My Super Estate

Chapter 2362

Chapter 2265 The Great Chance of the Dragon Lord

"The movement outside seems to have subsided."

Until this time, in the land of Longyin, Wang Yang and the Dragon Lord, and others, were shocked in their hearts.

I didn't even think of it. In this morning, I encountered such a terrible lost property.

"But I know, who is he?"

"With such a sword spirit, with such a belief, it is very likely that he is a legendary figure."

The strength of Lei Jun Mo Qingfeng, the proper overlord of the universe, but, in his mouth, such a existence.It was only limited to legend.

It's just incredible.


What kind of character is this?Is it only possible to see it in the legend?"With his current strength, it is already the pinnacle of existence in the universe. But that's it. There is still existence. There can only be a little rumor in the legend. This is really terrible."

Could it be that your own level is just looking at others?

"Who is he?"

In any case, you must know who you are looking up to?Those who are desperately struggling to survive can achieve such achievements today, which has already surpassed countless creatures. He wants to know how far he is from the peak.

"Broken Sword God.

Legend has it that he inherited a sword fairy."

"Wang Yang, there is my chance here, let's go to retreat." Lord Dragon turned and left.

"what happened to him?"

Just fine, now leave?Lei Jun felt as if he had said the wrong thing.

"It really needs to go to retreat."

Not to mention the Dragon Lord, even if it is himself, this time, it can't stand it.

Once known as the supreme genius, he confessed that he was no worse than anyone. In a blink of an eye, he would have to look up to others. In this sense, who can bear the damn feeling?

In Longyin, only two people remained.Their eyes fixed on the two divine dragons that were on the verge of collapse.

The former Shenjun is gone. Only the scarred flesh and blood, but only one of them, with a trace of nine-color fairy light, can attract the eyes of both of them.

If you look closer, they are not the gods of breaking the sword and Wanshan Daojun, who are they?

With the move of the Heavenly Sword Divine Sword, it was already a divine dragon on the verge of collapse. It completely collapsed. The flesh and bone marrow that could be clearly seen before, at this moment, were all turned into a gas.

"Sure enough, they did not die, and entered this dragon-inscribed land.

Even, they have obtained huge benefits."

There is a trace of nine-color fairy light in his hand.But it can be seen that this glorious nine-color fairy light, looking at some bright light, in fact, there is nothing in it.

"This is not really nine-color fairy light, this is their means."

Shenjun's dragon has disappeared, and there are only nine fairy lights contaminated with some fairy air.

Sure enough, the nine fairy lights in the hand naturally withdrew from a color.Little by little, in the end, there was only a little light, and finally, there was nothing.

At last.All the people are gone.

Wang Yang can clearly feel that this place of his own has a great help for the great magical power of the dragon attribute.

"It seems that no one has ever thought about how rare such a pool is here.

Especially in this direction, we have to wonder, where did Wang Yang get it from?

The Four Corners Valley at this time has extremely terrible movements.Around it, there are already all kinds of creatures, one by one, all of them are powerful.

However, no matter where it is, Sword God of Breaking Sky is always the most arrogant car.

Not because others are more arrogant, but because his reputation is already the most arrogant.

This is the case of Wang Yang and the Dragon Lord. At this time, it suddenly appeared here.

"It's you?"

At this time, it is useless to admonish, because this voice does not feel too familiar.However, to be born as a human race universe overlord, the basic understanding needs to be strengthened.

For example, the two in front of me were once under the domineering swordsmanship, and were able to survive. It was really not easy.

"You haven't died yet?"

Wang Yang couldn’t believe it. It was so long since Ming Ming had exploded during the few wars. Among them, the characters of the Demon Overlord level were swept by the overbearing sword spirit. How could it be possible? Will meet them.

"Devils, shadows, dark holy dragons, bears can dominate." Well, so good!

Before, I was beaten up by you, this time, in any case, you have to earn this face back.

When the enemy meets, he is jealous. This thing should not be divided into strengths or weaknesses, because usually, the stronger the strength, the more the mind, and the more calm the calculations.

"Haha, today, see how you escape!!"

The three quickly dispersed, holding Wang Yang and others in control.Looking at their frame, they seem to have forgotten. Before, they had such strength in reporting, how did they come about.

"Really looking for death!!"

At this point, Wang Yang was not afraid of him.I dare to be so arrogant now, I am really not afraid of death,

In the face of the bear can attack overlord.It was still such a slap, it seemed that all the abilities were all driven out.

Wang Yang didn't have any chance to shoot at all. I saw Dragon Lord snorting, and in the face of the thick slap, he just smashed it with a punch.


The Xiongneng Overlord, who was still a crushing type, had all his arms broken and his chest was already terribly punched.


Seeing that the Dragon Master had to shoot again, Mo Ying hurriedly made a noise. Similarly, all his power was exploded.

"Huh, you said stop it, don't I lose face?"

Where would the Dragon Lord be willing to listen to him?

Before being chased and killed by someone, this enmity has not been reported yet. Now that I have this opportunity, if I don’t catch it, wouldn’t I find myself uncomfortable?

Sure enough, I saw that the Dragon Lord held up his big hand, as if it had propped up a world, and he would directly grasp the bear to dominate.

At this time, the dragon lord still has a choice to take this guy alive, and he can establish a rule of origin for himself, but this choice, the dragon lord has no choice, but directly gives this guy a slap to shoot Go in.

Mo Ying wants to save, but his actions have been greatly improved, because, at this time, Xiongneng Overlord has been slapped to death.

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