My Super Estate

Chapter 2338 An Immortal Crystal

Chapter 2241: A Fairy Crystal

"Wang Yang!!"

Dragon Lord and other four cosmic nations formed very quickly.

One by one, the stars formed rapidly, and thousands of worlds spread out naturally, forming a special world, distributed in the universe.

Everything in it is so orderly.

In the starry sky, I saw a loud Dragon Yin, a dragon-shaped light and shadow, quickly crossed the universe, and came to Wang Yang.

"Dragon Lord, congratulations!"

Lord Dragon, but the old boss he used to be, even in the back, he has always supported himself. Now, he can achieve the Lord of the universe, which is of course a lucky thing.


Or the dragon master is faster."

In the starry sky, the endless light suddenly brightened, and the whole starry sky seemed to suddenly come to the kingdom of light. I saw a supreme 36-winged angel appear suddenly. When all the light converged and appeared, it was Lord of Light.

Bright God, still the image of the old man, dressed in a big white robe and blond hair, has its own characteristics.

"Bright Lord God, congratulations!"

This is also a talent, talent, and both are the top of the list. Compared with the dragon master, it is not inferior at all. He is chasing after him and not letting him pull the distance between each other.


There were loud wolf noises, and I saw that in the starry sky, suddenly a silver wolf with a height of one million feet ran quickly in the starry sky.

Soon, it came to Wang Yang.


The wolf master is still so cold, no matter who he is, he is so enthusiastic, only facing Wang Yang, there is a little convergence.

"Wolf Lord, congratulations—"

The wolf master is a real fierce person, fighting, it is really regardless of life and death.

However, his talent is extremely against the sky, biting the dragon master, never let go.Even Wang Yang has to admit that this is the real arrogance.

"Guardian, how long will it take us to be promoted?"

After they were promoted, they found out that the promotion of the Sifang Universe was not complete yet. They wanted to truly integrate into the universe, and there was always a flaw.

It seems that there is a gap between them, giving them a feeling that at this time, if they choose to transform their lives, there will always be a defect.

"I can't give you an accurate answer to this question.

The promotion of the Sifang Starfield was a battle of immortals. It is very likely that the immortal, in order to protect our Sifang Starfield, attracted the coming of the human race, and isolated our Sifang Starfield.

Now if I want to get promoted, I'm afraid, I have to wait for that fairy to make a shot."

Facing this problem, besides wry smile, what can Wang Yang do?

This is simply a problem without a solution. It is not a level, or even the best solution must be stopped.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

Even if this is the good intention of the fairy, he wants to protect himself, but the result of such an inability to live and die is indeed disgusting in his heart.

"Did we always wait like this?"

Emperor Wu Tiandi was somewhat anxious.

In the past, even the talents and talents are the ultimate existence in the extreme, but in their hearts, the achievement of the master of the upper star domain is also their own limit.

Lord of the universe?

It was simply a story that did not dare to be extravagant. It belonged to a very distant story.

For them, problems that can be solved with talents are not problems at all.However, to achieve the cosmic sovereignty, it is necessary to cultivate a large number of genius characters, and even bring hope to others.

This is a bit fucking.

How can it be so simple to cultivate talents?

Besides, if it is really so easy to cultivate talents, my father, mother, brother, sister, brother and sister are really piles.

Isn't people called'people' because of feelings?

Who would be reluctant to help their loved ones grow up?

However, after growing up, how many people let their relatives and friends grow together?

This is a very real problem.

"Okay, Lord, the question now is the same for all of us.

What can I do?"

Lord Dragon had to speak.

At this time, in fact, waiting is not a way, because the more the time of transformation is dragged, the more troublesome it is. Finally, it is more difficult to want a perfect transformation.

But what can I do?


Wang Yang was also distressed in his heart. Suddenly, Wang Yang saw that in the starry sky, suddenly the sky was full of thunder, constantly flashing.

Thunder world?

Even Wang Yang can see the towering Tianmen.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

Legend has it that the thunder world is the rule of heaven and earth. At this time, there is no special battle, and there is no strong energy fluctuation. How can such a thing suddenly appear?

"Huh, what is that?"

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed wolf master pointed to the door of the day and exclaimed loudly.

In fact, who is not a sharp-eyed person?

The wolf lord called out, but it does not mean that everyone did not see it.

It was a crystal with nine colors.

Looking at the nine-color fairy light, Wang Yang was suddenly in his eyes, a flash of horror flashed through.

Jiucai, Wang Yang remembered very clearly, this is the light of the fairy.

You should know that by planting all kinds of magic medicines, you can see different levels through different colors.

Nine colors can only be seen on one thing.

That is the flat peach core planted on the first hill of Shenshui Manor.

Today, it has grown into a large flat peach tree.

Now, reproduce the nine-color fairy light?


Wang Yang can't care about anything.

If such a nine-color fairy crystal cannot be obtained as soon as possible, who knows what kind of accidents will happen?

Wang Yang's movements shocked the heart. The Dragon Lord and the four others were involuntarily spread out, and even, in the shadows, the Lord of the Kingdom surrounded him for a long time.

It can never be so simple to make Wang Yang so disoriented and so treasured.

At this time, they must protect the Quartet, and cannot be blocked.

It's just that things often don't develop with their own temperament.

Wang Yang's speed cannot be described as unsatisfactory. Similarly, the actions of the Dragon Master and others cannot be said to be not rapid.

It's just that after all this has been carried out, the accident still happened.

I don't know when a powerful magic hand, but I don't know where I came from, just grabbed at the nine-color fairy crystal at the door of that day.

So quickly, so suddenly, even if Wang Yang's actions had already used his full strength, he had no time.

"lay down!!"

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