My Super Estate

Chapter 235

Chapter 243: Let Me Get Out of Trouble

"Have you heard, let us return to the rivers and lakes."

In the restaurant, suddenly exclaimed.

Sitting in the restaurant, both Linghu Chong and Wang Yang were shocked by the news.

"Hey, this brother, talk to the big guy, who is this guy?"

"What? You don't even know the former demon leader?"

"Master Demon? Isn't that the undefeated East?"

A cry of exclamation, as if the name also carried a magical, once noisy restaurant, miraculous and silent.

It was the young man who, afterwards realized, closed his mouth.

However, for Wang Yang, this is a very bad result.

The former director of the Demon Religion Church must be rescued by Linghu Chong. Only in this way can he practice peerless magic skills. Otherwise, even if there is peerless sword skills and there is no peerless internal skill, it is almost impossible for him to reach the top.

Wang Yang absolutely does not allow this to happen.

The fact that Linghu Chong can’t go to the top means that if he wants to complete his task, it is simply impossible.

"Brother, we will not return to Huashan for the time being, we will go to West Lake."

"West Lake?"

Ling Hu's face was curious.

"Yes, it's West Lake. There, for you, maybe, there really is a chance."

This world has undergone fundamental changes.

Originally, this time was the time when Hengshan sent Liu Zhengfeng to wash his hands in the golden basin, but there is still no movement on the rivers and lakes.

Originally, it will be almost a year before Renxing is released, even at that time, it was already the second half of the plot.

However, the climax has just begun.

Because there is an unexpected Lin Pingzhi, from this moment on, the whole world will come out with a completely different plot.


Legend has it that on the broken bridge, scholars and white snakes met, knew each other, and fell in love.

Standing on the broken bridge, Wang Yang and Linghu rushed to look into the distance.

"Six Brothers, can you tell me, what are we doing here?"

Linghu Chong was very anxious, and at the command of the teacher, Linghu Chong entered the land of Sichuan and Shu, and sent Yu Canghai an autographed letter. As a result, he saw with his own eyes that the Qingcheng faction was beheaded by people.

For such major events in the rivers and lakes, he didn't return to the mountain for the first time to report to Master, but came to the West Lake all the way to see the scenery.

"You know, where did you come from?"

"you know?"

Ling Hu was shocked, and then stared at the clear and beautiful West Lake at his feet.

"You won't tell me, he is from..."

Later, he didn't say it again.

Wang Yang nodded and said, "Yes, he just walked out from here.

Or ready to say that he was detained here and rescued by Lin Pingzhi."

In this world, the biggest variable is Lin Pingzhi. The only possible possibility of such a dramatic change in the plot is that of Lin Pingzhi.


Ling Huchong froze.

He absolutely can't think of it. In the legend, the strength is monstrous, and there is a demon against the whole right path. Ren Xing was actually detained here.

Even more unexpectedly, Lin Ping even rescued him from here.


Linghu Chong always has a feeling of being unable to speak.

He would like to ask loudly, why is it such a big event, why not return to the mountain, but come here instead.

"You know, how did Lin Pingzhi kill Laudeneau?

I tell you, the Lin family has a peerless swordsmanship. One hundred years ago, the Lin family ancestors used this peerless swordsmanship to fight the world invincible.

Like the undefeated East, it dominates martial arts.

In recent years, the influence of the Lin family has weakened, and the influence of the Lin ancestors has diminished dramatically.

Both Lauderau and the younger sister were sent by the master to monitor the Lin family."

Wang Yang stared closely at Ling Huchong and said, "Now, you know, what Lauderau thought!

I tell you, it’s very possible that Xiaoshimei is still in his hands..."

"What? What do you say, little sister, do you mean that little sister is in his hands?"

Linghu rushed.

He grew up with his younger sister and sister, and has deep roots.

Now I heard that the little sister was caught by the murderous devil, and for a time, he jumped anxiously.

"Your martial arts are so powerful, there must be a way to deal with him, did you rescue Master?

Is it like this?"

"Say, is this the case?"

It is about the safety of the younger sister and sister, Linghu Chong has lost his free and easy life, and there is no longer the handsome young man in the past.

Wang Yang has not spoken, he just looked at it indifferently.

Waited until Linghu Chong calmed down.

"You know, I can't beat him.

I tell you, the evil spirit swordsmanship is a very evil swordsmanship, which can be promoted to the Grandmaster Realm in a very short time.

It is even possible to practice higher.

Before, the Lin Pingzhi we saw was actually just a short while ago. Otherwise, it was my strength and it was absolutely impossible to be his opponent."

"In addition, I tell you that Master sent Lauderau and the younger sister to monitor the Lin family, but not to protect him."

"You mean?"

Linghu Chong was shocked.

Yue Buqun was the most admired person in his heart since childhood.

Suddenly heard such a news, if it was before, he would never believe it.

However, Lauderau's sword was already in Lin Ping's hands and became a murderous sword.

Of course, if this is the case, then there is nothing wrong, but the safety of the young teacher has attracted all his attention.

"Peerless swordsmanship, for Huashan, is the hope of regaining the honor. Once Master has carried too much, he will never give up such an opportunity.

That is to say, Master has been eyeing the Lin family.

You said that Lin Pingzhi has grasped the news, will he let go of Huashan?

You need to know that Qingcheng is destroying the gates because they once stared at their swordsmanship."

Ling Huchong froze.

This is absolutely shocking news.

First, the death of the second teacher, and then the younger sister was taken away by someone, and may even encounter various dangers.

Now I heard again that you, the master who is known as a gentleman's sword, is actually eyeing the peerless swordsmanship of others, and now it is possible to destroy the door.

How is this possible??

"How did you know?"

"How do I know that you don't care for the time being, in short, you are in desperate need of a top-level magical skill to increase your strength at the shortest speed, otherwise, whether it is to rescue your little sister or help Huashan out of danger, you must increase your strength as soon as possible ."

Linghu was very confused, not knowing what to do.

Instinctive feeling, the six youngest brothers who have the best relationship with themselves since childhood, will not deceive themselves.

But, however, he is difficult to explain, why did the second brother go to Fuzhou?

I tell you, there is a water cellar underneath the West Lake. When I did my job, I was imprisoned in this cell.

With no hope of escape, he engraved his most powerful peerlessness into it. Now the most important thing for you is to go in and learn this peerlessness.

Only in this way can you protect Huashan from the dangers in Huashan.

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