My Super Estate

Chapter 250 Linghu Chong's Sword

Chapter 258 Linghu Chong's Sword

"Since Linghu's nephew is so confident, then I will come to teach the superb swordsmanship of the teacher's nephew."

In the face of Linghu Chong, Zuo Lengchan will not easily shoot.

As a faithful running dog, Taishan sent the head, Tianmen Taoist, under the hint of Zuo Lengchan, stood up decisively.

Looking at the Tianmen Taoist who stood up, Linghu narrowed his eyes slightly.

He vaguely remembered that just last night, just after beheading Lehou, the six younger brothers once discussed with himself, what will happen today?

At that time, the six young masters had stated that Huashan's rise is not about relying on the merger of the Five Yues, but to carry forward Huashan's spirit, which is enough to rise from this world, and even become the world's first kendo faction.

The powerful theory of kendo, as long as there is enough time, will be perfected.

Therefore, in this Wuyue League, Huashan is not competing for the leader of the Wuyue faction, but to prevent Zuo Lengchan's ambition.

Therefore, Linghu Chong can directly challenge Zuo Lengchan.

However, when challenged by Zuo Lengchan, Taishan sent Tianmen Taoists to voluntarily jump out. When that happens, they must defeat Tianmen Taoists at the fastest speed and stand up for Huashan. Leng Chan shot earlier, otherwise, it will inevitably take turns fighting.

Now it seems that the Tianmen Taoist is like what the Sixth Brother said.

"Uncle Tianmen, please!"

Since Tianmen Taoist people want to make a strong shot, according to the original plan, defeat him with the fastest means.

If it was a year ago, Linghu Chong could not be the opponent of Tianmen Taoist.

The Grand Master's realm is ever-changing. Whether it is defense or attack, it is greatly improved, and not everyone can ignore it.

However, after a year of precipitation, and a year of transformation, especially after learning the Du Gu Jiu Jian, Ling Hu Chong carried out a whole rebirth.

Hunyuan Gong, integrated into the essence of the Daxing Dafa, has raised several levels overall. Not only is Hunyuan Qi more condensed, but also more powerful, it is the Hunyuan battle body, and it has also been greatly improved, especially It has the characteristics of absorbing a lot of food energy, and it has improved several levels for his martial arts.

Within a year, he made two consecutive breakthroughs, and became second-rate masters from second-rate masters.

In terms of swordsmanship, with the inheritance of the complete solitary swordsmanship, even if Linghu Chong loses his true energy, he can only challenge the first-rate master by relying on the flesh alone. It is also possible to give him a gold-cutting sword and even a master.

Such earth-shaking changes have made his martial arts advance, and he is also full of confidence in his heart. Even in the face of the old master, he is still fearless.

"Okay, Brother Yue is so good-looking, Linghu Nephew deserves to be a hero boy."

Tianmen Taoist people are the most discreet, facing the younger generations like Linghu Chong, praised vigorously in their mouths, but the sword in their hands is already like a spirit snake, sprinting towards Linghu quickly.

Even a shameless attack.

The onlookers from all walks of life from all walks of life were all frowning.

Tianmen Taoist attacked, Linghu Chong just smiled indifferently and said, "Uncle Tianmen is really a good swordsmanship."

It is said in his mouth that he is also merciless in his hand. Linghu Chong who has already practiced Du Gu Nine Swords is unique in swordsmanship. He is also practicing Du Gu Nine Swords. Only with the support of kendo theory, such as fantasy, can he barely keep up with it.

It can be said that at this time, Linghu Chong, swordsmanship can be said to be the world's first state of the world.

The Tianmen Taoist, who played sneak attacks in his face, was just the Mao child who was taller than the giant in front of the giant, and insulted himself.

However, the clay figurines also had three points of anger. As elders, they even made a surprise attack. This behavior made Linghu angry in his heart.

For a time, Huashan's sword in his hand seemed to feel the anger of his master and burst out of his anger.

Infused with true qi, the cold light flickered like a little cold star.

The Tianmen Daoist didn't even have time to move, and he was almost penetrating his chest.


Very fast swordsmanship!!

No matter who it is, seeing this kind of swordsmanship can't help but praise.

As the head of the Taishan School, a great generation of masters, he was almost punished by the junior!!

"This, this is Huashan swordsmanship?"

The grand master of self-supporting swordsmanship was surprised and surprised.

This kind of swordsmanship, such speed, and the true meaning of this kind of swordsmanship can be described as extremely wonderful. Even if you are yourself, it is much worse.

"Dao Chang, this Linghu young man's swordsmanship, but got the true biography of that sword saint?"

"No, this is not the famous lonely swordsmanship, but the Huashan swordsmanship, it is Bai Hongguanri."

The head of Chongxu shook his head positively, said.

"What? Huashan swordsmanship?"

"It has long been rumored that Huashan's swordsmanship is broad and profound, and it seems simple. In fact, it is a first-class swordsmanship in the world, which is comparable to any swordsmanship in the world.

According to rumors, in the Southern Song Dynasty, there were five masters in heaven and earth. The king of supernatural powers, Chongyang, was the sword technique used in Huashan's discussion of swords and was named the first person in the world.

Later, Wang Chongyang's disciple, He Datong, one of Quanzhen's seven sons, created the Huashan School in Huashan after Quanzhen was destroyed. Since then, the swordsmanship of the first person in the world has become the introductory swordsmanship of Huashan. .

However, since then, no one can comprehend the essence of this swordsmanship and become a real introductory swordsmanship.

Unexpectedly, in this era of declining Huashan, there is such a good material that it should exert the power that Huashan swordsman should have."

Such a swordsmanship, which is to defy the ruler, is absolutely not to be ignored.

What's more, Huashan swordsmanship is itself a kind of Taoist swordsmanship, which itself contains a strong Taoist essence.

Chongxu Daochang's extraordinary knowledge, Wudang Wushu profound knowledge, naturally can see the key at a glance.

But how many of the martial arts people present have such a vision?

Suddenly, it was discovered that the Huashan swordsmanship was so amazing, and the eyes suddenly lit up, as if discovering the new continent, causing a shock.

Among them, Wuyuejian faction is even worse.

As a Wuyue sword faction, who doesn't know Huashan swordsmanship?

It was precisely because of their knowledge that they were so exclaimed.

"Brother, is this Huashan swordsmanship? How is it possible!"

Fei Bin sits next to Zuo Lengchan, and is located closest to the ring. With the best sight, he naturally sees clearly.

Zuo Lengzen's face is very unsightly.

He found that he had underestimated Huashan.

The Huashan swordsmanship, which has always been considered as an entry-level swordsmanship, has such power. Taishan sent the master, and the Taoist Taoist even couldn't even catch a sword.

This result is really unexpected.

"Sure enough, like the original drama, this Tianmen Taoist is a gentleman, and he is also resentful.

I used to look at him and Zuo Lengchan as if they were wearing a pair of trousers, but now it seems that it's actually a bit of a mess."

The vast majority of people saw Linghu Chong's swordsmanship, but Wang Yang saw something different from Tianmen Taoist.

Tianmen Taoist is one of the ten masters of the right way. His strength is definitely higher than that of Lehou. It is impossible for Linghu Chong to retreat with a sword.

However, this is impossible, already possible.

Even, most people believe, then, there is only one problem, this Tianmen Taoist has a problem.

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