My Super Estate

The 2622nd chapter requirements for planting the big Luo God tree

Chapter 2454 Requirements for Planting the Great Luo God Tree

From the hands of Fox Immortals, took the seeds of Daluo Shenshu.

Naturally, Wang Yang used his own secret technique to dive his mind directly into that kind of child.

I saw that within the seed, Wang Yang's mind was more subtle than the most precise microscope. In a very short time, it was already understood that the seed of such a big Luoshen tree, What kind of conditions do you want to plant?

Sure enough, there is no ordinary existence in the body that has consumed all the vitality and renewed the vitality again.

Consuming the source of life of a cosmic overlord is the requirement of planting the Great Luo God Tree.

King Shura is the strong man of the ninth step, as long as he plundered the source of his life, and as long as the big Luo god tree is successfully planted, then it can be guaranteed that a cosmic overlord with no more than the ninth step will be in the old On the body, live the second life again.

This is the opportunity.

I would like to ask, where can there be such an opportunity between this world?

In the future, the development of the Sifangxing District will surely become more and more powerful, and all kinds of talents will surely accumulate even greater.

However, no matter what kind of resource accumulation, it is always the kind of the fewest who really climbs to the top level.

Similarly, this is also the Quartet Star Zone, the most important cornerstone of the future.

Even such talents will be born in the future in one generation, or two or three generations.

At that time, such a Da Luo Shen Guo, which can make people live the second generation, is the basis for ensuring that the Sifang Star District will not be bullied.

Of course, this kind of situation is based on a large number of top-notch existences such as Wang Yang, which will only be needed after the real downfall, or after the failure of Cheng Xian.

Otherwise, the strength of Wang Yang and others, as well as Wang Yang's backstage, such a situation, if you want to appear, I am afraid, it will not be too easy.

However, being prepared is not.


King Shura is most desperate.

His spiritual world was naturally collapsed by him.

In other words, simply, he was burned by him, and everything, just asked to attack Wang Yang.

The current Shura King simply has one goal.

Or, it is a obsession.

Regardless of everything, he attacked Wang Yang.

Attack attack attack.

What defense has long been out of his thinking.

Wang Yang uses the field of chemistry and chemical engineering to order space.Immediately, there is the spirit of space.

With the help of the spirit of space, Wang Yang was really in a haunt, but he came to King Shura just two or three times.

"Ziyang Shenquan!"

Sure enough, he punched out like a sun rising in the same round.

The boundless solar power, with its powerful purification power, completely restrains the magic within King Shura.


It was originally a seriously injured body. With such a punch, he simply could not defend, and where can he resist it?

But two or three times, it is directly abolished.


King Shura is like a fool, although he has a strong will, but the world of the soul is broken, it seems that he is a person without a spirit.

His existence, for now, is an idiot.

However, he felt Wang Yang's breath, even if he was seriously injured, he was also struggling to attack Wang Yang.

However, no matter how hard he struggles, it is impossible to get up again.

"You shouldn't break into my Quartet Star Zone."

King Asura struggled to stand up, but the meeting was only struggling, it was impossible to get up.

Wang Yang came to King Shura and stood down, looking down on King Shura.

Unfortunately, he is already a fool.

"He doesn't even need to, hurt me in the Quartet."

The five demons, one by one, are all people on the ninth level.

Why did Wang Yang choose him?

"I chose you because only you dare to break into my Sifangxing District, and only you dare to hurt me.

Who will kill you without killing you?"

Say, shoot with a palm.


Putting a palm directly on King Shura's forehead immediately cut off his vitality.


The Firescale Divine Monarch couldn't even believe that what he saw in front of him was actually true.

"He, he is a real fifth step??"

The fifth step, such a powerful strength?

Could it be that you are waiting for someone, and what you cultivate is a fake one?

The same is the fifth step. Of course they know that the fifth step cannot be so powerful.

That King Shura, but the big man on the ninth stage, even if he was seriously injured, it is definitely not the small shrimp on the fifth stage can deal with.

Waiting for yourself, before, is the best explanation.

Two of them joined forces, as well as Zijin Shenzhu, a magical deity that specifically restrained the demon.

As a result, just shot, directly fled in awkwardness.

It is rather embarrassing to say that it is a lifeline.

However, this is the case, and it takes a great price to successfully escape.

Now, what's going on?

How can this happen?

"Don't you plan to come out?"

Two, there is no way to figure out what is going on.

Over there, the eyes of the Sifang Kingdom Lord have turned to their own direction.


How to do?

Regardless of whether it's the Firescale Divine Monarch or the Zijin Trial Bamboo, both of them are secretly bad.

It's just that it's too late to escape.

"Sovereigns of the Quartet, of course, have amazing strength, and rumors are not as good as meeting."

Now that it has been discovered, then come out honestly!

Otherwise, in case of being misunderstood, I am afraid that you will be killed.

"Under the Huoyu tribe, the Firescale Divine Sovereign."

"Zijin Shenzhu!!"

The same is the fifth level of Daoxing, but the two of them, faced with the existence of the Quartet Lord, dare not be a little proud.

Otherwise, it was really killed, and no one would say anything for them.

Killing the strong in the same camp will damage the luck of the human race.

This is a ban.

But, what if I'm going to be killed?

Some powerful beings, even if faced with the punishment of Heaven and God, what can they do?

"Why are you here?"

Before, when the Quartet Star Zone faced the most difficult time, it was just watching from the side, and never thought about going to shoot.

Now, as soon as I feel that there is a bargain, some people seem to have eaten flies and come crowded quickly.

Now, King Shura has been killed. Of course, he will not have any good feelings for these people who only fall into the rocks.

"I got a legend.

In the nearby starry sky, there is a huge treasure.

Once you get it, maybe, if you go further, it is not impossible."


Wang Yang did not expect that these guys would even come up with such an answer.

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