My Super Estate

#2394 Ziyang town magic fairy incense inheritance

Chapter 2297 The Inheritance of the Devil Incense in Ziyang Town

The whole man is covered in circles. He never knew that his life was so precious that it could cause three immortals to run like this.

It was quite unexpected.

However, in this world, people are still alive, and they are also a cosmic overlord. With such qualifications, can so many immortals go back and forth?

Hey, speak as you speak, don't move your feet, I also have dignity.

It's a tragedy, Wang Yang doesn't care about his style at all, just catches him in his hands.

"Count it, we should have met for the third time!

Of course, if you are in chaos, you must count them separately."


This little guy is quite arrogant, even if he is a prisoner at this stage, at this time, he still looks so tall.

Only, who do you look like?

"Master, this guy, the problem should be very big.

I can’t believe that Jiu You Mo Xian is such a noble person. He can run back and forth twice for a small cosmic sovereign, each time when his life is under great threat."


There is such a thing?

A magic fairy, even for such a small cosmic sovereign, is so interested?

If this is really the case, then I really want to take a look.


I saw that the emperor Ziyang did not know what kind of sky-eye supernatural power he practiced. He shouted, and suddenly, the surrounding stars were shining brightly, the stars in the sky, looming and looming, forming a huge star array.

Time seems to be continually retreating, backtracking, all kinds of pictures appear naturally, and continue to manifest.

Inside, it seems that there is a retrogression of time. Similarly, it seems to be a play in memory. There is a battle. Similarly, there is a sky-long killing.

The tribulation of human races, natural disasters, human disasters, and various disasters never stop.

There are even demons who are brutal and innocent, take pleasure in killing people, make a living by eating people, and gargle with human blood.

In this way of not knowing whether it is time to return, or forgetting to play, it shows how the demons are brutal and cruel, and how cruel, and various human races are constantly tortured and constantly under their hands. The ground was devastated.

The pregnant woman was pregnant in October, and was once ripped open to refine the Zihe car. What’s more, in order to create a supreme grievance, the pregnant woman who was holding her belly was ripped open, tortured a little, a little bit. Destruction, just to allow pregnant women to accumulate more grievances, the outbreak of grievances, it is the grievances of the sky, the achievement of the mother-in-law grievance, for their own cultivation.

Means such as this continue to appear, just looking at Wang Yang's heart, there is endless anger.

"Damn things, you will die very ugly."

Gritting his teeth, Wang Yang looked at the devil and the like in front of him, and there was always a completely explosive force on his body.

This is the anger in my heart. Once it breaks out, it can be blue sky.

Wang Yang's body is also burdened with countless murders. Once, the demons who died in his hands did not know how many, or even exceeded, a limit.

However, at this time, Wang Yang was still extremely angry.

Without it, the positions are different.

He is a human race, killing the demons, it is a matter of course, he does not dare to talk nonsense.It's completely at ease.

However, whenever I saw the Demon Race, for some purpose and for some fun of myself, I bullied the Human Race indiscriminately, and tortured the Human Race back and forth, Wang Yang's heart naturally had an inexplicable anger.

This is not a mental illness. Similarly, this is not psychological quality, but only because you are a human race.

Human races have feelings and righteousness, feelings, desires, and even have relatives and friends.

Human races living in this world are inseparable from one of the simplest circles, society.

The composition of society, too, is the human race itself.

The demon tortured the human race and killed the human race. Naturally, they felt the same.As a member of society, today you can torture others like this, and tomorrow you can naturally torture yourself like this.

Even if it is out of self-preservation or sympathy, the anger in your heart will be unnatural, but it will come out.

In order to be healthy and long-lived, those who engage in trouble must not stay.

"Relax, such a devil does not fall in our hands, it is easy to say anything, but since it has fallen into our hands, then, of course, his life is naturally owned by us."

The Demon Race has no virtue, everyone can blame it.

This is the most common understanding of the human race.Black magic is the virtue of virtue, which is the most common common sense between heaven and earth.

Devil is the ear canal.

"Master, but you see, what's wrong with it?"

A magic shadow does not have that qualification, so a nine ghost magic fairy shoots him so frequently.

To say something that is not good, even if it is yourself, casually, behind it, there are endless genius characters, but, the human fairy is not in friendship with Wang Yang, who is willing to truly run back and forth for him Wang Yang?

This is still the case with the human race, how can the demon race be more noble?

"In memory, there is no record of going back and forth with Jiu You Mo Xian."

No transaction history?

"There is no record of interactions. Nine Serpent Demon Immortal, so concerned about him? But there are other unusual things? Or, what other background is behind him?

For example, is he still a Devil II?"

The Demon Race is the Devil Race. If you care about a person like this, there can be no unusual.

Shaking his head, he said: "Human races also have parents and relatives, but for the Mozu, this problem is very difficult to say.

In the same way, the Devil category is also a very powerful knowledge. They certainly don't have any parents.

Therefore, what kind of problem does the second generation of the devil basically have?"


The words of Emperor Ziyang gave Wang Yang a reminder.

Devils, born of feelings of endless grievances, are truly born and have no parents.

However, if this is the case, then, what kind of problem is this?

"Haha, what kind of problem is it, do we need to know so much?

Now, this Nine Nether Magic Fairy has been trapped. Even if there is any conspiracy, we can solve it.

Now, the biggest problem is yours.

The incense inheritance is an important factor for our human race to develop and grow.

Our human race, compared to the demons, is still very weak. If there are more such quartet universes, then our human race can grow stronger.

Therefore, the most important thing for you now is to pass on your inheritance quickly."

As a master, he was like that. At the right time, he passed on his inheritance, and finally, there will be the current Sifang Universe

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