My Super Estate

Question 2415

Chapter 2338 Breaking Faith

The counterattack was carried out so happily.

Wang Yang didn't move, and the Six Dao Devil also didn't move, but many other strong men, one by one, acted quickly.

In particular, Lord Dragon, Lord God of Light, Lord Wu Tian, ​​Lord Wolf, their real reputation is out. One hundred years ago, in that battle, they had already made their name.

They are only one of the subordinate states of the Sifang Universe, but, with their genius, they directly became the most terrible universe overlord.

Because, they have successfully opened their own avenues.

To this end, the devil has made a very correct choice (at least, the most correct choice they think), twenty or so universe masters, all shot together, facing the nine universe masters of the human race, Sirius After waiting for five people, each assigned a master of the universe to block it. The dragon master and other people immediately surrounded four or five people and surrounded them.

Twenty-seven Lords of the Universe, and nine Lords of the Universe in the Quartet Star District, originally, their best choice was to have three Lords of Universe next to each Lord of the Universe. Play less, win with a numerical advantage, and really do three hits and one.

However, in their consciousness, among the human race cosmic sovereigns, only the dragon master four of them belong to the category of cosmic overlords, and four of them have just set foot.

The other five people, Sirius or Mo Jun, they are just the most common cosmic sovereigns, there is no place to stand out.

Of course, there is no need to care about this kind of existence, as long as you randomly send a cosmic kingdom to block it.

Mo Jun does not have any weapons in his hands, or, for him, the best weapon is his fist.Looking at the demon in front of him, he smiled and said, "Did you offend them?"

"What do you mean?"

This is a demon looking at some scary monsters, three tiger heads, from time to time, there are endless ghosts appearing.It is the kind of fluttering, as if there is no body, from time to time, shocking, it can be seen that the two blood tears flow naturally from the eyes.

Then, it can be seen again, that the strip of tongues are so long and long, the hair is radiated, and it is sullen.

This is a terrible three-headed tiger demon that came out of hell. Legend has it that he has a blood lineage of great origin in his body. As long as the three tiger heads continue to roar, they can shatter the souls of people at the same level.

Even if he is swallowed by him, no matter who you are, he can be turned into a tiger and fight for him.

"If you didn't offend them, how could you be sent to deal with me alone?"

Mo Jun smiled coldly and asked.

"Roar, die!"

Dare to look down on himself, the three-headed tiger demon was furious.With a move of heart, the one million tigers in the surrounding area turned into a ghost domain and enveloped towards Mo Jun.

This is a world of dead people, filled with the air of death that plunders life.

It can be said that no living person can survive in such a world, even the most powerful cosmic overlord cannot survive in such a world.

"Dead, you die for me!!!"

The repeated roars seemed to represent the most real anger in the three-headed tiger's heart.

Millions of tigers turned into a place of death and sprung into a world on their own. Mo Jun didn't even respond, and he was already shrouded in him.


Covered by the land of death, even if you are the most powerful cosmic sovereign, there is only one way to die, absolutely no vitality."

As a place of death, the three-headed tiger demon is really too clear. This is a blood from the supreme. It is said that there is a great existence in the ancestor of the three-headed tiger demon. It is only one step away. It can prove the immortals and achieve the eternal immortality and the existence of the great shore of heaven and earth.

This place of death is the avenue of the great tiger ancestor.

Since awakening this great bloodline, he has really started his road to rise, possessing a courageous momentum and an unstoppable momentum.

All his enemies are basically swallowed by him, and all who are in front of him are his enemies.

It is with such a momentum that he has taken such a step all the way.

"You are too arrogant!!!"


Is there a peerless thing in this world?

All absolutes are just because your power is not as good as people. All absolutes are just because your knowledge is not as good as people.

Wang Yang once said such a sentence, Mo Jun deeply took it for granted, and he has always done so, the same way he thinks about it.

For example, this three-headed tiger demon, he thought that his million tigers turned into a place of death, it can be regarded as a real trick, as long as he shot, it is absolutely impossible to escape.

It's just that for Mo Jun, all this is a very humble little joke.


With a loud shout, the mana in the body surged unscrupulously, with Wang Yang's mind and will as the master, spurring the power of the universe's void and turning into a most common iron fist.

However, such an iron fist is directly like a torrent, a mighty, sensation towards the place of death.

The will of the soul was polished with its own power at the beginning, and the rule of heaven and earth was used as the fire to perform the cruelest forging when he was young. When he was full, he created something out of nothing. Smelting, truly achieve the destruction of all things and I am immortal, the heaven and earth decay and my immortality of the high realm.

Even, in the legend, all the laws of heaven and earth are naturally derived from the avenue that the peerless power can open up.

How much power you can exert with the same mana depends on how powerful your mind will be.

Obviously, in contrast, although the three-headed magic tiger awakened the oldest bloodline in his body, his own spiritual will was far less powerful than Mo Jun’s. He was able to open up a place of death. Just because there is a trace of power in the blood.

Compared with Mo Jun, this slight power is so great that there is no comparison at all.

Known as the absolutely unbreakable place of death, this is how it is directly destroyed.


The three-headed magic tiger obviously didn't expect that his most powerful trick was actually destroyed by someone like this, glaring at six big eyes, he seemed unwilling to believe that he was killed.

"How could this be?

How could you destroy my place of death??"

The place of death is shattered, millions of tigers are all wiped out.

It's just that at this time, the three-headed magic tiger obviously wouldn't care about this issue. Three mouths and blood flow at the same time, but he didn't care about it anymore.

The place of death, his belief, is now broken by a punch.

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