My Super Estate

Question 2589

Chapter 2422 Resurrection Fairy Liquid

"Is it growing so fast?"

Seven Star Demon King never thought that there were so many secret hands in him.

All his words and deeds were stared closely by a dozen eyes.

He wanted to use the power of Dragon Valley and wanted to get rid of the control of the Dragon Ancestor, but it was just a joke.

In the face of the Quartet, the Dragon people are the biggest loss.

In the heart of the dragon ancestor, he wished to beheaded directly.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, he still silently took out a jade.

"I think we need to get together."

"no problem!"

"It should be together!!"


For a time, various replies sounded simultaneously.

If this were a mortal, it would have been arguing already, and it was impossible to hear what was being said.

However, He Xuren, the Dragon's ancestor, naturally has no problems.

Put away the jade, and in an instant, it disappeared.

This is a very divine place in the universe.

According to legend, this place is a land of immortality.

The whole world is surrounded by a layer of gray breath.

There is a great similarity with the land of chaos, except that the power of homecoming is greatly improved, and there is an inexplicable force of swallowing in the faint.

Naturally, all coming creatures can feel that their vitality is constantly being plundered.

"I said, you have chosen a good place!"

Just now, I feel that the vitality in my body is constantly passing, even the dragon ancestor, his face has changed greatly.

"Huh, do you think that this seat wants to choose such a place?"

The place was chosen by the Demon Patriarch.

When the Dragon Ancestor arrived, he was so open, how could he feel well in his heart?

"Well, if it wasn't your good suggestion, how could the elders be killed by the supreme existence?"

The seed of hatred has been planted, how can it be so easily laid down?

"Huh, is it possible, you have other means?

Or, now that he has left the Dragon Valley, you just shoot it and kill him?"

"Do you want to die?"

The ancestor of the Dragon man became angry and angry, and there was a road rising behind him.

It is directly in the void, breaking open the endless space, the chaos manifests, and one side of the world naturally rises.

"Okay, the enemy is coming, are you waiting for this kind of infighting?"

Ancestor Golden Lion was furious and scolded.

Humans and demons have never stood apart since ancient times.

The ancestor of the demon is the strongest of the devil, and the ancestor of the dragon is the strongest heritage of the human race.

Now, the two of them want to fight, but in the eyes of others, it has turned into an internal fight.

If these words are spoken, God knows how many people will collapse their beliefs and will be lost in confusion.

But the landlord, the human race, the devil, and the devil, all of them are silent. For these remarks, all are sad.

It is simply that there is no distinction between right and evil, that the human and the demon are mixed, that the turbidity is difficult to distinguish, and the black and white are unknown.

"Indeed, the strength of the Seven Star Demon King is not weak.

Today, he has been forcibly killed by his Quartet.

This will increase the speed. If you give him some more time, I'm afraid that I will be called by him when I wait for the temple."

The ancestor of the golden lion was impatient. Similarly, the ancestor of the light god clan also stopped.

Wang Yang returned to Dragon City.

In Dragon City, all of Wang Yang's momentum disappeared.

However, he did not leave.

Because none of the invincible sharpshooters, Luo Jian, Dragon Lord, etc. came out.

Of course, the most important thing is that he was not paid.

"Senior, I have done my best to revive the fairy liquid, can you give it to me?"

The Dragon City, or the entire world of gods and demons, are all real dragon sites. Wang Yang is not afraid to speak for himself, he didn't hear it.

"Huh, this seat's request is to help me resurrect."

"But, I have reached the limit."

"Related to this seat?"

Wang Yang's eyes narrowed.

Is this to turn over and not recognize people?

Of course, if you really want to turn your face, you can't do well.

But, what should I do in this way?


My way, only the fifth step.

However, my potential should be known to seniors.

Just give me some time to improve Daoxing, it is definitely not a big problem."

For today's plan, we can only make promises for the future.

Otherwise, resurrection fairy liquid, it is impossible to get hands.

The cause and effect of Fox Immortal, planting resurrection species, this must be done.

"My master is Ziyang emperor.

I am more adept at planting, and some Taoist fruits can be completed quickly if conditions permit.

Want to come, seniors wait so long, they will not know for a while!"

It is impossible for a real dragon to know his own details.

Otherwise, he had just appeared, he could not give himself such a face.

Even on Longxing Avenue, in the face of the interception of the dragon elders, he could not be so happy, he just shot.

All of this points to a conclusion: one's own details, the real dragon has seen.

The reason for the change is that he wants to remind himself that Mo has to forget, and he agrees to his request.


Wang Yang revealed some of his advantages, and in front of him, a small white jade bottle appeared.

"Give you."

The real dragon is very happy, and now there is no delay in the ground.

"Thank you seniors for giving!"

Wang Yang knew that there was nothing wrong with his guess.

The purpose of Zhenlong's change is not to regret it, but he is reminding himself in this way. Mo has to forget it. He promised him to help him resurrect.

Looking at the tiny white jade bottle in front of him, Wang Yang took a breath.

This time, although I have gained a lot from entering the world of gods and demons, it seems that my purpose has finally been completed.

Now it seems that everyone is really happy.

Reached over the white jade bottle.

However, just now, it seems that it doesn't matter at all. When the white jade bottle floating gently in the middle of the sky is really held in his hand, he really feels that it is as important as one direction.

Is this important?

Wang Yang was shocked.

Almost not injured.

"Brother, what is this?"

Luo Jian unexpectedly appeared at this time, but it was unexpected.

"Are you out?"


This time, the harvest was very big.

At least, on the first step, I am confident enough that I can break through quickly!"

Longxing Avenue, the coercive pressure naturally radiated, will not be crushed into a pile of meat without its own resistance.

Even Luo Jian wanted to build on the first step and then step on the second step.

Without its own avenue to resist, the enormous coercion of Longxing Avenue is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

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