My Super Estate

Chapter 2500

Chapter 2403 Kendo Coming


When Wang Yang successfully resolved the Baiyun Jianjun, the entire Quartet Star Zone had already burst out of tsunami-like cheers.

That's the people in the Quartet Star Zone, feeling excited for their sovereign.

The sword master is already a true cosmic overlord, and even his strength cannot be considered at the bottom. His ideas are naturally extremely powerful.

In one thought, it is very easy to communicate the Sifang Heavenly Dao. Through the characteristics of the Sifang Heavenly Dao, it is easy to open a Sifang inner network through the characteristics of the Sifang Tiandao.

This is also the principle of the human race temple.

Wang Yang is in the Kendo platform, galloping across the field, winning the enemy in a row, the sword master has absolute confidence in Wang Yang, and naturally wants to open a fast track and enjoy the public.

Listening to the cheering cheers, it has been a repressed Sifang Temple, suddenly, it is a lot easier.

"Mother, did you see your mother?

Father father he won."

Wang Qing was incoherent in words, and shouted excitedly with the black mirror.

He is already a lord of a real upper-level star field, a four-square star zone, an absolute high-rise, a young human arrogance of the human race. One, at this time, he is already full of tears.

A face, the real fire and water are not immersed, everything is untouched, at this time, it is already like a little cat.

At this time, Wang Qing'er took a picture to go out. No one would believe that he was the young master of the prestigious Sifang Star District.

However, no one looks down on such a Wang Qing.

Because, such Wang Qing is not just him.

Luo Jian, Invincible Divine Gun, Sirius, Abing, Wu Xiaohong, each one of them, has been following him since the last minute of Wang Yang, the real feeling is deep.

The scenes on the Kendo stage have been transformed into eternal, permanently carved in his spiritual world.

Before, they could still keep pressing, but now, the overall situation is fixed, which of them is not in tears?

No one will say that they are weak, and no one dares to say that they are incompetent.

It’s not a sin for men to cry.

At this moment, in the mind of the sword master, suddenly there was a feeling of Song Liao.

Starting from the end of the day, step by step, too much hardship, too much suffering, too much death, too much sorrow.

If, instead of destiny's arrangement, in the most difficult time, when I met the sovereign, what would happen to myself at this time?

Raising his head, he has successfully evaded the cosmic kingdom and became the sword master of the cosmic overlord. There is a trace of moisture in his eyes.

Who says men have tears not to flick?

It's just that I didn't get there.

"that's nice."

He murmured softly, and the mana wave slightly fluctuated, and the tears that had just appeared were all gone.


Opening his eyes, the sword master has a feeling that the master of the country has become the master of the Epee, and the entire Quartet universe will usher in a qualitative change.

Nangong Xiaoqiu, as a member of the Nangong family, is one of the most famous in the Sifang Universe.

But today, he is very terrible.

"I said your boy, can you stop walking around?"

The old man of Nangong was very impatient.

"Dad, this is my first child, Jianqiu. She has been in for so long now, and she hasn't moved a bit yet, can I be in a hurry?"

"Urgently useful?

Are you in a hurry to be useful here?

Are you giving birth to a child, or Jianqiu giving birth to a child?

Besides, Jianqiu, she is also a dignified emperor anyway. In the world of thousands, she is also one of the strongest in the world, having a child. Isn’t there any accident?"

The Nangong master wished to kill this little king.

I thought that when the little king and bastard were just born, they didn't have such good conditions. At the time, his mother was just a little character who just proved to be a king, not even a supernatural being.

At first, were you anxious?

(Well, if he didn’t turn his head from time to time, staring at the sealed courtyard, his words might be more convincing.)

Another half hour passed, and there was still no movement. Even Nangong's grandfather couldn't sit still. He couldn't help but want to stand up and walk around.

But, he just stood up, and suddenly, the endless sword sounded throughout the universe.


Familiar Kendo Divine Sound.

As a swordsman, Nangong's grandfather will never forget that not long ago, when he was retreating, he suddenly heard the sound of swordsmanship, let his swordsmanship practice, and jumped up.


"Dad, what's wrong with this?"

Nangong Xiaoqiu was completely stunned.

"This, this is Kendo Divine Sound, it is Kendo Divine Sound, haha!

You hear, what a beautiful sound this was. Before, I was retreating, and Xiuwei could never break through. It was such a ray of kendo, but it gave me great help."


This, this is the Kendo Divine Sound, but is it only the swordsman who can listen?

Why, how can I hear?"

I am a swordsman, but I am insulated from the sword. How can I hear it?

Also, how can such a voice come from Jianqiu's courtyard?

"No, this, how can this Kendo Divine Sound come from Jianqiu's courtyard?"


Such a situation, but it is really a bit puzzled!


Just a moment, the Nangong master laughed burst after burst.

"Here, this is a blessing of swordsmanship, my Nangong family, this is a sword bone fetus!"

It has been rumored for a long time that he is born with arrogance. He was born, and he has won the great avenue. Posture.

In a short period of time, it is possible to advance by leaps and bounds, soar all the way, ride the dust, and block all existence.

Master Nangong absolutely did not expect that his own Nangong family would have such a great day.

However, he would never think that such a case is not exclusive to his Nangong family.

The entire Sifang universe, all children born on this day, can hear the same sound of kendo.

It's just that different children have different luck, and those with prosperous luck will naturally get the blessing of the sword road, and those with insufficient luck can only get some kendo feeling in their minds.

Even, some just get some incomplete swordsmanship in their minds.

The same meter raises different people.

But nothing more.

Similarly, in Sifang, the original god star, naturally, is the Temple of Heavenly Sword Kendo.

In the Kendo Temple, naturally, there is a sword stele.

This is a wordless sword stele. In this wordless sword stele, contains the supreme sword meaning. As long as there is destiny, it will naturally be in it to obtain peerless swordsmanship, even swordsmanship.

It is absolutely possible for those who are lucky to be prosperous even if they are blessed by the sword.

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