My Super Estate

Question 2624

Chapter 2456th Land of Immortal Burial

Finally, the magic shadow also appeared.

Before, the five demon powerhouses, Qi Qiwei pressed the Quartet Star Zone, and now, there are four powerhouses gathered.

However, there is one missing Shura King.

Yes, King Shura.

How could there be no King Shura?

The four great demon powerhouses that have just come together, one by one, are all in horror.

In peacetime, they are proud. They are all among the ranks of the universe. The most pinnacle of existence, their strength has really touched the ceiling. Except for some of the top people, their strength is already at its strongest.

Proud of them, they disdain to be side by side with others.

Even if the other party is also in the top ranks.

The master is lonely.

Experts are even more lonely.

However, nowadays, the strong external pressure makes them have to tie together.

But, where is King Shura?

Sickle Death suddenly looked up, staring at Wang Yang, a pair of all deaths turned white, even showing a little coolness.

"Where is King Shura?"

Wen Yan, Ma Mian, Mo Ying, Sha Gui, one by one, all looked at Wang Yang.

"Yes, why didn't King Shura appear?"

Wang Yang shouted, "This is a bit ridiculous.

Where is King Shura, and you even ask me?

Damn, I used to ask him to settle accounts before. Is my Sifangxing District so bully?He dared to go straight, and also injured the people in our Quartet Star District. He just ate the bear heart."

Wang Yang sneered: King Shura was beaten to death by me, what can you do?

Of course, this kind of news is still not mentioned, otherwise, what will happen if they are at odds with the enemy?

One to one, maybe not afraid, but, in case, one to four, the pressure is a little bit bigger.

Everything is still more careful, there will be no harm.


Wang Yang didn't even admit that Sickle's death pointed at Wang Yang angrily, and he would desperately attack him.

In fact, the horse face is more direct, there is no fart, and in the air, it is a punch towards Wang Yang.


Wang Yang was furious and also punched with one punch.


The void is simply unbearable. The two are also in the top ranks of the universe. The vast power directly hits the starry sky.

However, the starry sky is not broken.

Just a few ripples.

Some spatial fluctuations.

Wang Yang and Ma Mian, the two seemed to have negotiated well. They didn't say anything, just stopped.

"What do you think?"

Before, there was still a crossbow, and in a blink of an eye it was wind and beauty.

The situation changed rapidly, making the Firescale Lord feel that he could not keep up with this pace.

"Here, it really means a little treasure."

Although he was unwilling to ignore this damn human race, Sickle had to speak.

Burial fairy land.

Explain that this place is very likely to be related to immortals.

A place related to immortals means a huge treasure.

Similarly, here, it is also possible, is a huge trap.

How to get in?

Inside, will there be a horrible backer?

Nobody knows.

What's more, here, a big fight, will it cause some means here?

All possibilities exist.

I'm not sure, is it really safe?

"Huh, since it's a treasure, let's talk about fart, let's go in."

Wang Yang sneered. He didn't say hello at all. The road was opened, and he entered the area directly. The power of secret luck suddenly appeared. A force of space suddenly appeared.

In a blink of an eye, Wang Yang has disappeared.


Wang Yang had already left, and the Firescale Divine Monarch scolded secretly.

The Quartet's sovereign is really not a human being, and he has to leave without knowing.

In case, those hateful demons suddenly shot and want to deal with us, what should we do?

Both were scolded in their hearts, but they could not escape quickly.

"Quick, treasure, never let them take it away!"

The lord of the Quartet, his strength is already a bit weird. If he is allowed to benefit again, his strength will soar. What will we do then?

The four major demons, one by one, were all in shock and quickly shot.


Imagine that I am the first person, and it turns out that it is not.

In the same way, Wang Yang can clearly feel that here, the human race has very weak control.

There is only one such result, which is similar to that of the Taiwanese world. Here, the human race will no longer be so united, and even large-scale fighting may be possible.

This is a flesh and blood farm.

"Hey, brother, did you just come in?"

This is the white feather family, with very beautiful wings behind it.

Moreover, it is still a very clear girl.

It's just that her way is high, at least the seventh step.

This kind of Daoxing will not be worse than the Seven Star Demon King.

"Yeah, I just arrived."

Here, it is a very perfect world. Looking at it from a distance, you can find that there are mountains and sea here, as well as virgin forests.

Unfortunately, all of this is a painting.

"Hey, what's going on?"

There is nothing but a painting.

However, there are many things in that painting.

For example, a pterosaur that appeared suddenly, or a great toothed tiger, a unicorn python.

However, there seems to be nothing.

There is nothing but painting here, but there are many people here.

Looking at it, I am afraid, at least, there are at least three hundred.

"When did you guys come here?"

The people here are not shallow.

Especially some of these individual existences exude terror and coercion at all times.

Such strength has only been felt in a few people.

This is the top rank in the universe.

"I came to this world at least three eras!!"


At least, all three eras?

Can three epochs survive in this place?

In an era, I don’t know how many heroes there are, so I have to slash myself, otherwise, Shouyuan’s has already made people absolute.

Three epochs, what a long day?

Do you want to be trapped here?

"Why don't you go out?"

This land is very large. Except for this winged clan, Wang Yang didn't see any other people at all, but only had a lot of existence in his perception.

Three eras.

So long, can they not die?

Been stuck here?

What's more, their strength, three eras, and only so many guys?

"can not go out!"

The wings are very helpless, they simply can't get out.

I tried everything I could.


can not go out?

What a joke?

What can I do if I can't get out?

What should I do in my own Sifang Star District?

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