My Super Estate

Chapter 2381 The Second Great Magic

Chapter 2284 The Second Great Magic

The Dahua Avenue is a avenue that Wang Yang summed up and created by himself.

Before him, between heaven and earth, was there any creation, he did not know, there is a high probability, there should be, because the innate transformation of the Demon God Tree, also known as: the creation of the God Village, since there is the word "fortune", then, heaven and earth Between, there is a high probability of creation.

However, before the Dadao Road, he had no chance.

"The first great magical character, the magical fire, is a fusion of ten types of chemical symbols.

One chemical magic fire, broken down, is ten kinds of chemical magic.

Now, what is this second kind of supernatural power?"

All along, Wang Yang did not know.However, he never thought about it, his second great magical power, even though it would be so easy to be here, it is possession.

I saw that on Wang Yang's body, naturally, it seemed that there were no endless runes, which appeared quickly and disappeared quickly.

The last particularly large rune, like an emperor, sat in the middle of the town and fell three feet above his head.

There are gods three feet above the head.

Perhaps, among them, there are also some exquisite.

I saw that this rune naturally burned the flaming sacred fire, which was very vast and turned into a huge pillar of fire.From a distance, Wang Yang is the handle under the pillar of fire.

A lot of light and shadow naturally appeared in the god of fire.

"This is the Sifang Universe?"

Just looking at it from a distance, you can find that in that light and shadow, there are endless powerhouses.

For all the human races present, there is little attention to these strong men. Everyone is either the cosmic sovereign or the cosmic hegemon. The cosmic kingdoms under his command are also countless strong men.

However, whose family has such a large number of geniuses?

"Did you make a mistake? How could there be such a huge number of geniuses?"

Even the God of Heaven and Earth Sword shrieked.

Such scenes, not to mention seeing, just listening, are never heard of.

"Are you the Lord of the universe under his command?"

Grabbing the Dragon Lord, the broken Sky Sword expression was excited, and holding his hand tightly, he was reluctant to let go.

"Hurry up, are you the cosmic sovereign under his command?"

Under the command of a cosmic sovereign, there are other cosmic sovereigns. No one believes such a thing.

There is no king in a country, this is a famous saying since ancient times.

However, in the universe, satellite universes are common. When there are more than ten satellite universes, a cosmic star zone is naturally created.

"Yes, I am the Lord of the universe under his command??"

It is the Dragon Lord, but also a heartfelt admiration in my heart. I thought that I was the Dragon God and the organizer of the Dragon God Special Action Group.And Wang Yang is only a member of the Dragon God Special Action Group after he left.

However, nowadays, Wang Yang is the omnipotent cosmic sovereign of the cosmic universe, and he has the strength of the cosmic hegemon, and he has also used his power to quickly achieve the status of cosmic sovereign.

How can the outsiders know the changes?

If you put it on someone else, you will have an imbalance in your heart, and you will feel resentful. However, he does not, on the contrary, he has the supreme honour in his heart, because this is the strong man who came out of his special team of Dragon God, Is my own pride.

"Can you tell me why he has such a large number of geniuses under his command?"

What did he see just now?

God, hundreds of thousands of talented people.What kind of pervert is this to have such a huge scene?

"Yes, tell me quickly, why would he have such a huge number of geniuses?"

Genius characters are not only because of their own strength, but more, they can enhance the strength of the cosmic sovereign.

As long as a genius figure understands Wang Yang's path of creation and cultivates into a magical avatar, he can provide him with a way of doing things.

As long as there are 10,000, accumulated together, perhaps, it can be cultivated into a character rune.

One hundred thousand, one year of cultivation, perhaps, it can be cultivated into a great magical skill.


As long as you think about it, none of the thirty or so cosmic owners present can be calm.

Jiushan Daojun didn't know when he came to the dragon master, grabbed his hand, the dragon master wanted to take it back. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was unsuccessful.

"Two people, can you let me go?

They are already the masters of the universe, do you pull and pull like this, is it good-looking?"

"Hey, you tell me quickly, how is it that he has such a large number of genius characters under his command?"

Every genius character is the most precious resource of the cosmic sovereign.

If you want to improve your strength, it takes tens of thousands of years to condense into a avenue rune. Even without that kind of opportunity, that is, giving you more time, there is no possibility of success.

However, if the self-developed universe has a huge number of geniuses, it is simply impossible for Daoxing to improve quickly.

No cosmic sovereign does not want his strength to be improved quickly.

In the same way, there is no cosmic sovereign who does not want to have one more genius figure under his command.

However, this is the case now, but some people can't afford it...

Hundreds of thousands, how is it possible?

"Yes, tell us soon, how did he have such a large number of geniuses under his command?"

Po Tianjian God is no longer cold, Wanshan Daojun is no longer stable.

His mother, if you can have such a huge number of geniuses, who cares about what is cold and steady?

"If you ask like this, I can't help it!"

Lord Dragon is also crying: "If I knew what was going on, do you think I would do the same?"


Although it is an affiliated universe, it is also the owner of the universe. If it is really possible, it is true, no one will be unwilling.

So, is this method really impossible?

Looking at the cosmic kingdom manifested in the God of Fortune, those hundreds of thousands of light spots.

As the master of the universe, they certainly know that this is because there are hundreds of thousands of genius characters in the universe, who have cultivated the supernatural powers created by the master of the universe and cultivated into magical avatars.

At this time, Wang Yang cultivated into the second great magical power of nature, and naturally, he began to borrow from the hundreds of thousands of geniuses.

Think about it, there are only so few when I break through, now people are directly more than a hundred thousand, and the gap between them is simply desperate.

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