

Wang Yang was silent.

Human mind, without strong control, can have all kinds of ideas.

Adults become demons, often in that thought.

Test the character of a cosmic sovereign?Don't joke, the so-called test, you also have to see if you own that qualification.

"Okay, the Lord of the Ancient Soul Universe has been captured by the Lord of our country, and now we will go to the Lord of the Ancient Soul Universe."

"You follow along."

As if thinking of something again, Lord Tiangang turned his attention to Wang Yang again, saying so.


Now everyone knows that the Lord of the Ancient Soul Universe has been captured. Then, whether or not the origin of the law can be opened depends on whether the blood sacrifice will succeed.

However, with the master of Tian Gang, the problem should not be too big.

An ordinary mortal country has a magnificent capital.The Universe Kingdom directly has an extremely large main star.

This main star is the center of the ancient soul universe, and it is the supreme artifact that truly attracts all the great demon worlds.

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