My Super Estate

Question 2497

Chapter 2400 All Suppression

"Poof... |"

There is no sign, I don't know why, the Blackwater Sword Master, very naturally, spouts blood in a big mouth.

"Hei Shui Jianjun, you, what's wrong with you?"

Fart, you are a cosmic overlord and a generation of generational swordsmen. If you are okay, just vomit blood and play. Are you really good?

"In the outside world, my Blackwater Demon Realm has been broken!"


Death Jianjun exclaimed, and then his face was iron and iron.As if it were, the demolished Blackwater Demon Realm was not the Blackwater Sword Master, but his general.

"Your black water swordsman, was it really broken?"

"Are you going to lie to you?

Damn, this must be the damn Quartet.

This must be his conspiracy, this is to break the root of the monarch, and want to completely abolish the monarch from now on."

With blood on the corner of his mouth, Heishui Jianjun stared at Wang Yang. The kind of wicked vigor, no matter who he looked at, there was a quickening of his heart, and even a feeling of chill.

"Hey, you old boy, what do you stare at me like this?

If you want to fight, come quickly, otherwise, I’m afraid to slap you and shoot you."

"Damn king bastard, your people, even out of the world?"

Hei Sword Swordsman is only afraid of being cold, and has no meaning at all. He is Sword Sword Master Bai Yun, which is very interesting. The ruined Black Water Demon Realm is the lifeblood of Heishui Swordsman, not his lifeblood. His anger is simply unbelievable, he would be a human race.


My people shot outside?"

Wang Yang turned his eyeballs, looked up and down on Heishui Jianjun, and suddenly laughed: "Ha ha ha ha!

I finally knew.

Lao Tzu thought that your strength is really so powerful!

It turns out that you have such strength for a reason!It turned out that when you came in, you were also the strongest of the fourth step. You can have such a way of doing things because you are still in the outside world, and you have a powerful force, which consumes a lot of time and pushes your way of doing things a little bit. .

In this way, it is no wonder.

In this way, is the external force of Heishui Jianjun directly destroyed by others?

It even hurts itself.

Haha, really retribution!"

Wang Yang is so happy.



The Seven Soul Devil Master never thought that his Seventh Soul Avenue was actually destroyed in this way.

The more confident you are, the bigger the blow will be.

The sword master didn't shoot again, the seven soul demon master himself was the broken master and was seriously injured.

The Seven Souls Avenue was originally exploded, coupled with the Daoist's broken, wounded and injured, almost did not let him fall directly.

Nevertheless, it is already seriously injured, and it is simply impossible to try again.

"Seven Souls, how are you?"

"The strength of this human race is extremely strong, and the morals are high and deep. At least they are all powerful existences on the second level.

You have to be careful."

Faced with the concern and inquiry of the Six Soul Demon Lord, the Seven Soul Demon Lord endured the pain in his heart, saying so.


My Sifangxing District did not take the initiative to find your Devil's trouble. It is already giving you the greatest kindness. How dare you know that life and death come from looking for trouble?

Today, all of you, don't even think about leaving, I want to suppress you all!"

Three universe overlords?

However, your way of doing things is not very good, even dare to come to my Sifangxing District to wantonly, since this is the case, today, I will suppress all of you!"

"Hahahaha, what the swordsman said is that my Sifangxing District is not the one to look for your troubles. It is already the greatest kindness. Even if you dare to come and let it go, how can you escape?"

For a time, light clusters that were brighter than the sun in the Quartet Star District continued to emerge. For a time, I didn’t know how many hundreds of millions of miles of black water magic domains were compressed in bursts. Under the burst of a force, then It is unwilling, and it is not useful.

Lord of Light, Lord Wu Tian, ​​Lord Wolf, Wu Xiaohong, Luo Jian, Invincible Divine Gun, Mo Jun, Sirius, these are the eight cosmic kingdoms of the Four Stars.

However, their individual strength is extremely simple.

Although they are one by one, none of them are the legendary cosmic overlords, but they are all one by one, and they have all entered the level of nothing.

Even, they are only one step away from creating their own avenues.

What's more, their formation of battle fronts is even more sturdy.

In just a moment, the Black Water Demon Realm was directly suppressed to death.

Even if it is hosted by those two cosmic overlords, it is useless.

"You guys, all go to die!"

At present, in the entire Quartet Star Zone, the strength of the sword master is the most powerful.

I saw that there were eight sword pillars and eight sword pillars on the sword master, which fell on the eight sides, Luo Jian and others, quickly returned to the position, all mana, blessed on the sword pillar, behind them, there were four square stars The countless strong men, they quickly formed a battle front, and then they blessed with all their strength.

"Today, Ben, you want to refine all of you!"

The sword master initiated it, and it was terrifying enough.

He actually wanted to refining this black water demon domain.

It's just that whether it is the Seven Soul Demon Lord who has been seriously injured, or the intact Six Soul Demon Lord, the Black Water Demon Lord, all of them are all anxious.

But what can I do?

The three of them have just entered the ranks of the cosmic overlord. The first step has not been taken, even if there is a large number of strong blessings, what can they do?

Just shot, I have lost all.

The infinite amount of sword light, the infinite amount of fierce light, turned into a piece of sword river, and finally, the sword river converged to achieve an endless sword sea.

The Black Water Demon Realm, this is a very old area. According to legend, this is a legacy from the last era. It is full of mystery and famous for its strength.

Even if it is a cosmic overlord, there are not only one or two, all kinds of cosmic sovereigns, it is beyond count, no one knows, how much powerful there is in it.

It can be said that this is the Jedi in the universe.

It's just that no one thought that such a prestige in the universe that is so famous in the universe, nowadays, is quickly refined by people in a very short time.

The final result, however, was the black water demon rush from the thunder, which was completely suppressed.

The Black Water Sword Master, as the master of the Black Water Demon Realm, because of the same mind, when the Black Water Demon Realm was completely suppressed, he naturally was seriously injured.

"Hum, don't quibble, quibble, and it won't give you the possibility to live today."

Guess it may be his own Quartet Star Zone shot.

However, what can this do? Your strength is not as good as yours. Then, you have to bear it. What do you want to do more? Do you want more?

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