My Super Estate

Question 2599

Chapter 2342

The battle situation is very tragic.

Whether it is a human race or a demon race, the casualties between the two sides are very huge.

However, such a result, as the commander of the red succubus, ten-armed Shura, are very dissatisfied.

Even the ghosts are iron-blue.

"Are you satisfied with such a situation?"

Ten-armed Shura is the most violent.

As an asura, he is a natural killer and has no patience.

This is their nature, but also their shortcomings.However, Shura's strength is strong, and even the biggest flaw is covered up by the strength.

"What do you want??"

Ghosts are the most calm, and usually don't talk much.

However, at this moment, there was also an unknown fire in his heart.

It was so angry.

Damn it!

"The Blue-eyed Grim Reaper has just seen that our results are very good, but the strategy to break the defense of the Quartet Star Zone has never been achieved.

Do you have any solution?"

Even as a demon, he didn't care about the life and death of his soldiers.

However, the casualties are so huge that the entire army has lost 30%. As a result, the strategic goals have never been achieved.

This result is crazy.

"If you have any solution, just say so.

Our results are not as ideal as you think."

It's the blue-eyed Grim Reaper, at this time, his face is very unsightly, and there is a burst of violent gas at all times, like a volcano.

"How to say??"

In the words of the blue-eyed death, there is obviously something.

The ghost is worthy of being the calmest person and immediately caught it.

They are the four commanders-in-chief and have no complete mission. None of the four of them will have a good life.

If, what is really discovered, what is neglected, and finally, the entire battle situation has undergone a fundamental change, and no one will be better off by then.

The Scarlet Demon King also turned suddenly, staring at the blue-eyed Grim Reaper.

The demon army, divided into four parts, has been attacking the Sifang Star District all the time, for a while.

The results are very ideal. At least, the human races in the Sifangxing District are not as usual as before, and no one has died.

On the contrary, the loss of war has at least reached the level of ten to one.

On my own side, I have already damaged 30% of the soldiers, at least all of them have killed and injured three million devil masters.

Other people, how to do it, but also 300,000 casualties!

My demons, from the four strong tribes, have countless universes in the universe, even if they are ten times more, there will be no problems.

For other races, one star zone in the Sifang Star Zone, how many Lords and Thousands of the Thousand Stars can spend?

Isn't such a result ideal?

"A star zone, a large number of realms, the number is limited.

The first comer occupies the position, and the later comer, no matter how powerful the talent is, it is impossible to break through.

The entire Quartet Star Zone is already saturated.

Like a dead sea, there is no vitality.

Because, the latecomers have no way to enter.

However, nowadays, we start a war with him in the Quartet Star Zone, and the Master of the Thousand Realms is a soldier, and the war is endless.

Some people with insufficient talents and talents will be ruthlessly eliminated in such a life-and-death battle.

Some are more talented, they have been successfully promoted, and then, the vacated position..."

What is the vacated position, the blue-eyed death did not say.

But are the other three commanders in chief really bastards?

Even the violent ten-armed Shura, at this time, the whole body is violently soaring.

What a square star zone, this is using our demons to eliminate the weak and train the stronger for them.

Damn it!

"Initiate the general attack.

We must launch a general attack.

How dare I take my four strong clan as a whetstone!!"

The violent nature can no longer be suppressed.

"Order now, let all the cosmic owners, all shot. This seat does not believe it, he is so incredible in the Quartet?

In the face of my thousand universe masters, can he resist it?"

In a rage, Ten-armed Shura had decided to shoot desperately.

And, he tried his best.

The four great tribes of my own, gathered a thousand masters of the universe, not to see, but to kill the enemy.

"Okay, order now!!!"

If it were before, such a command, the ghost must be opposed.

But today, he agreed.

He would never be willing to look at his four strong clan, and actually become the whetstone of others.

At this moment, Wang Qing's eyes were full of tears.

Sitting above the hall, listening to the report of casualties conveyed by the son of Sirius.

"Three hundred thousand.

Originally, with their strength, if they left, perhaps, they would not die.

However, they chose to stay.

Because they trust us.

But now, all are dead!!"

The master of the world.

Where can there be so many lords of the Thousand Stars?

It's just because, among them, more of them broke through directly from the emperor's level and then sent to the battlefield.

Similarly, such a group is the one with the most casualties because they lack a kind of precipitation.

They have just broken through and their strength is the weakest.

They are also the most difficult to adapt to various battle fronts.

Batch after batch.

Perhaps, there are very few, who are truly talented, sweeping across the eight wildernesses, rising straight, flying into the sky.

But, more, it is here forever.

"Boss, the current problem is not sad for them, but how to solve the big problem at hand."

Yang Lin had to remind.

"The army of demons has never seen much reduction.

However, our talent pool is extremely inadequate.

Besides, Mozu, there is a very powerful force that has never been used.

Once in the battlefield, we will face unprecedented pressure."

One Thousand Universe Lords.

How can such a force resist??

Yang Lin was already in a hurry.

The four-square star zone is very special, because other star zones have only ten universes, but there are twelve star zones.

However, the four main forces of the twelve cosmic kingdoms and Wang Yang have never returned.

Now, Snow Wolf is also entangled by the black robe ancestor.

In other words, the Quartet Star Zone, the real master of the universe, is only seven people.

With seven to one thousand?

The difference here is really too great.

It can be said that this time, for the Sifang Star Zone, that is the disaster of extinction.

"What do you guys think?"

this is a big problem.

There is nothing wrong with such a statement, but what to do in the end is to make an idea.

Otherwise, it is simply useless.

Who can resist a thousand masters of the universe??

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