My Super Estate

2312 The Power of the Avenue! ! !

Chapter 2225 The Power of Avenue!!!

"Junior died!"

Sure enough, being in the universe is very different from the battlefield.

In the battlefield of man and demon, no one except the demon race will take action on the human race.In addition to the Demon Race, all races are dedicated.

Now, in the starry sky of the universe, none of the three demon lords have any movement. First of all, the lord of the black dragon can’t sit still, with a black dragon sword in his hand, with endless power, like a majestic universe, falling down Here.

The so-called sky collapse is hard to support.

Although, it is just a sword, but it has a kind of prestige.

Such a sword, with its powerful power, is extremely cohesive and does not cause any damage to the entire starry sky. However, the power of the sword is extremely incredible. It is just a sword split, only a sword light, but it carries a sky of heaven. The trend of collapse collapsed down towards Wang Yang.

The sword of Black Dragon is not of great prestige, only of momentum.This is also the black dragon's brilliance. Wang Yang's strength, as long as he is not blind, can be seen. He is just a master of the star field, even if he is the master of the upper star field, then it cannot change a fact. Lord of Star Field, that is also Lord of Star Field.

The Lord of the Stars, then, his spiritual world, his power of will, no matter how powerful, it is impossible to be stronger than his own cosmic sovereign.

Such strength is placed in the universe, and that is the real dominant party, not the cosmic sovereign, letting them cross.However, such a strength, under the pressure of the sword of the universe, will be suppressed immediately.

It can be said that as long as he is the master of the Star Realm, under such a sword, even if he has the most powerful supernatural power, there is no point to move. In the face of his sword, he can only watch and watch. Beheaded by his own sword.

(At least, this is what the Black Dragon Lord thought.)

"Do you want to kill me?"

Wang Yang suddenly raised his head, a pair of eyes, glared in vain, looking at the Black Dragon Lord?

"You actually want to kill me?"

Wang Yang seems to be an idiot. The sword of others has been cut to the top of his head, and he is still drinking and asking.

However, the idiot-like problems of Wang Yang really scared everyone.

"You, how could you be okay?"

Under the power of his own sword, is it true that a small star domain master should be suppressed by himself directly, is it impossible to move at all?

Why is this happening?

"Why are you all right?"

The Lord of the Black Dragon roared continuously, and the sword in his hand became more powerful. Similarly, the power became stronger. Even when a little bit of power burst, the starry sky was directly broken, and the purple thunder seemed to represent the world. The divine power must absolutely destroy those who destroy the order of the world.


The thunder was roaring, and the sound shook Yin Yin.


Even the three demon universe masters, looking at the terrible purple thunder, one by one, also sneered.

With their strength, of course, they will not be affected. However, they have a sense of disgust from their heart, and let them involuntarily make a cold hum.

In fact, at this time, all eyes are on the warring parties.

But in just a moment, a sword-cut moment, there is no strong strength, I am afraid that it is just like a lightning, and then, there is nothing.

However, all of the people present are peerless and powerful. They are magical. Although it is only a moment of sword slashing, they have completed things that countless people can't accomplish in three or five minutes.

In contrast, it seems that the Lord of the Black Dragon is so bad that the sword has been cut off, and the enemy has roared repeatedly, but has not been cut down.

Can such a sword beheaded?

In fact, such a sword really cannot kill people.

Because, when the sword of the Black Dragon Kingdom really fell, Wang Yang already shot.

This confrontation was a very short confrontation, but the result of the confrontation was really beyond everyone's expectations.

In the eyes of others, the master of the Black Dragon, who must win this battle, did not know when the sword in his hand had fallen into Wang Yang's hands.

In other words, the Excalibur in his hand has become a bridge, linking the two of them together.

However, this question, its focus, is that Wang Yang, as the master of the star field, how can he compare the strength with the master of the universe?

Well, this is the problem. No matter what kind of power bursts, in the end, what is reflected is a powerful force.

However, what kind of power is supporting it now, a lord of astral field can compare with the lord of the universe?

"You, can you take my sword?"

The most shocking and the most unwilling to believe is the Black Dragon Lord.

He felt that his sword was slashed out with all his strength, and it was called terrifying power, which was directly the sinking sea, as if it had never appeared.

Even, if you want to extract it, it is completely impossible.


Do you think that if you are the sovereign of the universe, you can stand high?

Give us down!"

Wang Yang sneered, and suddenly exerted force, and Heilong Guo felt that he seemed to be controlled by a powerful force.The divine sword in his hand is the thin cable that controls himself. No matter how he struggles, there can be no movement. Under the implementation of that terrible force, he is directly smashed into the starry sky. Among.

There is nothing in the starry sky, but when you hit yourself in the starry sky, it seems that you have an indestructible iron plate underneath.


The powerful force, even, directly initiates the vibration sound.

Void creation.

All this seems so easy.However, only if there are many cosmic owners present, they will know how hard this iron plate fabricated out of thin air is in order to withstand the cruelty of a cosmic kingdom.


Lord Taurus was first called out.

Killing him is unwilling to believe that there will be such unreasonable monsters in this world.

"Master Tiangang, are you kidding me?"

Suddenly, Lord Jinniu turned his head to stare at the bull's eyes, looked at Lord Tiangang, and questioned loudly.

Lord Tian Gang rolled his eyes, sneered, and said, "I want this kind of strength. I've already been called the Ancient Soul Star Zone."

Well, the entire Ancient Soul Star Zone has the strongest overall strength of the Ancient Soul Universe Lord, with a total of 130 high-level star domain masters, even the Tiangang Lord, are not opponents.

If the lord of Tiangang really has such strength, then he will let it go. The ancient soul universe is so arrogant?

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