My Super Estate

The 2612th chapter behind the black hand appeared?

Chapter two thousand four hundred and forty-five The black hand appeared behind the scenes?

Wang Yang was ready, but he was still hit by that violent force.

Feeling the kind of hot pain on the chest, Wang Yang's teeth grinned, and the pain was uncomfortable.In fact, only he knew this because the blast exploded just a moment ago, but the deity evacuated earlier, although after receiving some aftermath, it was still acceptable.

However, his own spiritual power projected a big Buddha, entangled with the nine evil spirits, and wanted to evacuate in time, but it was impossible.

With just one blow, it is directly destroyed.

The power of the soul is the power of the source that governs everything.The destruction of the power of the soul represents the damage to the origin, and how can Wang Yang be so good.


Even so, Wang Yang must admit one sentence.

The Jisha Demon King who did not do good things in his life, really did a good thing this time.

He didn't explode before Guanyue sacrificed, otherwise, with Guanyue's strength, in the face of such self-exploitation, there was simply no resistance.

Destroyed by self-exploitation, this is already an inevitable result.

"However, in this way, Guan Yue was completed.

This girl, this time, really blessed by misfortune!"

Guanyue sacrificed the Nine Shakespeare Lord, and also sacrificed everything in the entire universe.

At this time, it will inevitably receive the attention of the human race.

The Jiusha Demon King explodes, but the source, luck, etc. will not suffer much trauma, even if there are some losses, even if there is no one, the high enough quality can still overwhelm everything.


Wang Yang was still self-defeating for the Nine Demon Demon King, giving Guanyue benefits and felt happy, but he didn't think of it at all. I didn't know where it came from, and there was a loud rage.

Even if he just listened, Wang Yang had a feeling of being in Leihai.

He was already a heavy hit, and he felt a burst of tears in the flesh.

Of course, what shocked him even more was the powerful strength of Lai Ren.

Just a big shout, is it making yourself so uncomfortable?

So, if he really shot, what kind of strength will he have?

Wang Yang traveled through the universe, and he was well-informed.

However, he has never encountered such a powerful existence in Conglai (of course, the nine ghost demons are an exception. The ancestor of the heart demon just shot, but was blocked by the Grand Sage).

A big hand, who didn't know where to find it, was just heading towards Wang Yang and grabbing it.

"who are you?

How dare you dare to shoot me, don't you know who I am?"

At a very young age, Wang Yang hated people with backgrounds and backgrounds.

That is called dimensionality reduction.

The name "My dad is Li Gang" directly suppressed everyone.

What a conspiracy, what a conspiracy, in that high dimension, all is bullshit.

Whether you believe it or not, he is like this in this world.

However, now Wang Yang has made the most perfect transformation of this kind of thinking.

I have a backstage, why should I not use it?

You are old and shameful, you are a lot of age, and you are hundreds of thousands of years. You are a young man who is only a few hundred years old.

What do you disagree with?

You attack with dimensionality reduction by age, I counterattack with dimensionality reduction by the background, fair and just, what do you disagree with?

"Well, Jiu Sha Mo Jun is my heir. You dare to let him explode.

Who do you think you are, dare to take action against my people??"

The sound of thunder continued, and every word seemed to be a sledgehammer, directly hitting Wang Yang's weak flesh.

What absolute defense?

Under such a dimensionality reduction attack, it is simply a fart.

Of course, Wang Yang wouldn't be caught.

What makes the god fire, what make the field, what makes the god body, what makes the god light, what makes the god claw.

All kinds of great magical powers are all used.

In front of this level, except for the self-created avenue of creation, all other means are fart, and they have no effect at all.

It's just that, even if it is so, in the face of the big hand who doesn't know where to find it, it still seems to be a paper paste, and it will break after a poke.


It is simply impossible to let yourself be caught.

The final hole card, Ziwei Excalibur, was drawn, and it was cut with a sword.


Worthy of being the name of the fairy sword.

Although, it is just a fake fairy sword, and the terrible power contained in it is still dare not be underestimated.

A sword was cut out, and sure enough, the terrible palm with the overwhelming divine power was directly cut in half.

Even, in the faint, there were blood drops left.

"Good sword!"

Although it was cut in half by a sword, and even blood drops were left, but the master of this big hand is constantly praised by the mouth.

It's just that such a claim of praise gives Wang Yang a feeling of frost.

I saw that an old demon who didn't know where to come out suddenly appeared.

This is an old demon who has not left any name in the universe.

The demon body looks very young, in fact, there is a rotten atmosphere all the time.

This is the most mournful stage that has been entered.

However, martial arts cultivation lies in the transformation of life, even though it is mournful, it is not the least strength.

Such a mournful old devil is the most terrible.

"What sword is this?"

In the world of mortals, mortals need to create gods for various reasons.

Even if it is just a weapon, it will be deified by people in need.

However, in the world of martial arts cultivation, their own pursuit is to become gods and immortals, a weapon?

No matter how powerful it is, it must be served by others. No matter how powerful it is, it cannot be deified by martial arts strongmen.

Break the self and see the true God.

If one weapon cannot be broken, how can one break one's own imprisonment?

However, the Nine Sha Devil Ancestor was still taken aback by the sword in front of him.

With his own way, can he cut his palm with a sword?

What kind of Excalibur is this?

"who are you?"

Such an old demon, Wang Yang was shocked.

The most important thing is that this old demon has a very familiar spirit.

This is the evil spirit that is in the same vein as the Jiusha universe sovereign, and even the nine evil demons.

"Damn, this is just playing the small one, jumping out of the old one?"

Wang Yang was simply scolding his mother in her heart.

Since his debut, he has never encountered such a situation.

Of course, the most important thing is that behind this thing, there must be a huge black hand that has been pushing.

"Do you know who I am?"

Now in such a situation, it is obvious that his own strength is absolutely inferior to people.

There is no way, then, it is a necessary means to be arrogant.

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