My Super Estate

Chapter 2602 Heart Demon Seal

Chapter Two Four Hundred and Thirty-Five

"Spiritual Seal!!"

Looking at the Dao Yin that was naturally condensed in the void, he was shocked in his heart.

It is a Taoist seal that naturally exudes endless magic.

The black mist, like the breath of the devil, is constantly swallowed by Dao Yin.

Looking at it for a long time, I always feel a devil's unwillingness to roar.

It seems to tell everyone how terrible such a seal is.

As the most outstanding disciple of the Hundred-War Protoss, the King of Hundred Wars was the most vigorously trained by the ancestors of Hundred Wars.

Patriarch Patriarch's most famous trick, he has a great understanding of the heart demon seal.

"Damn, everyone be careful, this is the mark of the demon.

If it is integrated into the spiritual world, in the future, we will recognize him as the master."


If you become a king in a hundred battles, like an iron hammer, it will directly hit everyone's mind.

Bright eleven screamed: "What shall we do?"

It has long been said that among the human races, there are puppets controlled by the ancestors of the devil.

Also known as Heart Devil.

I never imagined that this damn lord of the Quartet, how could he be so evil?

"Damn, he is the lord of the Quartet. As a human race, he is actually practicing the magical power of the ancestor of the demon. He is to be a human being!

Yes, this is the pay."

The White Lion King shouted again and again.

It's just that nobody shouted at him.

The lord of the Sifang is the human pride, the Sifang star zone, and the legend of the human race. However, among the strong races among our human races, are they not vigorously struggling to kill him?


Are you sure that you are not doing things right now??

"Everyone tried their best to break this spirit world.

Otherwise, none of us can escape."


It is said that the three hundred cosmic overlords, one by one, all acted quickly.

The most common method for the human race to deal with the demon race is, of course, a powerful battle array.

Before, even the perverted Sifang Lord was trapped.

Now, but he opened a heart demons world, and I see him broke.

One by one, it is a lot of confidence.

It's just that their ideas are really naive.

This battle is very powerful.

This is already a fact. At least, in the legend, the lords of the Quartet who are invincible in all directions, and the universe is rampant, have been suppressed by their own battle array.

Otherwise, he possessed a strange supernatural power of time. In the past time, he directly wounded himself and others, fearing that the irrepressible Quartet has become a ghost under his sword.

Although, one by one, they are already seriously injured, and even serious, just like a king of battle, just half of the body has already exploded.

However, one by one, all act quickly.

Although the strength is not as good as it was in its peak period, what's the use in World War I?


In the face of the demon surrounded by ups and downs, one by one, they all made quick moves.

For a time, the heart demons were beaten back.


So-called means, but nothing more!!"

The effect was so good that the already wounded battle became king, and it seemed that he was depressed in his heart, and he was fully released and laughed.

"Hundreds of battles become king, what are you laughing at?"

I don't know when to start. In front of me, a person appeared.

Hey, this man, how can he look so familiar?

Become king in battle, is this called yourself?

No, this person is himself.

The breath is the same, the look is the same, the mouth and the smile are so similar.

But, in contrast, he is already a half-disabled person, and the opposite is intact.

"You, who the hell are you?"

"What do you think, who am I?"

"Impossible, how could you appear?

Impossible, you can't appear."

"Who do you think I am, why don't I show up?"


You don't know what to say.

He thought of his brother.

When he was young, his brother took himself to play, took himself to practice martial arts, and even, at an occasional opportunity, got a chance, and his brother took them together to find.

However, when he was young at that time, the so-called opportunity, for himself, was a mortal crisis.

In order to survive, he will be desperately trying to save his own brother from pushing the cliff.

A twin brother who looks exactly the same as himself, even the same size.

"It's impossible, you can't be alive."

It's too similar.

Between this world and heaven, there can be no two such similarities, if there are, then they must be their own twin brothers.

"How is it impossible?"

"You are dead, you are dead, how could you still be alive?"

"No, I am not dead, I am alive."

If he had not been seriously injured, he would feel that he could not tell who he was.

It is so similar.

For a time, he was terrified.

What battle line, what other ideas, now, all are not taken by him.

In his heart, there was only the "brother" who could not be alive.

However, he did not find that his injury was constantly worsening.

I have left where I should be.

The important person is not only one of his kings in battle, the four chiefs, including the white lion king, one by one. At that time, Wang Yang was already the target of the main attack.

Under the serious injury, his mind lost.

At this time, being deceived by the devil is even more involved, and cannot be extricated.

Their strength is most powerful, and their will is the most determined.

Unfortunately, he was seriously injured.

In contrast, the other strong people of various races were originally dominated by the four strong races and belonged to them. Although they were all human races and shared the luck of the human races, their status was very different.

In other respects, such an identity is certainly not their weakness.

However, here, in such a demon world, it is their fatal flaw.

When the big figures who are unattainable appear on weekdays, they are all in vain, even though they are struggling.

It's just one or two rounds, some of those who are not determined, one by one, all are willing to surrender.

The demon means are clever and there are many patterns, one by one, even if the will is firm, how long can it last??

Looking at the mysterious mirror, everything manifested.

Even the Dragon Master was shocked.

"This, such a method, then, isn't the ancestral ancestor already invincible?"

He never thought that this mind-devil world was so powerful.

This is still a bit of fur on the Demon Avenue. If such a method is used by the Demon Ancestor, how scary should there be?

"How many of our human races are puppets belonging to his ancestor?"

It's terrible.

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