My Super Estate

Chapter 258

Chapter 266 Zuo Leng Chan Dies, Exits the Demon Sect

"The left leader has such a good interest, what's the matter? In the back mountain of Huashan, I heard that the three virgins have stayed, and the mother of the three virgins, it seems that they have also stayed. Is this the left lord?

Wang Yang carried a long sword on his shoulders and looked at Zuo Lengchan's tall and burly figure, wantonly ridicule.

"It's you!!"

Looking at Wang Yang who suddenly appeared behind him, Zuo Lengchan gritted his teeth.

"Why, the good thing that has disturbed the left confederate, the left confederate will not intend to kill people and kill his mouth!"

"Yes, the goddess is rare. You can only wait and see from the left leader's appearance. It is really difficult to really let the goddess fall.

I heard that this Huashan Mountain seems to be Shen Xiang, the son of the Three Virgins, splitting with a god axe. Zuo Meng mainly wanted a pro-goddess, Fang Ze, for fear that it would not be difficult. It's too big."

"shut up."

Zuo Leng slammed loudly.

Thinking about who Zuo Lengchan is, he is the top ten master of right path, he can be ranked in the top three, and he can see the world. His martial arts are also among the top ten.

Wang Yang, a disciple of Huashan, dared to laugh at himself like this, but he really didn't know what to do.

A pair of black eyes, shining cold and cold, looking at a dead person, looking at Wang Yang, in the words, murderous, killing heart is not concealed.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, there is no hell, you break in. Last time you made trouble in Songshan, it made me lose the strength of the Songshan faction, and there is no face. You should have thought that there will be today."

With that said, he pulled out his broad and large Songshan matching sword.

Pointing the sword at Wang Yang, said: "Come out the sword, one day, you will die!"

With a smile on his lips, Wang Yang looked at the imposing Zuo Lengchan, gently shook his head, and said, "Left lord, it's not that I look down on you. It's just as bad as your strength."

"Dare you look down on me?"

Zuo Lengzen's already cold face was even colder.


With a loud shout, the sword was held in both hands, and under the infusion of true ice, the broad Songshan matching sword was covered by a layer of hoarfrost.

Such a chill is really amazing, and masters often overwhelm, often fighting for only a moment.

Such chills, once the opponents intersect with their weapons, will inevitably be greatly affected, plus Songshan's sword is wide and large, in battle, it must inevitably take a lot of cheap.

"act recklessly."

Zuo Lengchan took the initiative to attack, and for Wang Yang, it was not affected at all.

Take out the thin Huashan matching sword in your hand, and split it with a sword.

If it were before, Wang Yang's defense is indeed extraordinary, but the attack is indeed much weaker.

However, since the last time Jianqi rushed to the Hall of Heaven, after enlightening the vision, the ultimate power that the earth has comprehended and the absolute defense of the Hundred Yuan Golden Body merged with each other.

It can be said that the difference between cultivation and realm is not very big in Wangyang, and the progress of swordsmanship is not very big. However, his attack power has come out of a new life.

When he was on the earth, he always thought that when he practiced the Ziyang Divine Skill, his own strength was much stronger than other martial artists of the same realm.

However, he never imagined that practicing the Ziyang Divine Skill naturally allowed him to understand the true meaning of martial arts of ultimate power.

After that enlightenment, these three days, he really spent a lot of energy.


Wang Yang has a sword, but it is as heavy as Mount Tai.

This is how he understood the true meaning of his martial arts in these three days.

Light weight.

In fact, to explain with the solitary kendo, it is the wood sword realm.

Although it is just a thin Huashan with sword, in Wang Yang's hands, it is as heavy as Mount Tai.


Poor Zuo Lengchan, he never thought that the gap between himself and Wang Yang was so big.

"You, how are you possible?"

He would never believe that his strength would be so different, as if he would never believe that he could not bear a sword, and was severely injured by a Huashan disciple, and he vomited blood.

"How is it possible? Dear left lord, you don't think that in this world, only you can become a master!"

As a part of this world, we always believe that when we become masters, others will become masters, and the world will never revolve around me.

Only in this way can we maintain a cautious heart and keep moving forward.

Instead of wantonly persecuting allies for their own ambitions like the left lord.

Of course, starting from today, the left confederate is likely to become a thing of the past.

Perhaps, when the left main leader disappeared, the once-prosperous Songshan School would also fail."

"You, you are going to kill me!!!"

The color of terror in Zuo Lengchan's eyes gradually increased, staring closely at Wang Yang and asked hard.

"The words of the left leader, but it makes some sense, you can go to the boundary of Huashan to find my trouble, is it still not allowed me to kill?"

Wang Yang's voice was very soft.

Murder, for this upside down river and lake, perhaps, it is really normal.

Only when he really wants to be killed can he truly experience the pain and struggle.

Zuo Lengchan's life, for his ambition, regards human life as a guide. When he knew he was going to be killed, he realized that he was so afraid.

He didn’t know what he was afraid of. In the same way, when he felt the true qi in his body and the flesh and blood qi was continuously being drawn by Wang Yang, he was shocked to find out that all his guesses were true.

It's just that it's all too late.

The battle at the foot of the mountain has ended, but the battle on the top of the mountain has entered another stage.

The ten elders of the Demon Church, because of the undefeated disappearance of the East, and a book that Lin Ping deliberately dropped, let Ren Xing not be so violent, but changed the fate of many people.

At least, this time the siege of Huashan School, the ten elders, one is not missing.

Let me fight Linghu Chong, let Linghu Chong's strength become stronger and stronger, and the surrounding swordsong will continue.

It was Linghu Chongxiu Dao Xiu Dajin advancement, and gradually will realize the true meaning of his own kendo.

In the same way, the three elders, plus Zuo Xiangxiang Wentian, couldn't get a Huashanyue out of the ordinary, suddenly letting the other seven elders all feel indignant.

"Legendary Mo Mo, I will wait for my brother to help you."

For a time, the ten elders.Three more people jumped out, and Xiang Xiang asked Tian to attack Yue Buqun together.

Under the siege of seven masters, Yue Buqun's pressure is also very large.

However, the Confucian spirit of justice, just right, does not bow down for Wu Dou Mi.

Under pressure, Yue Buqun is deeply aware of its essence.

The Zixia magical power in the body runs more smoothly, and the surrounding purple light is more and more prosperous.

This is Yue Buqun practicing Zixia Divine Skills, has reached a very high level, is on the verge of enlightening the true meaning of martial arts.

"come back……"

Suddenly, let me retreat in a hurry and look ugly, looking at the man who was covered with a layer of sword light.

More importantly, three people appeared again on Huashan Square.

Wang Yang, who returned from the mountain, also had two bright red women.

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