My Super Estate

Question 2489

Chapter 2392 Kendo Tower

"Kendo, did it finally appear?"

Death Swordsman, once, in order to practice Death Kendo, slaughtered the three cosmic nations overnight, but this guy, miraculously, did not transform into a demon race, he was still a member of the human race.

However, he practiced death kendo.

At a glance, it can cut people's hearts.

This is the really scariest kendo.

However, the Death Swordsman is a legend, the peerless swordsman of the last era, has long since become the past of the last era.

Nothing at all, nothing.

No one knows that the sword sword he pioneered turned out to be the famous sword sword.

Just a little bit, it is the master who can achieve the great sword.

"Everyone, it seems that there is another strong man who has reached the pinnacle of our epee!"

On this kendo platform, nine powerful presences have already gathered.

They, one by one, have extremely terrible kendo cultivation practices. Once, they were all famous.

However, now, they, one by one, have disappeared in silence, and there is no other trace in the universe.

However, if Wan Jun Jianjun is here, he will make a cry.

Because, here, there are three people who were in the last era and made a lot of noise.

Death Jianjun, Baiyun Jianjun, Heishui Jianjun.

Each one of them is a peerless swordsman who was once famous, and once was an immortal idol in Wan Junjian’s heart.

Once, in the mind of Wanjun Jianjun, the biggest pursuit was to become a person like them.

Because, they once challenged the master of the Epee Way.

"Everyone, are we going to challenge?"

"Could it be that you still want to be that person, no ghost, no ghost, no death?"

Self-styled is definitely not a comfortable thing.

In particular, when there is a person behind them, after death, they are even better off.

The Death Swordsman, has fallen into self-style, and is already the second era. In the last era, the one behind him, the former master of the Epee Way, had already died in battle.

Since then, he has no possibility of unblocking from the self-proclaimed state.

They can not die because they have reached the pinnacle of the Epee Way, and they are only a little closer, and they can achieve the control of the Epee Way. Therefore, the existence behind them, the moment of the war, he will again Revert to a self-styled state.

In fact, his situation is definitely not just a special case.

There are a total of nine figures on this kendo platform, all of them are one by one.

They are waiting, that last line of life is alive, otherwise, they will only be able to do so forever, until the end of the world.

"Who are you?"

Inspired by this, Wang Yang only felt the changes in the void and appeared again, already in a very mysterious realm.

In this land boundary, there is only one high platform, all around, empty, no longer see the blue sky, the vast earth, only the boundless nothingness, the white fog.

There is nothing, only the most huge Kendo platform, far away, you can hear the sound of a sword.

In the white fog, Wang Yang can feel that there are several terrible breaths, if there is no land, he has locked himself.

"Compete for control?"

Wang Yang was a little surprised.

The master of Dadao has always been a rumor. Wang Yang only knew that there should be such a presence behind every self-proclaimed person.

Above the palm print of the avenue is the controller of the avenue.

However, no one has ever said how to achieve the control of Avenue.

Previously, Wang Yang had arbitrarily plundered the origin of others' swordsmanship. Wang Yang always thought that this was the condition for the promotion of the masters of the Avenue.

Now it seems that he is a bit idiot.

Avenue Master, if it is really so easy, I am afraid that the entire universe is already empty.

"Everyone, the battle over the road, there is no life.

Now that you have come here, you have made a decision if you want to come.

Go to Kendo!"

The first of the death sword kings was to leap to the kendo platform.


Wang Yang froze.

Only, in turn, he was relieved.

The battle over the avenue is dead.

This sentence has already become the biggest mystery in everyone's mind. Usually, it is also the most diligently shouted by everyone. How come this is the most critical time, but I am a bit uncomfortable.

"Haha, you don't need your dead swordsman to talk."

Baiyun Jianjun laughed, he was already on the Kendo platform.

"This is life and death, and I already had enough of it. Since that is the case, I will simply fight with everyone.

If you win, Lao Tzu is the master of the Epee. If you lose, you simply return to the origin of chaos.

bring it on!"

"Damn, you bastards, you are comfortable, anyway, you are already in a self-proclaimed way. In fact, it is sealed by the avenue. It can't come out for thousands of years, just like a living dead person, life and death are irrelevant.

However, Lao Tzu is still young and has not lived enough!"

Listening to the seemingly heroic adverb on the kendo stage, Wang Yang scolded his mother.

These bastards are in a self-proclaimed position. I don't know how many years have passed. Even, in the future, there is no hope at all.

For them, it is their only and greatest hope to achieve the control of the great sword.

However, these things even pulled themselves over.

Yes, Wang Yang did not come in voluntarily. He was summoned by Kendo and came in naturally.

Now I know that all this turned out to be the means of these bastards.

At a glance, those who set foot on the Kendo stage, three people, one by one, did not even have a weak, smallest, they were all a fourth step, and even had the existence of the fifth step.

The most frightening thing is that the one who is only the fourth-level strongman is talking and laughing with the two fifth-level strongmen.

Obviously, this one is the most terrible.

The dragon does not live with the snake.

Being able to chat with the existence of the fifth step is not a silly, sweet, then, there is only one reason, he has a strong bottom, strength is monstrous.

Death Jianjun, Baiyun Jianjun, Heishui Jianjun.

Naturally, they understood the names of all of them.

It's amazing. However, Wang Yang didn't care at all. He cares more about these guys in front of him. What is his strength?

A strong Daoxing means great strength.

In the past, Wang Yang must have thought this way, but, now, after experiencing some things, he has understood that the difference between being a man and being a ghost is always so big.

Don't think that being a person is really like being a ghost.

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