My Super Estate

Chapter 254: Lively Rivers and Lakes

Chapter 262 The Lively Rivers and Lakes

"Have you heard? The Huashan faction is in trouble."

Taiyin County is a county town at the foot of Huashan Mountain. Recently, it has been much lively.

"Who said no?

Ever since Huashan's two heroes clashed over Songshan, the situation has changed, and now the entire Huashan has become the center of the situation.

But I heard that someone once saw a man with a big sword at the foot of Huashan Mountain. It is very likely that he was the overbearing left lord.

There are also two very beautiful girls, but once there were people in the demon cult. After seeing them, they were so scared that they immediately knelt down. Finally, I heard that even the director of the demon monk appeared in their own right. A big shot was thrown away, and a pupil was scrapped.

In addition, there are various characters, all gathered.

I heard that it was Huashan's extremely powerful martial arts cheats."

"What cheats of martial arts?

But I have heard that there is a legend that in Huashan, there is a treasure rich in the enemy's country. They all came for the treasure."

There are divergent opinions, and the entire rivers and lakes of the Huashan Mountains are completely lively.

No one paid attention. On the desktop next to the window, two young young men were sitting, with long swords and scholar robes.

"Brother, did you hear that?

This time Huashan, it wasn’t just the lively spirits of the Demon Church, but also the overbearing left-hand man.

I believe that he will not come to support us Huashan."

"I heard that they all came to trouble us Huashan School.

But, I don’t understand. How did our Huashan faction provoke them? Why must we find our trouble?"

Linghu Chong is very puzzled.

It must be said that the strength of Huashan now is not inferior to Demon, Shaolin and Wudang. At least at the master level, the Huashan School is not afraid of anyone.

With such strength, which forces dare to provoke in rivers and lakes?

Just after Huashan broke out of strength, he attracted butterflies and rushed out from all walks of life.

"Hehe, do you guys understand?"

A woman in red sat quietly at the table and took Ling Huchong's words.

"This sister seems to understand something?"

Wang Yang looked at the woman in red with a smile.

Glancing at Linghu Chong slightly, she was surprised by the sudden appearance of the woman in red.

Linghu Chong’s martial arts is not weak on this river and lake. However, when the woman in red appeared just now, she didn’t feel a bit of a sense. The result made him feel terrified.

"Hey, my brother is Lu Dayou, the sixth disciple of Huashan Shuangxiong 1"

The woman in red lightly glanced at Wang Yang, seemingly indifferent.

"Hey, my sister needs to know better.

I think my sister should be Dongfangbai, which has spread widely on the rivers and lakes recently!"

"you know me?"

The woman in red seems to be careless, but Wang Yang's keen perception has already felt a faint grief from the woman in red.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the first person in the world, and its power is extraordinary.

"Slightly heard, but, never seen.

Thinking about it, Lin Pingzhi must have mentioned me in front of you. I don’t know. Is there any purpose for the Oriental Girl to come here this time?"

It was heard that the woman in red in Dongfangbai went up and down on Wang Yang and took a closer look.

"He has said that you come from the real extraterrestrial world. As long as you can defeat you, you can have a way to take me into your world and let me be a real woman."

"Do you want to fight me?"

"Of course, I came here just to have a fight with you."

"Okay, I agree with your request."

With that said, Wang Yang led outside the restaurant.

The restaurant is too small to fight at all.

However, Wang Yang did not know that at this time, Shenshui Manor, but a major event occurred.

"It's been the past two days. Why hasn't the boss been awake yet?"

By the fish pond, Li Huayun looked at the man sitting cross-legged on the fish pond, his face full of anxiety.

No hurry.

After the seal between the present earth and the mysterious realm is broken, the vitality of the earth and earth is thicker day by day, and the environment of the whole earth is changing day by day.

Up to now, the entire earth, even the space, is much stronger. It seems that it is affected by the vitality of heaven and earth, and it is a bit to restore the meaning of the ancient mythological era.

Even, according to current scientific and technological exploration, even the earth's landform has changed a lot.

The size hasn't changed much, but the land structure has changed a lot. Some people even dig underground in the ground.

No one knows, if this continues, this earth, in the end, will not even change in size.

In short, the earth now has changed a lot.

Of course, if these changes are only changes, then the problem is definitely not big.

However, the return of vitality, for human beings on the earth, is to let them see the hope of longevity.

In particular, the plants rich in vitality such as the grasses and pine trees of Shenshui Manor attract a lot of attention.

For now, apart from the Youth Gang, Jianghai League is the first one to jump out.

However, today there is news that the four elders of the Jianghai League will come together.

This is still due to the pressure of the Dragon Group. Any grandmasters dare not set foot in Yang City easily.

"Yesterday, Abing was seriously injured. If it weren’t for Master Kong, the four of them shot. I’m afraid that our Shenshui Manor can only be invincible.

If the boss never comes back, I'm afraid they won't be able to support it!"

Looking at the man kneeling on the water, Li Huayun's bright eyes were full of worry.

"Relax, my cousin said that in almost three or four days, basically, I will be able to come back. When the cousin is there, those people are definitely not opponents."

Luo Jian is also very unhappy these days.

Before, Wang Yang was in charge of everything. He only had to be responsible for the things his cousin Wang Yang had ordered, but now that his cousin was gone, all the problems required him to come up with ideas. For a time, the pressure was very great. .

"But Zhuang Rong has joined in, and I'm afraid he will cause trouble to the boss."

At this time, Wang Yang didn't even know that his Shenshui Manor was in big trouble.

At this time, he was fighting the red woman Dongfangbai endlessly outside Huayin County.

Fortunately, Wang Yang's golden body blended into the essence of the golden bell shield, with some characteristics of golden bell shield, unparalleled defense, otherwise, in the face of such invisible and invisible body, he simply had a little hope of victory. nothing.

"You can't break the defense."

Wang Yang's body was gleaming with golden light and a group of red shadows looming around him. It was very difficult, even impossible, to really hold his figure.

Looking at the battle in the field, Ling Huchong was already stunned.

He would never believe that in this world, the speed of someone would be so fast.

As if, he would never believe that his six brothers, his defense was so perverted.

Suddenly, he found his world view was greatly affected.

In particular, when he thought that the Dongfangbai was the biggest obstacle to rescue his younger sister, he was helpless.

However, soon, the love for the younger sisters broke all the frustration in my heart, and the rest was only the pursuit of martial arts.

I must defeat her, and I must rescue the younger sister.

I said to myself over and over again.

Unconsciously, he substituted himself into the battle group, responding to the enemy with a lonely nine sword.

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