My Super Estate

Question 2387

Chapter 2290 Requests Phoenix’s Help

"This, this is your Sifang Universe?"

In front of the God of Fire, there is a natural manifestation of the universe.

No, this can no longer be regarded as a cosmic country, it should be a star zone, a cosmic star zone, and the nine cosmic nations, has formed a whole, and, in this whole, there is also a terrible existence, in the virtual and the real Switch back and forth.

"Xingqu Tiandao, only one step behind."

As the overlord of the universe, the God of Breaking Swords is certainly no stranger.

That is clearly the prototype of the Star District Heavenly Path, which is about to take shape, but it still lacks the last strength.

"Your universe, now in great trouble!"

In the eyes of different people, the same thing can always see different things.

What the Heaven-Breaking Sword God sees is the extremely amazing cosmic genius figure of the Sifang Universe, but what Mo Qingfeng sees is the danger that the Sifang Universe has already faced.

They glanced at them one by one and secretly said: "Perhaps this is a different mindset, different angles derived from it!

The strength of the earth-shattering sword god is truly striking, and has truly entered the stage of rampant unruly. It belongs to the top cosmic overlord and truly achieves the level of invincibility and loneliness. In his eyes, only his own future, only Ways to improve your strength.

Therefore, even if the Sifang Universe is facing a crisis of destruction, he sees only the extremely amazing number of cosmic geniuses in the Sifang Universe.

Perhaps he also saw the crisis in the Sifang Universe, but he chose to ignore it, because he has such self-confidence that no matter what kind of powerful enemy, as long as he shoots himself, he can sweep everything.

In contrast, Mo Qingfeng's level seems to be much weaker.

He is still at the level of prudence. In his eyes, the enemy, there are two divisions, one is a powerful enemy, and the other is a weak enemy.

Therefore, what he saw was the strong enemy facing the Quartet Universe."

Wang Yang believes that these are two different perspectives.

To look at the problem, we must choose a different perspective, from which we will choose what we will face.

Now, the Sifang Universe is facing a powerful attack by the demons, and it is always possible to go to destruction together.However, today, it is still trapped in the sky-shaped mountain, no matter how anxious, there is no way.

At this time, you need to be calm and seek a solution.

No one thought that Wang Yang could still have such a complicated idea at this time. At this time, they had already been stunned by the Sifang Universe in front of them.

"Broken Sky Sword God, how many cosmic geniuses are there in your space-breaking universe?"

Wanshan Daojun's voice was unprecedentedly heavy.

"No more than a thousand, and most of the thousand are swords, because of my existence.

There are no more than ten people on other roads."

Ten thousand heads of'Grass Nima' rushed past in the heart of Pojian Sword God.

I have been established for more than one million years to break the universe, but how much effort have I spent and how many strategies have I developed?

Even, once the self, led the army under his own, how many demon universes have he attacked?

Once or twice, I can't remember clearly.

However, spending so much effort is only such a little achievement.

"How about you?"

"We, Wanshan Universe, are not as good as you. Five hundred. They are already the top of the sky. Even the genius characters who have embarked on other roads, including those who have fallen, are only five people."

In the past, such an achievement was already worth the excitement of his heart for a long time, but now, when looking at the Sifang Universe, suddenly there is a massive hammer in his heart, which is directly on his chest.

"Have you counted?"

What did you count?

"A total of 387,433 people.

Among them, the genius characters who practiced together were 198,775 people."

Wanshan Daojun's question, Po Tianjian God has not answered directly, Lei Jun is already a shocked opening over there.

Such a huge number has already broken the bottom line of all the hearts of his casserole and asked him in the end, which is beyond his prediction of all common sense.

This is simply no data that makes sense.

"Our gap is really that big?"

The five-color god cow is usually the most overbearing, rampant and rampant, and the bullish temper is hot.

However, at this moment, he even suspected Niu Sheng.

The difference between the data is really too big. They are the top cosmic overlords of the Heavenly Sword God and Wanshan Daojun. The data of their cosmic star area can also be shown to others. However, the universe star area under their own, that Is it just a single-digit universe genius, can it really be seen shaking?

"Everyone, Lord Qingfeng has nothing wrong to say, our Quartet Universe is already facing a massive attack by the Demon Race.

At this time, at least all ten stars have opened the star portal.

I have reason to believe that this time, it must have been done by the group of Demon overlords who were rescued by the Nine Nether Moxian before.

Ladies and gentlemen, our Quartet Universe Kingdom needs your help."

Wang Yang took a deep breath and said cautiously.


What do we need to do?"

"Of course, leave all those demons, and give them a profound lesson."

Wang Yang's tone of speech was very firm.

Why? I know the existence of many supreme immortals. Today, I was even knocked on the door by the Demon Clan. How could this breath be swallowed?

"it is good!

If it is the other cosmic kingdom, even if it is the ruler of the cosmic kingdom that ruled one side of the star zone, if I say this, Lao Tzu will let him be a fart.

However, looking at the magnificent camp of your Sifang Universe, Lao Tzu is full of hope like never before.

You say, what to do, I will listen to you."

Lei Jun said loudly.

"Yes, this time, in any case, he must give him a very good lesson. In any case, he must be left behind."

Lei Jun’s words, like a lever, directly exist all the greatness, and the blood that has not been known for many years is all inspired.

"it is good.

Now, then, now, I am here, on behalf of our Sifang Universe, thank you."

With that said, Wang Yang stood up, raised his head, and looked into the void: "Senior Phoenix, please help me to leave."

What hair?

Wang Yang acted suddenly, so that everyone was shocked.

If you want to leave the Tianxing Mountain, you must choose a special period, otherwise, it is impossible to leave.

Now, it turned out to ask Phoenix for help??

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