My Super Estate

Episode 238

Chapter 246 The Daxing Dafa

"This is the Daxing Dafa?"

Fortunately, Lin Pingzhi didn't know that Wang Yang and they would find it, or that he didn't fully grasp the Daxing.

There is a negligence in this kind of magical martial arts, which may kill you.

He didn't dare to destroy the Daxing Dafa until he had mastered it completely.

In short, no matter what, Lin Pingzhi did not destroy the piece of iron plate that engraved the Daxing Dafa.

"Here, this is the magic skill of doing my job!!"

Star-absorbing Dafa is famous along with our work. As a disciple of Huashan, Linghu Chong is naturally remembered.

"Yes, it's the martial arts that you can do.

However, the first thing to correct is that this martial art is not a magic skill. It is derived from the martial arts of the Taoist hermit sects of the Qing Dynasty during the Northern Song Dynasty. It is pure Taoist martial arts.

The so-called gas is born, is the means of Taoist fairy.

Initially, this magical skill was not called'Sucking Dafa', it should be called'Northern Sage Magical Skill'. It was just that the descendants were not filial and the top-level Taoist magical skills lost the most essential part and formed the current This is a magic skill that everyone fears.

In fact, this martial art is very desirable in many places.

For example, some people who rely on martial arts to be evil, they themselves make small troubles, or are needed for life, sin should not deserve, but, undeniably, these people are evil.

At this time, we have to stop them from continuing to be evil. Generally speaking, there are no more than three choices, to abolish their martial arts, or interrupt their hands and feet.

Otherwise, only kill them.

However, if we have this martial art, we can directly absorb the internal force of his body, so that he can become an ordinary person again."

"Of course, this is just a use of this martial arts surface.

In fact, some martial arts require a lot of internal strength and true energy to practice. At this time, it is normal to practice this kind of "sucking Dafa".

Of course, if it is just like doing anything, it is directly used for cultivation, absorbing the internal strength of others for your own use, only the most inferior use.

The initial practice of martial arts began with physical training.

Therefore, everyone who practices martial arts is a person born with divine power.

However, entering the realm of third-rate masters has basically been refined from the body and cultivated the internal force. This internal force derived from the physical training has a personal spiritual imprint.

Once the spiritual imprint cannot be wiped out, in the end, there is only one possibility, that is, getting rid of evil.

However, if we modify this martial arts, not directly into Dantian for their own use, but as an energy for practicing other martial arts, I think, it is a very good choice.

For example, our Huashan Hunyuan Gong.

Hunyuan Gong has a total of 13 layers, and the ultimate practice must be the first-class masters on the rivers and lakes. With exquisite swordsmanship, it is also possible to become the master of the rivers and lakes.

However, Hunyuan Gong has both internal and external cultivation, and has a great demand for energy.

At this time, if we incorporate this kind of star-absorbing Dafa into Hunyuan Gong, the energy absorbed from others will be used to temper our own flesh. Then, it will be a very good one for Hunyuan Gong. select."

Wang Yang has already practiced Hunyuan Gong to the top of the thirteenth floor. Of course, his understanding of this martial art is far better than that of others.

The only merit of this martial art is to use internal force to temper the flesh and cultivate the body of war.

However, this martial art itself is not very high level, it is not a series of divine skills, it is very strenuous to cultivate internal strength, and it is not so much time to refine the body and cultivate the war body.

However, if the essence of the Daxing Dafa is directly incorporated into this Hunyuan power, it will definitely make this Hunyuan a new level.

Of course, the idea is good, but the difficulty of action is certain.

However, for Wang Yang, this is an excellent opportunity.

Hunyuan Gong and the Golden Bell formed a certain relationship with each other. It happened that this time they would close their doors and reorganize these two martial arts to truly create their own martial arts.

Before, I always felt that Hunyuan Gong was almost what he did. Now that he sees this Daxing Dafa, he has an idea in his mind.

The Hunyuan Gong and the golden bell cover merge with each other, and the level of the war body rises by one level. At that time, the supply of Hunyuan Gong is more and more in short supply.

However, if the Daxing Dafa is really integrated into the newly created martial arts, then it will definitely shine.

Think about it. When that time comes, a golden bell is on top. No matter who attacks, it is completely ignored, the energy of the attack is absorbed by the golden bell cover, and the body training is strengthened.

Just thinking about it, Wang Yang was deeply excited.

"Brother, we are here to retreat. Here, how is it quiet and safe?"

The idea of ​​incorporating the essence of absorbing stars into the newly created martial arts has become increasingly strong.

The method of cultivating the star-absorbing Dafa is to empty the flesh and form a vacuum, thus generating a strong suction.

The practice of absorbing stars is to force the internal force into the eight channels of the strange scriptures and let the twelve normals vent. Wang Yang thought that the reaction of Hunyuan Gong and the golden bell cover merged with each other to form a kind of use of internal force to quench the flesh and form a unique line.

If you sort out these special lines, spread them all over the body, and then disperse the internal forces of the whole body into them.

What will happen then?

With this in mind, Wang Yang followed this line of thought, and Wang Yang began a retreat.

Also closed, there is Linghu Chong.

Influenced by Wang Yang and stimulated by Lin Ping, his desire for martial arts is much stronger than in the original play.

Under the control of this mood, it seems to be blessed by the will of heaven and earth. Linghu Chong blends the Hunyuan Gong and the Daxing Dafa with each other, which is much smoother than Wang Yang.

In short, this retreat, with the help of Linghu Chong, the face of the son, the effect is better than expected.

At the same time, Zhuang Rong returned to Fuwei Dart Bureau.

"Pingzhi, you are back!!!"

Lin Zhennan and his wife saw Lin Pingzhi's return, and they were overjoyed and gushed out.

"Parent, how is that girl?"

Lin Pingzhi did not know that he could go back, he only thought that he had crossed.

On the earth, his father put his own life in for him. This time he entered this world of arrogance. When he faced his parents again, he had a different idea.

In short, he has always had a good attitude towards the Lin Zhennan couple.

"Well, suck the star Dafa and ward off evil swordsmanship.

Exactly, the Daxing Dafa absorbs the internal strength of others' true qi, and the internal strength of the evil swordsmanship is extremely condensed. If I fuse these two martial arts together, it must be too advanced."

Thinking of this harvest, Lin Ping was overjoyed.

In fact, he has always placed his hope of returning to the earth on Wang Yang.

He knew that Wang Yang had taken the initiative to cross over, and there must be hope to go back. When he wanted to come, as long as he killed Wang Yang, he would definitely get what he wanted from him.


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