My Super Estate

Question 2343

Chapter 2246: Retreating from the enemy and preparing for war

"You wait for me!!"

With a slash, the ghost has disappeared.

The battle was over, the dragon master and others quickly gathered around, and the dragon master put away the Phoenix Nine Life Sword in his hand for the first time.

"Just now, is this the Devil category?"

The Dragon Lord, now the same as the Lord of the Universe, even possesses the Nine Daoist Divine Avatar, but he consciously confronts such an old monster and is definitely not an opponent.

Not because his own supernatural powers are not as good as people, but because his way is not as good as people.

"Yeah, this devil, I'm afraid, it's even more terrible than the lord of the universe. In the ten thousand and eighty lords of the universe, his strength, I am afraid, can also be ranked."

Lord Bright also breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he was really nervous.

Finally, he became the master of the universe, and thought that he could become the top power in the universe. Now, it seems that he really takes it for granted, and knows too little about the universe.

How long is this?Just stepped into the ranks of the universe and came out of that chaotic world, but how many strong men have met now?

Ancient Soul Universe Lord, Tiangang Lord, and then, the ten largest Universe Lords of the Ancient Soul Star District, all jumped out one by one, and they are the Lord of Ten Thousand Universes, even more excessive, even involved. In the battle of two "Fairies".

Until now, he hasn't died, and he can even be promoted to the lord of the universe. It is simply the blessing of the destiny.

"This time, there should be no enemies jumping out again!"

The wolf master has always been famous for being fierce, but this series of battles really scared him enough.

If it weren't for Wang Yang to stand against, even if the backing behind him was big enough, for this series of enemies encountered, I was afraid that there would be no residue of dust.

The successive battles were really exciting, but they almost didn't give themselves a kick.

"There should be no enemies!

Now that the four main cosmic kingdoms have taken shape, they have become the cosmic overlords, and the nine-color fairy crystals are also used. There should be no unsightly goods that will come to trouble!"

In this series of battles, Wang Yang was also overwhelmed, and enemies came to kill him. I was afraid that he would really be overwhelmed.

Besides, the following promotion of Daoxing, how to improve, I'm afraid, it's not so easy.

Returning to the main star of the four universes, Wang Yang, as the ruler of the universe, even looked at it for the first time with his own eyes. Say it, would you believe it?

First of all, it feels big to Wang Yang.

At least, it's more than a hundred times larger than the original Quartet original star.

Secondly, this space is so solid.Give Wang Yang a feeling that even in this space, even the emperor should be like a mortal, at most, but only some martial arts masters, you can have a short flight, but the speed is extremely slow, and the consumption of mana ,great.

In other words, the ordinary emperor is in such a world, and there is no such magical power to change the world.

The whole world seems to have expanded countless times (not because it has expanded countless times, but only because the speed has slowed down, and the relative distance has become longer and farther.

In addition, Wang Yang's greatest feeling is that he can clearly feel that he has much more control over the entire universe.

I saw Wang Yang's decisions one after another, quickly played out, and turned into lights and shadows, spreading towards the four directions and blending into the void.

However, Wang Yang naturally integrated the self-created Dadao Avenue into the origin of the Sifang main star. From then on, the entire Sifang Universe Kingdom will use the Dahua Avenue to co-ordinate the heaven and earth.

As a member of the Sifang Universe, as long as you think about it, you can feel the existence of the Dadao Avenue more clearly.

It can be said that Wang Yang’s Dahua Avenue does not even have a small Chengdu. Even if he wants to prove to the real world, he simply does not have that qualification.

If you want the entire universe to be chaotic, all the heavens and all the worlds will comprehend the avenue of fortune, so as to improve your own way of doing things, there is no hope at all.

However, in the Sifang Universe, Wang Yang had such privileges first.

Time passed by very fast. I saw that the Fa-decision in Wang Yang's hands was accelerating from place to place, one after another, one after another, one after another, transformed into a light and shadow, and merged into the origin of the Quartet.

The Wang family, for the Sifang Universe, is the true royal family. The development of the hundreds of years has greatly expanded the entire Wang family.

It can be said that being called the first family of the Sifang Universe is not excessive.

Wang Linfeng is the most outstanding member of the Wang family, the son of Wang Yang and the third generation of Wang Qing.

Wang Linfeng is not very old, but his talents are very good.

For example, he is very interested in planting together.Even, he can already plant all kinds of king-level magic medicine.

Today, he is planting a kind of gold crystal perennial flower, which is a magical medicine that can be used by pregnant women to improve blood vessels. An occasional discovery has caused him great interest.

This planting has been carried out for a long time, and he will continue for a longer period of time, he has always believed that he can succeed.

Suddenly, he felt a shock in his heart, and a series of runes exuding mystery appeared naturally, as if he was talking about a certain kind of reason.

Along with this kind of induction, he understands his own planting technique even more. A great magical power is naturally understood by him and grows rapidly. With the rapid growth of the magical power, he naturally condenses into A general trend.

There is a strong breath of life, naturally radiating, and, there is a kind of spirit in the faint.

Faintly, behind the , it turned into a vision. Among the visions, it was like launching a magic picture, a supreme wise man, planting a seed in the field, watering, fertilizing, waiting The seeds germinate, grow, bloom, and bear fruit.

This process was originally a very long process. However, due to Wang Linfeng's deep epiphany, following the mysterious induction in the spiritual world, this process is constantly accelerating, in a very short time, Formed naturally to achieve a powerful martial spirit.

Then, it was a supreme phantom that naturally stepped out of that incomparably distant void and stood behind Wang Linfeng.

"This, this is my first magical avatar??"

Wang Linfeng couldn't believe it. After sobering, he turned around and looked at the magical avatar in front of him.

"Good feeling."

Although he is a genius figure of the Wang family, he is just an emperor. If he wants to cultivate into a supernatural power, it is impossible.

But what is going on now??

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