My Super Estate

Question 2333

Chapter 2236 Fire of Rules

Wang Yang felt that he really lived like a new year.

In this place, sincerity is not treated by others. What kind of situation is the battle of immortals, Wang Yang has no impression at all.

Lifting his head, I saw that there were only two rounds of sun above the sky, constantly emitting endless light.

This kind of light is extremely dazzling, and even, with Wang Yang's strength, it has been seen for a long time.

"The practice of fake is true, out of nothing.

In the universe, I am the truly supreme cosmic sovereign, even the cosmic supremacy.

However, here, Wang Yang feels that he is a mortal."

Even now, he was chased by a rabbit who jumped out of nowhere.


Running fast on the ground, there was even a shortness of breath, a feeling of gasping.

It's almost hell.

"I said Brother Rabbit, I didn't provoke you, how could you chase you so deadly?"

Behind him, there is a very cute rabbit. It is not very big, but it is only one foot high, and it jumps, but the speed is very fast. A pair of rabbit eyes, red and red, is scary.

In front of him was a stone standing tall, and Wang Yang's eyes lit up.

Stepping on a mysterious step under his feet, he quickly rushed towards the stone.

Wang Shou didn't know if'Shou Zhu Yi Tu' was true, but he really wanted to try it.

This stone looks very strong. It feels that as long as it hits one end, basically, it can be directly killed.


Feeling that the stone was getting closer and closer, Wang Yang's heart was even hotter, and finally arrived. He jumped, using his hand as a fulcrum, and gently supported the stone. Suddenly, a beautiful mid-air borrowed force to transfer.


The hand was propped up on the stone, and there was a feeling of pressing on the knife.

As if it were such a stone, it was not a stone at all, but a knife.

In a hurry, he raised his hand and saw, damn, he was already bloody.

It is simply unbelievable. With his own physical body, here, even the sharp edge of a stone can't resist.

However, this is the best way. This damn rabbit, somehow, is running after himself.

Now, such a sharp stone, perhaps, can be solved.


It's done!

The loud voice brought a trace of light to Wang Yang, and he couldn't wait to see the stone.

Oops, damn it, how is it possible?

Turning his head, Wang Yang was frightened.Then the "sharp" stone was even crushed by this damn rabbit.

What kind of rabbit is this, how can it be so perverted?

Wang Yang felt that he had to be eaten by a rabbit today.

If you say it, you may not believe that in the universe, the majestic lord of the four universes, the real cosmic overlord, was chased by a rabbit to nowhere and nowhere to go.


Wang Yang, who was almost desperate, saw something very unexpected.

There was a knife in that stone.The stone was crushed by the rabbit, but the knife inside was knocked out.

As for how this big sword is hidden in the stone, where does Wang Yang know?

"Perhaps, the stone is not too sharp, but this knife is very sharp. The reason I hurt my hand is because the blade is too sharp."

With such consciousness, what are you afraid of?

Seeing that the damn rabbit was about to kick, Wang Yang crashed and rolled away.

Not only has he hurriedly avoided the fatal foot of the rabbit, but he has also come to the gravel, with one hand toward the big knife, but has just grabbed it.

Sure enough, the stone wasn't too sharp, as I guessed, and I rolled over it without any injuries.

Drawing such a correct conclusion, Wang Yang was even more ecstatic.

Feeling the evil wind on one side, Wang Yang was desperate. At this time, this rabbit was not an opponent at all. The sword in his hand was the only chance.

Not to mention it, at this time, who really thinks about it?

Light and flirty, I didn't feel anything at all, and then opened my eyes and saw, I saw that the rabbit who had chased himself into the sky and had no way to go, was really dead now.

What attracted Wang Yang most was not the sword in his hand, nor the dead rabbit, but the flames from the rabbit.I don't know why, Wang Yang just has a feeling, this flame is very extraordinary.

You have to get it.

Wang Yang had a clear feeling that he had to get it. This feeling was so strong, as if he was an infatuated teenager who met a beautiful woman who fell in love with the country, and that kind of infatuation could hardly be suppressed.

So, a silly kid, so silly, just stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the flame.

It's just stupidly cute.

Suddenly, the fire burned.


It's a very real feeling, as if a mortal was burned on his body by a fire.Burning, painful, stimulating Wang Yang's nerves in bursts.

Wang Yang really has a feeling that in this process, he really has to face death.

Even the scorching sensation on his body has clearly passed into his mind.

It's almost hell.


Just when Wang Yang felt that he might die, a special breath continually radiated on himself.

That is the breath of his own Dadao Avenue.

Even, the endless God of Light, constantly erupting, under the flame of the flame, Wang Yang was in it, but he slowly recovered. The female symbol of the Avenue of Nature in the body was under the flame of the flame, Continuously refine.

"No, isn't it!"

Obviously in the temple, Wang Yang felt that the runes of the Tao Avenue were continuously refined under the flames, but their size was constantly decreasing.

No one knows, is it right? Under the burning of such a flame, it finally burned out directly.

"Brother, but it can't be like this!"

This avenue of runes, but its own root!Once burned, who knows, will it suddenly become the breath of his own, then in this world, there will be no more?

At this time, even Wang Yang didn't have that energy at all. After thinking about it, it was impossible to think about what would happen if the Dadao Dao God was destroyed and went out to face the Lord of the Universe universe.

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