My Super Estate

Question 2378

Chapter 2281 The Nine Color Fairy

Aura of chaos, gray, endless, suddenly, I don’t know where it is from, a little bit of red light naturally appears in the dusty chaos, and, getting bigger and bigger, gradually, gray The chaos was overwhelmed, and then, when he opened his eyes again, he found that, unconsciously, he returned to the flame sea space.

It is generally the same as before, just two more figures.

The sea of ​​flames hangs in the air, the phoenix has a graceful posture, bright wings, flying naturally in the flames, a pair of red and red eyes, with a kind of inherent pride.

That kind of arrogance seems to be that it is inherently high above all, the king of birds.

Looking up at the phoenix that seems to be dominated by heaven and earth from afar, although it does not show any power or behave like a tyrant, but no matter who it is, it is produced in the heart at this moment. A feeling of powerlessness.

Stand to let you fight, never fight back, do you dare?

This is the word most often talked about by street gangsters. It seems that if they say this, it really seems how awesome they are.

However, such a sentence is very delicate in Phoenix.

The feeling now is such a feeling.

The eyes of the red poultry king seem to be questioning you like this, do you dare?

His eyes glanced softly. Before, all the toes were high and powerful, and the many demons of my world, my first, were all with their heads down, and they didn't even dare to look up.

Each one seems to think that as long as he doesn't raise his head, the high phoenix will no longer look at himself.

"Hear your ears!"

Wang Yang whispered in his heart.

However, there is also an accident here. The extra nine ghost demon fairy is standing there at this moment with great interest, looking at the phoenix soaring in the sea of ​​flames, just like Looking at the best things in the world.

"Hey, what is this?"

Occasionally, he raised his head, only to find that in the blaze of fire, I didn't know when to start, a burst of nine rainbow lights appeared naturally.

Look closely, where is the nine rainbow lights, it is clearly a breath.

Nine colors fairy tale??

Wang Yang was quiet, he finally understood why the Nine Nether Moxian would have such a good temperament, he had been waiting all the time, but he didn't shoot.

It turned out that he was always waiting for such an opportunity?

It's just that he is already an immortal magic fairy. Will he care so much about the nine-color fairy?

I feel as if I have discovered something extraordinary.

Secretly, Wang Yang stepped back.

"Where do you want to go?"

I was just saying that others were covering their ears and stealing their bells, but they didn't expect that they did it once, and they were still caught by someone.

"Well, since you have a big event, we naturally have to make room for you, right?

You are busy, let us not disturb!"

Wang Yang was brave and said so.

It's just that he didn't have the courage to run in front of him.Of course, whether he could run, he never thought about this question.


The high-pitched chirping of Phoenix, a beautiful line of fire, towards the nine-color fairy qi, is a natural impact.

How daring!

To be sure, the Nine Nether Moxian didn't speak, but this voice was in his mind for a long time.

The previous moment, still in front of myself, the next moment, already appeared in that flaming sea, raised a slap, it was photographed towards the phoenix.

This is just a very normal slap. The slap is not very big, but such a slap has the power to cover the sky.

Standing under the sea of ​​fire, looking far away, you can clearly see that the slap is really not very big, but the whole space seems to be naturally reduced by this slap, and he naturally took it in In hand.

The sea of ​​fire seems to be boundless, but it is only in this slap. Phoenix is ​​in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, and naturally it is the slap that cannot escape.

"Just, that's it?"

Wang Yang has infinite disappointment in his heart. In his heart, this phoenix is ​​also a terrible fairy bird. After a period of Nirvana rebirth, no matter how powerful it is, it can also be compared with the Nine Ghost Demon Immortals.

How could it be so simple that it was defeated?

"How to do?"

Not to mention Wang Yang, it is the God of Heaven and Earth, and it is dumbfounded.

He never thought that he would encounter such a thing today.He has always been arrogant and overbearing. For the first time, he felt that his strength was still so weak.

But what should I do now?

"you ask me??"

Turning his head in surprise, Wang Yang didn't know if this guy had a pit in his head.

Can the current scenes such as one's own calf and arm be confronted?

If you ask me this way, are you sad in your heart?

"Do you think that such a big problem in the high-end atmosphere is really appropriate for you to ask me this way?"

He almost rolled his eyes and took a picture of his heart.

"Don't you know him?"

Wanshan Daojun asked softly.

"Brother, you are really good!

Do you think that I am a human race, he is a demon race, I know him, will he give me this face?"

Wang Yang always has a feeling of'spraying'.

This buddy's question is always so fresh, it looks quite humorous, and I don't know if it was intentional.

After saying this, it seems that it is the same thing, that is, Wanshan Daojun is also embarrassed in his heart.

But for Wang Yang, he and Po Tianjian God mean the same thing.

This guy is a bit unusual.

It was a phoenix first, who didn’t find anyone, and even asked him to be the legal guardian. Now, I don’t know what happened, and I’ve gotten involved with this demon who was only heard in the legend, and only heard of it. .

No matter what he is relying on, at least for now, it seems that this robbery must rely on him.

"As for whether this face will be given, who knows?"


Well, this is the top-level overlord's skin, rubbing it on the ground, they can all face without changing color.

There is no one with such a powerful face.

Seems to say a lot below, however, as long as they know, all of them are just in the heart, and they communicate with each other, otherwise, even if they are far away, they are not sure, the one above, is Can't hear it.

They haven't discussed a result yet. The above battle situation has changed a lot.

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