My Super Estate

The 2614th chapter go, go! !

Chapter two hundred and forty-seventh chapter go, go!!


Confirming that the Nine Sha Devil Ancestor had left, Wang Yang finally took a long breath.

"Damn the Devil Ancestor!"

Faced with such a situation, even Wang Yang, at this time, was a long sigh of relief in his heart.

This time, it was just close, and everything was finished.

Master, Emperor Ziyang, has gone deep into the chaos, blocking the nine ghost demons, it is impossible to return.

What if the master returns afterwards and avenges himself?

I'm already dead.

If you are dead, you can’t be resurrected. What if the master avenged himself?

I still can't be resurrected.


It is also a ubiquitous supremacy.

But what can I do?

He only promised to shoot himself once.

Yu Pei, there is only one chance to summon.

Besides, Vulcan, who has nothing to do with himself, is willing to shoot for himself once. It is already a great grace. What else can he do?

True Dragon, it is only because of self-reliance that he will help himself out.

But now, do you still owe him cause and effect?

Do you think you can still let him go?

Stop dreaming, this is simply impossible.

That is to say, looking at it, my backstage is extremely tough. In fact, behind me, I have long been empty.

In other words, it is simply a silver-like pewter tip.

Jiusha Mozu really wants to shoot, he absolutely has no way.

In fact, at this time, the Demon Ancestor was also very dark.

Calculate three steps by yourself, and step by step, my heart.

As a result, in the end, it would fail.

"Damn old guy!!"

In contrast, the Nine Sha Devil Ancestor is really too old, even if it is an old thing like the Devil Ancestor, it is relatively young.

"Fuck things!!"

It's not just that the Demon Patriarch is scolding people in anger, even if it's ice cubes like Death, it feels a little angry.

Everything is calculated.

As a result, Wang Yang only took out a jade pendant, and then successfully broke the barrier.

It's just fucking.

"You said, is that jade pendant useful?"

Such a jade piece, if there is a trace of will, then it is a big killer.

However, if there is no will, then this is a great opportunity.

A supreme fairy, a fairy symbol left, as long as you understand a little, perhaps, you can greatly improve your strength.

The way of immortals, the fusion of the universe, the way of immortals is the natural law of heaven and earth.

As long as you understand a little, maybe you can go to the sky in one step.

"Maybe, can we try?"

Hell Shura's ancestor just sneered.

What time is it, these guys will still have such a mood, even thinking about such things here.

This is a funny joke.

There is such a treasure, that is a talisman.

Not sure if there is a will, who dares to chaos?

Just, don't you dare to mess up?

I'm sure no one noticed me. The ancestors of Hell Shura's ancestor moved directly into their own universe.

"Go, behead the Quartet!"

In the past, no matter what kind of contradiction, as a gangster, he would not use his own talents.

This is not only to protect one's own team, but also to protect oneself.

The background of the Quartet's sovereign is too big. If you fail, you will not only die, but you will die.

Of course, the world is full of profits, and the world is full of profits.

The most important thing is that after shooting, you can't get any huge benefits.

The route of the Sifang Star District is even more unlikely to be used by them.

Today, they can't take care of that.

An immortal charm is enough to make yourself feel good.

As long as it is obtained, then it is possible for oneself to reach the sky in one step.

Of course, the most important thing is to determine whether the jade symbol on Wang Yang still has a trace of will.

It is simply impossible to get off the ground yourself.

Watching Jiusha ancestors leave.

Wang Yang didn't move at all, and calmly took back the Yu Fu.

Finally, Guan Yue returned from the place of the original law.

"Owner, I have succeeded."

Guan Yue is very happy.

As long as you return to the Sifang Star Zone, you can become the 13th Universe of the Sifang Star Zone.

Even, one step to the sky can achieve the hegemony of the universe.

I was happy, suddenly, Wang Yang's voice sounded in the soul world.

"Don't talk nonsense, leave now!"

Guan Yue was shocked.

This is something!

"Go, go now!"

With that in mind, Wang Yang maintained that calm appearance, even smiling, and patted lightly on the top of Guan Yue's head, appearing extremely intimate, and even said with concern: "Good, very good."

"Zhuangzhu, now let's go back, I want to become the overlord of the universe."

Guan Yue really deserves to be the leader of the elite teacher, and calmness in case of trouble is the most basic requirement.

Taishan collapsed without changing color, as if it had become his instinct.

"Good, now we will go back."

With that said, Wang Yang calmly and quickly left Guan Guanyue.

Sure enough, Wang Yang seemed to be an unknown prophet. He left Guan Yue quickly with his forefoot, and in a blink of an eye, he could see that in the void, there were waves of waves, and three or four demons who didn't know the origin came out. In the former site of the Nine Shakespearean Lord.

"Humph, he's running fast."

One by one, it seems that no one knows anyone, but just turns around and leaves, and has no intention of communicating at all.

It's just that they are all one by one, and the breath on them is really too powerful. Even if there is no other action, they still let this void freeze for a while.

Quickly passing the rainbow above the cosmic sky, like Wang Yang, a meteor, suddenly, he felt the movement of the starry sky behind him.

It was just a hint of backhand that he left behind, which was not easy to be discovered, but he could feel the movement in the starry sky.

"Sure enough, they still came.

In this way, it is unlikely that the other Starfield Lords want to use this method to ascend again."

As long as he is on his own ground, Wang Yang is not afraid of anyone.

However, in the starry sky, on the Devil's site, it is necessary to pay attention to some.

In action, Wang Yang is faster.

Guan Yue really wasn't ashamed that the female country refused to let Xu Mei, and obviously felt the changes in the situation. She was still calm and did not see any other actions, but was carried by Wang Yang quietly.

However, in her heart, she once again burst out with a strong potential. In the faint, the breath of her body has faintly suppressed some trends.


Now if it breaks through, then it is too far away from the Quartet Star Zone to be merged at all.

Therefore, we must return to the Sifang Star Zone.

Hearing the words, Guan Yue was shocked, and quickly calmed down his mind, just staying quiet.

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