My Super Estate

The 2537th chapter eight supreme god? All Zhenfei

Chapter two thousand three hundred and seventy eight great supreme god?All Zhenfei

"What do you want to do?"

Clearing the field, that is necessary.

However, when you are the object of the clearing, then you should have a temper.

Playing as a pig and eating a tiger, but it does not mean that you are really the pig.

What's more, the pig is in a hurry, and it's also necessary to bury it.

"What a courage, if I wait for the Eighth Congress to come to the High God, can you be so unhurried?

Are you afraid of death?"

The supreme god of killing is always the most powerful murderous one. When he opens his mouth, it is murderous.

Even, under the avenue of killing, in the void, it is directly like a terrible blood rain.

The eerie tone makes people feel horrified.

"Or, do you think that we dare not kill you?"

Wang Yang chuckled. Facing the question of the supreme god of killing, Wang Yang did not answer anything, but turned his head to look at the little fat man.

"The Eighth Great God is so good, what do you think?"


After Wang Yang's remarks, the Eighth Party to the High God seemed to have noticed that there was such a little fat man here.

In this way, it was a bit terrified.

Who are you?

In this world, it is truly supreme.

What kind of existence will it exist clearly, but it is to let yourself and others ignore it?

If there is such a existence, then, when he wants to stab himself, will he let himself ignore it?Then, unconsciously, fell under his butcher's knife?

"who are you?"

The more I thought about it, I was immediately terrified. Such an existence is absolutely the most terrifying.

Even if it is the supreme god of killing, there is a chill in my heart, and the look of the little fat man is also gloomy, and the killing intention is full.

"The supreme god, is very powerful.

Is not it?

Or, do you plan to rebel?"

The Highest Killing God was ignored again by people, as if he did not exist, his problems were ignored, and the two creation gods, in front of him, communicated with oneself.

"court death!"

The nine-color light group is about to break out of the supernatural wind, and now we must clean up these damn things.

In any case, all these uncertain factors must be eliminated.


With a scream in his heart, he shot decisively towards Wang Yang and the fat man.

"You shot, or I shot?"

Under the blessing of Killing Avenue, the real thing is that the heavens and the earth are falling apart, just like the universe of the heavens and the earth, under such a powerful supernatural power, it is directly destroyed.

What the sun, the moon, the stars, the void, the thunder and the wind, at this moment, all under the power of the killing avenue, directly collapsed.

Even the time seems to be directly disrupted.

Faintly, Wang Yang could even see the scene where he had just fallen from the void crack.

Time is still continually collapsing. The four cosmic overlords, who have just rushed into the supernatural winds, are directly beaten by powerful forces.

Going forward, you can even see that the little fat man is so powerful that some people from the outside cost a lot of money to break into the nine-color world. However, the injury is difficult to heal for a while, and the fat man directly seizes the opportunity and directly Just to die in a while.

There are many more...

The little fat man was the first to receive the nine-color fairy light, since then he has opened up his own life path and achieved the supreme god of life.

Wait, there are so many stories.

"Of course I shot!"

The little fat man chuckled, and then he shot decisively.

The extremely surging road of life, filled with terrible breath of life, directly called Wang Yang.

At this critical time, he even betrayed and shot towards Wang Yang.

"It is the supreme god of life.

Well, it is the supreme god of life. This time, we have absolute confidence!"

Just now, life and death were relative. When the little fat man shot, the eighth to the highest god, one by one, all broke out with extremely exciting enthusiasm.

It was as if, suddenly, there was a backbone.

The eighth supreme god, except the killing supreme god, one by one, all burst out of all power.

For a time, in this space, the avenue roared, and all kinds of avenue forces exploded, and this area was directly blown into a pan of congee.

No time or space will exist.

It seems that the fundamental avenue of the universe that has enveloped the entire universe has disappeared, only the nine avenues that dominate.

Among them, the main road of life.

"Is this the mystery of this nine-color world?"

In the universe outside, the fairy road is eternal.

Even if you are more powerful, it will be greatly suppressed.It is for this reason that many overlords and the great supernatural powers they develop are biased towards the soul.

In the universe, under the explosion of power, the stars will explode, but it is absolutely impossible to reverse time.

Because, everyone knows that in the universe, the time master, that is the existence of true supreme heavenly immortals.

Under his repression, no one can disturb the order of time.

No one dared to violate his authority, otherwise, he would definitely be slapped to death.

"It's amazing!"

Although it was besieged by people, all kinds of supernatural powers, and even more terrifying, but Wang Yang was not slow.

The avenues are in contention and will never die.

All the fast and slow, in many cases, have lost meaning.

You can escape and escape for thousands of years without any problems, but no matter where you escape, when you escape, it is also when the supernatural powers break out.

Even if you are self-exile, you cannot change all this.

Even, in this so-called millennium, you will not have any influence on the outside world, because time has the suppression of the time master, and your avenue can affect yourself and continuously accelerate yourself, but you cannot influence the outside world. Half a bit.

Because of this, a lot of time, in the outside world, maybe in the blink of an eye, in the battlefield, maybe, you have passed the millennia and tens of thousands of years, and the time flow rate between the two is extremely abnormal.

"Haha, but the third step, how dare you be so pretentious?"

Finally, Wang Yang intends to teach these frogs at the bottom of the well a profound lesson to let them know that in this world, it will never be their turn to come in front of themselves.

The Taoist Avenue manifested itself, and Wang Yang directly appeared the pillar of light.

Under the hood of the Dahua Avenue, a field of avenues is directly revealed.In the area of ​​the avenue, the avenue is directly crushed, including all the supernatural powers of life, including the Supreme God of Life.

The thought moved, and suddenly, the power was shocked.

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