My Super Estate

Chapter 240: Five Yue Alliance

Chapter 248 The Wuyue Association

"Six Brothers, Six Brothers, something serious happened."

Meizhuang has been completely occupied by Wang Yang.

The Sun and Moon gods had been beaten several times by both of them. Finally, an elder came and was seriously injured by Wang Yang. Since then, no one came.

"There are so many things on this river and lake, what a fuss."

Wang Yang didn't care about the major events in the world of Xiaoao Rivers and Lakes.

His goal is very clear, and he will make every effort to improve the martial arts skills of Linghu Chong, making him the first person in this world.

Then, beat him.

"In another half a year, the Wuyue Sword School is about to meet with each other, unite five into one, and become the true Wuyue School.

I heard that I don’t know why, and the undefeated East disappeared."

The oriental girl disappeared?

Wang Yang froze.

In the original play, the undefeated East was killed by Linghu Chong, Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian and others.

This time, the plot has been disturbed by Lin Pingzhi, but I don't know who the Eastern Girl was disturbed by, and even played missing.

"Brother, how are your martial arts?"

"For now, my Hunyuan Gong, after some of your points, has fully integrated some of the essence of the Daxing Dafa, although it cannot absorb the skills of others for its own use, but the daily food intake is It’s greatly increased, and the speed of cultivation is more than three or four times faster.”

With so much martial arts improvement, Linghu Chong is very happy.

"You said, can I defeat Lin Pingzhi now, can I save the younger sister?"

With Linghu Chong's personality, the little teacher and sister were arrested, it is impossible for him not to save.

However, whenever he wanted to save people, Wang Yang blocked him.

Wang Yang is just one sentence: if you can beat me, I will let you go.

Since then, every ten days and a half months, Ling Hu Chong always had to challenge once, and as a result, he did not have any chance.

Think about it. Wang Ping's terrifying strength was hit by Lin Pingzhi at a speed. He was frustrated for a while. In exchange, he was more eager for martial arts.

"Your internal skill is not much worse, but your sword skills are too bad.

Tomorrow, we will return to Huashan. At that time, we will learn Huashan’s top swordsmanship. By then, you will be able to become the best among the world."

This was already planned by Wang Yang.

In fact, Wang Yang was also surprised that he could hold Linghu Chong so long.

For half a year, he seems to have changed a person. Wang Yang does not know whether it is a change in the plot, what kind of changes will be made in this illusory world.

In short, Linghu Chong now has the same feeling for Yue Lingshan in his heart, but he needs to be a lot more sensible.

Of course, all these premises are only going to be so smooth when Wang Yang takes him to quietly observe the status of Yue Lingshan's life and finds that she really has no danger.

"Huashan's top swordsmanship?"

Linghu stunned.

Huashan, what other top swordsmanship?

If there is such a sword skill, then what else does Master have to think about the sword skills of others?

Wang Yang said nothing. The next day, he brought Linghu Chong back to Huashan.

"What? Master was seriously injured?"

After returning to the mountain, Linghu Chong got a shocking news.

"How is it possible, with Master Zixia's divine skill, who can beat him seriously?"

Linghu Chong rushed to Ning Zhong then asked aloud anxiously.

"Sister, how could Master be seriously injured? Who is it?"

Linghu Chong’s martial arts at this time, even Ning Zhongze, was not his opponent. He was agitated for a moment. Ning Zhong didn’t even hurry to respond, so he clasped his arms tightly.

"It's a man in black.

This person is extremely strong in martial arts, especially the speed. In the rivers and lakes, only the legendary that the former demon master of the East can be possessed undefeated.

Also, this man in black also practiced a very strange martial art, much like the star-absorption method of Ren Xing.

Half a year ago, you did not come back. Your Master and I were worried about your safety and went down the mountain and walked together.

At the boundary of Fuzhou, he suddenly encountered this man in black.

At that time, the man in black suddenly shot and attacked your master.

Originally, we repelled the man in black, but when the man in black left, he told us that Lingshan was in his hands. Your master and I decided to stay in Fuzhou and investigate in secret.

It seems that our secret investigation has violated this person's interests. Since then, people in black have often appeared in the middle of the night, and often appear in the middle of the night.

At first, although the strength of the man in black was strong, but I and your master joined forces to suppress him, but half a month ago, I didn’t know what was going on. Your martial arts was seriously injured."

Wang Yang and Ling Huchong looked at each other, and from each other's eyes, they saw their answers.

"Madam, we know who he is."


Ning Zhong's eyes widened, looking at Ling Huchong's eyes, full of anxiety.

"Sister Niang, the second brother was killed by him, and the Qingcheng faction was also killed by him within an hour.

After that, we got some news. He was about to release the big devil and let him go. The disciple and the disciple rushed to the West Lake overnight. As a result, he only encountered Lin Pingzhi halfway and did not intercept the next devil and let this big demon. The head escaped."

"Who is he? Hurry up, who is he?"

Ning Zhong hasn't recovered from the heavy news yet. Suddenly a gust of wind blew past, and Yue Buqun's figure appeared beside him, asking repeatedly.

Looking at his pale face, it was obvious that the injury was not light, even hurting it at all.


Seeing Lao Yue suddenly appear, Wang Yang and Ling Hu Chong quickly saluted.

"Hurry up, who is he?"

"He is the younger head of Fuwei Dart Bureau, Lin Pingzhi."

"Lin Pingzhi?"

Staring at his eyes, Yue Buqun was completely stunned.

He had long thought that this man in black must not be simple, but he never thought that he should be the younger head of Fuwei Dart Board.

For a long time, he did not understand why this man in black wanted to be an enemy to himself.

It is even more difficult to understand why he wanted to take his daughter and why he wanted to kill Laudnor.

Now, everything is puzzled and all mysteries are solved.

It turned out that after sending Lauderau and Lingshan to Fuzhou, it was all doomed.

All of this was actually made by myself.

Only, his daughter...

Suddenly, the decadent old Yue suddenly turned his head and looked at Wang Yang, saying: "Great, how can you be the Shaolin Golden Bell?"

"Shaolin Golden Bell?"

Wang Yang shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's just that when I was a kid, a monkey sent a book with a martial art.

Originally, I was planning to give this book to Master. As a result, I was torn by the monkey accidentally. Fortunately, I had written down this martial art at that time.

Since then, I have followed that martial arts practice in my memory.

A year ago, my martial arts progressed a lot, so I closed the door for potential repairs. I left the country six months ago.

All of this was already thought by Wang Yang.

The golden bell cover is Shaolin's tremendous learning. No matter which world belongs to Shaolin, you must lead Shaolin to come to your door to practice. But if you are young and don't know, then you can't blame yourself.

In the same way, as a Shaolin peerless school, even if Lao Yue was jealous, he would never dare to open his mouth to ask for it.

Sure enough, he heard Wang Yang explain that although Lao Yue's face was unhappy, he never asked again.

"Then, did you meet Lin Ping?"

This is what Yue Buqun cares most about.

It was an absolute shame to be attacked by Lin Pingzhi.

Lu Dayou is his own disciple. If he is stronger than himself, then his face will be lost.

"Yes, I played against him.

It's just that he is too fast, and I am not an opponent at all.

Fortunately, I practiced the golden bell, no matter how fast he faced my golden bell, there was no chance of winning at all, and he always remained undefeated."

Wang Yang had already thought about this.

Lao Yue is definitely not a true gentleman, he will not allow any disciples to be good at the teacher's behavior. For him, the disciples are good at the teacher, that is hitting his face.

However, if he was practicing the golden bell and his defense increased greatly, ensuring that he was undefeated and not overwhelmed, then he was given a step down, and by then, it would naturally be much calmer.

Sure enough, he heard Wang Yang explain that Yue Buqun's complexion looked much better.

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