My Super Estate

Question 2561

Chapter 2394 Dragon Valley Avenue

Da Dao God of the World, finally, as expected, saw his idol.

Although, he had never seen it before.

However, idols are often fantasized in their hearts, and then only to let themselves verify.

The reason for being an idol is only because this is the best thing in my heart.

Long Gu's movements alarmed the whole Dragon City.

Dragon City is built at the entrance of Dragon Valley. If you want to enter Dragon Valley, you must pass through Dragon City, otherwise, it is impossible to enter.

Longgu, is a very special place, wait and see from a distance, it is a very ordinary valley, not a bit outstanding.

Even the surrounding hills are not very bright, because they are not very high.

However, this is not a very high valley, but they are difficult to climb.

Because, you never know when you climb, you can really reach the top of the mountain.

Only in this mountain.

Wang Yang stepped out of the Dragon City House, stood at the gate, and looked out. In front, on both sides of the road, there were even two rows of souls.

Meet each other??

When did the Dragon City start, so enthusiastic?

Wang Yang was a little surprised.

Especially, that fiery gaze.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?"

Even if it is our worldly power, this moment is a bit dazed.

He didn't understand it at all. What was going on?

How could there be such a passionate person?

"Hello everyone!"

People with such enthusiasm must respond to what they are doing!

On TV, aren't those big leaders like this?

Raise your hand to say hello, this is the most basic etiquette.

Being born in a state of etiquette, this has already penetrated into the bone marrow.


Seeing Wang Yang raise his hand, even Da Dao Shi God couldn't help but have a sense of inexplicable tension, and suddenly frightened back again and again.

It's just that I believe in myself. It seems like this is too incompetent. This is not good.

At the moment, he quickly forced himself to calm down, but secretly, he kept looking around.


It was found that everyone was just like yourself. The whole world of Dao Dao God suddenly relaxed.

I feel that this world is still so beautiful, and I have not been abandoned by the world.

"Huh? What's wrong with this? Why do people seem so afraid of me?"

Raising his hand, Wang Yang felt very embarrassed.

He never thought of it. He just raised his hand and wanted to say hello to these enthusiastic people, to express his etiquette. These guys are afraid of becoming like this.

Could it be that the flood beast?

However, even if I am a flood beast, you are not that incompetent mortal!

"let's go!"

Feeling that he has brought such great pressure to people, Wang Yang feels that he still has to go first, so he will not put more pressure on people.

"Here is Dragon Valley?"

As the overlord of the universe, in this divine world, that is a master.

Walking, it is impossible to walk, just walk out of the Dragon City House, just because the Dragon City House has all kinds of prohibitions, and it is a bit big to force it.

However, walking in the Dragon City, and then want to enter the Dragon Valley, but there will not be too much trouble.

In one step, crossing the void is already a basic skill.

However, Dragon Valley has the prohibition of Dragon Valley.

After Wang Yang walked out of the Dragon City, he realized that Dragon Valley was very extraordinary.

Before Dragon Valley, there was a huge square.

No matter where you are in this huge square, you will never see it.

Only after passing through the Dragon City can this square be reached.

Even if you see the infinite sky above you, looking down, what you see is definitely just a deserted little wasteland.

This square has a very large area, I am afraid that it is no less than a thousand miles away.

At this time, above this square, there are a large number of creatures. If you look closely, there are 80,000 without 100,000.

This huge amount is really a crowd of people, not to mention, there are still many high-level existences, revealing the true body of the truth.

Even if the square is huge, it seems so crowded at this time.

Longgu, no matter what position you are in, it is an ordinary small valley. However, you will find that if you are in this huge square, if you want to enter this Longgu, it is extremely not simple.

At least, in front of it, there is a huge dragon road.

It counts up to a hundred steps.

All kinds of dragon shadows seem to come from all directions from here, along the dragon path, and constantly swim into the dragon valley.

You can even see that there is a mysterious dragon pattern on the dragon road.It seems that after that Long Ying swims away, the traces of the latter are left behind.

"Brother, this, is this Longxing Avenue?"

One hundred steps.

This is something that every cosmic overlord knows.

Here, he reveals the Baibu Avenue, referring to a generic number, or the real Longxing Avenue?

"Who knows?

Here, it may be a means of arranging the fallen real dragon in the legend.

Perhaps he is seeking resurrection."

Wang Yang said his guess.

"The avenue will last forever and never die."

This is fairy tale, the most fundamental legend.

If, really, there is a legendary dragon that has fallen down, then, here, it belongs to a rear hand, it is not so unacceptable.

Gathering such a large number of genius characters, I am afraid that it is not the purpose of cultivating the so-called talents and using everyone's strength to expand the Longxing Avenue, is it the purpose!


"Longxing Avenue?

When did we start, knowing that this dragon road represents the Longxing Avenue?"

Wang Yang was stunned.


"You remember, when did we know that this is the Longxing Avenue?

According to legend, the real world and the real dragon are a big family.

With the suppression of Zulong, no one dares to offend easily.

Longdao does not necessarily mean Longxing Avenue.

Before, we never knew what Longxing Avenue is here.

So, when did we start to know such a message?"

It's terrible to think carefully!

Wang Yang felt a little regretful.

In this place, I seem to have lost the initiative.

Even his own thoughts seem to be somewhat involuntary.


Me, I don’t seem to remember!"

Luo Jian's voice was a little trembling.

Only with absolute strength can you be truly confident.

In this way, even your own thoughts can be manipulated by people at will. What do you do, you can't be confident 1

"We might as well watch the changes.

Perhaps, looking at other people is also a good choice."

The sharp gun that has always been powerful is invincible. At this time, the tone of speech is not so firm and confident.

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