My Super Estate

Question 2432

Chapter 2335 Clues to the Immortal Sword

This world was suddenly opened up, without a name, only those mountains and high mountains, among them, there are countless fierce beasts.

The fierce beasts have only instinct and no wisdom. Even the human race has encompassed all races, and it also excludes the fierce beasts.


Walking between the mountains, suddenly, a cry for help sounded.

Looking up, you can see that there is no such thing as magical sky in the blue sky and the white sky.

"This, this is our human race,

There is no such phenomenon, it is the beast of this world."

"Go, let's go and see."

Neither Wang Yang nor Sun Dasheng has a choice but to save from death.

This world is very strange. It has that kind of special rules. Although its strength is not like the earth, it is directly and decisively suppressed to a level, but, similarly, their strength is suppressed accordingly. A certain percentage.

However, all of this is at a level. The strongest are still stronger than the weaker ones.

The two are not the pinnacle of the universe, at least, they are the characters of the upper middle class, and the speed will naturally not be slow.

"Come on, save me!!"

In the end, the strength of the two was suppressed, and the speed was fast. Similarly, there were some sonic booms, which were directly heard by others.

Ho, there are still a lot of people, one, two, three... counting, at least eleven or two.

"Please ask our friends to help us and kill all these beasts."

Wang Yang turned his head to look at Sun Dasheng and said, "Da Sheng, your eyes are hot, let's take a look. What are these guys doing?"

There is no such thing as devilishness, but the devil cunning, what kind of things, can not give 100% certainty.

If there is no means in this respect, there is no way, but there is such a means, but it is abandoned. In the end, even the most severe loss, that is what the real pig head will do.

"This is our human race.

It is a cosmic kingdom, with a group of star domain masters, but only after their strength is suppressed, they will be besieged by these fierce beasts."

Under the eyes of fire, all hypocrisy, nothing to escape.


If it is a human race, then there is no problem.

Of course, in the real human race, it's a head, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, a torso, two hands and two feet.

However, under the oppression of the Demon Race, all races that can be transformed into humans are basically human races, even if you are a snake head or a dog brain, no one cares.

In contrast, fierce beasts can't be transformed, and naturally, even if they are not intelligent creatures, they can't be human races.

Wang Yang struck the three-headed hell dogs with all his strength, and directly hit the heads of the three-headed hell dogs.

If it were in the void of the universe, such a three-headed hell dog would directly hit him with a punch.



With a loud noise, the surrounding space was burst by shock waves, like a huge mushroom cloud.

It's just that when all the clouds and mists are dispersed and Wang Yang can see clearly again, in front of him, there are still three spooky hell dogs with intertwined teeth.

"Are you all right?"

Wang Yang has long discovered that these three hell dogs are a fierce beast that belongs to the level of the cosmic kingdom.

This is also the reason why Wang Yanghui will go all out. However, compared to the human race will be suppressed in strength, these fierce beasts seem to have no such phenomena at all.

"These fierce beasts will not be suppressed in any way. Everyone is careful."

Late reminder.

Wang Yang pouted, but did not say much.

Only the Ziwei Excalibur has been mentioned in his hand.

With the improvement of strength, the cultivation of mana, the refinement of the rules of the Dao, and the power of Ziwei Excalibur, it has already improved several levels.

With a slash, the three-headed hell dog who could just resist Wang Yang's full punch was directly chopped off a head.


The dog barked so loudly that it had cut off a three-headed hell dog and quickly backed away, trying to escape.

But, where will it succeed?

Shout: "Where to go?"

The purple sword light flickered, just two or three steps back, and the three hell dogs who had not left Wang Yang one hundred meters had become the headless hell dog.

"Master, let's see, what the hell are these three hell dogs."

"it is good."

There are a lot of three hell dogs. Wang Yang beheaded one. Sun Dasheng also beheaded one, but there are still three heads around.

It's no wonder that the 13-member squad led by the cosmic nation would be so embarrassed.

"Dasheng, these three heads of hell have reached five heads in number, but their strength is at least one level of the universe's sovereign.

But it can be seen that their strength has been suppressed?"


Under the eyes of my grandson's eyes, they have nothing to hide, their original strength is a level of cosmic sovereigns."

This is strange.

Wang Yang stunned slightly, glancing at the three hell dogs who had already retreated cautiously and even wanted to retreat.

"Their strength is at least one level of the cosmic sovereign.

It is impossible for them to open up the universe, so how do they increase their strength?

Moreover, in this particular world, it was not suppressed by power."

This is a very strange phenomenon.

Whether it is a human race or a demon race, as long as they are wise creatures, they need to open up a cosmic universe, or even a large world, before they can increase their strength again.

However, for these fierce beasts, all this seems to have no restrictions, and their strength can be improved without limits.

Even in the void of the universe, it can be promoted.

Now, in this special world, the strength of these people has been suppressed, but these fierce beasts still have no influence.

"You don't need to ask me this question.

We must also kill these fierce beasts sooner."

"Yes, these beasts must be killed, otherwise, it will attract a large number of beasts.

Before, we were facing a fierce beast, but we didn't kill it without the first time. As a result, these three hell dogs were attracted."

"Okay, then kill them soon."

Wang Yang knew that these fierce beasts had big problems.

However, the problem now is the safety of these people.

If these fierce beasts cannot be exterminated, I am afraid that these people will face greater danger.

"Huh? What is this?"

The three hell dogs were killed, but some of the light, but they appeared in the void.

Faintly, some sword shadows can be seen.

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